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 copyright Tools for Hope, Inc. 2021

"Tools for Hope, Inc." is a 501(c) 3 non-profit Tennessee corporation.

1540 Robinson Road, Knoxville TN 37923

Lessons Learned from Working with Rwandan Small-holder farmers

  • Thursday, June 17, 2021 2:45 PM
    Message # 10656829

    The Twisungane group is being challenged to learn the basics of business plan development.  Tools for Hope encourages development of sustainable, self-sufficient, income producing projects by the farmers.  The farmers need such projects because their small farms cannot be enlarged and as such cannot produce adequate incomes for a suitable lifestyle.

    The issue of business planning is an important one.  Early on when TFH began working the Twisungane group most people had little or no hope of a future.  This worsened their poverty because it encouraged them to spend any extra money at once on ‘goodies.’  A common saying among them was “tomorrow is for tomorrow’s people” meaning that they primarily focused on living for today.  This has changed and continues to change.  They are learning to plan for a better future for themselves and their children.  Given the low level of literacy among the group, it is a difficult challenge for them culturally, economically, socially, and technically.

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