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 Tools For Hope

Tools For Hope is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit Tennessee corporation founded by Joram Kimenyi and Richard Trevillian, aimed at facilitating growth and development for subsistence farmers in East and Central Africa. Tools may be manual farming tools such as farming hoes, hammers, screwdrivers etc. Tools could also be services like education and exposure to Micro-Finance opportunities.


Tools for Hope, Inc. 

  •  TFH Management

A Board of Directors governs our corporation. The Board members are Father Laird Bryson, Clare Roop, Bill Edwards, David LaRose, Father Doug Floyd, and Richard Trevillian. The Board along with Diane Uwamahirwe, our Rwandan employee, make up the TFH management team.

David LaRose is Corporate Secretary, Father Doug Floyd is Corporate Treasurer, Richard Trevillian is President

Diane Uwamahirwe Tools for Hope, Inc. Rwandan mentor to the Twisungane and Dufatanye Cooperatives 

  • I.                   ACADEMIC BACKGROUND 

2019 Msc of Sciences in environment and international development studies (progress), University of Lay Adventist of Kigali,

2015-2018, Bachelor of sciences with honours in Agribusiness, University of Kibungo

2008-2013 High school Advanced General Certificate Level (A2) in Veterinary Ecole Feminine d’Agronomie

  • II.                . WORKING EXPERIENCE 

From January 2020 - Team Lead/Field Officer at Africa Improved Food


  • v  Trained smallholder farmers on best practices on post harvesting and handling of maize production for different techniques like to minimize losses and increase the quality of their produce
  • v   Team leader of 5 field officers, the truck drivers and cooperative leaders to coordinate and make sure the harvest is collected, tested for quality control and transported to the processing hubs.
  • v  Coordinated the aggregation and delivery activities of maize production to the processing hubs
  • v  Produced regular reports of delivery notes to facilitate the payment to the respective cooperatives.

January 2019-2020 Professional Internship at cultivating new Frontier in Agriculture (CNFA) in Rwanda, USAID Project at Ngoma District

  • Responsibilities:
  • v  Mobilized smallholder farmers in adopting agricultural good practice
  • v  Trained smallholder farmers on post harvesting and handling of maize production for different techniques like maize cobs can tied bundles and placed by hanging under the roof of house with proper sun facilitation or making bunch outside of house it should not be wet with rain, and bought themselves post harvesting materials like plastic silos, bags through saving groups to minimize losses and increase the quality of their produce
  • v  Trained 5 groups of smallholder farmers between 20-30 persons to develop their small businesses like raising chickens .in order to increase their lives financially and to improve the nutritional status of their families.
  • v  Helped Twigire Muhinzi Rukumberi Cooperative in Eastern province (KOTWIMURU) onbusiness plan development for fruits and vegetables crops.
  • v  Trained smallholder farmers Twigire Muhinzi on saving, financial literacy through their small groups of 15-30 persons
  • v  Helped the setting and monitoring of gender awareness and mainstreaming for smallholder farmers groups.
  • v  Supported the small groups through link them with markets for their harvest

From January, 2016 up to December 2018 /Peace building facilitator NEVER AGAIN


  • v  Community Mobilization and being a peace advocate for the youth in order to build a society where people live in Harmony and a facilitator in group discussion in the healing process 
  • v  Team leader in peacebuilding group of 30 persons
  • v  Strategies for integrating Gender, rights, conflict sensitivity and management in organizational governance and operations  

Twisungane Cooperative 

  • Management

The president (Samuel UWAMBAJIMANA,) oversees all the activities of the group and meets with Frank Mutesa from Tools For Hope (TFH), helps in partnering with other organizations whether governmental or non-governmental for the wellbeing of the group. He is charged with calling the group meetings which he chairs.

The Vice president (Venust KAMANAYO) is the advisor to the president and performs the role of president when Samuel is not present. The Twisungane group management meeting is twice each agricultural season and more when it is necessary.

The secretary (Claudine NYIRANDIMUBANZI) oversees recording all the important issues in the group’s record book and oversees informing the group members of all necessary information that comes from the group meetings and sees to it that all the effective agendas and schedules are known to the group members.

The accountant/cashier (Celestin GASENDWA) oversees the cash flow and looks for customers for the group’s harvests. She is also in charge of counting the profits and clarifying how the group members will share equally. Celestin is also in charge of collecting member contributions when they have decided a certain activity needs money.

Dufatanye Cooperative (Lets Work together)

Their needs and challenges

1.      Raising pigs and goats are needed to enhance their lives because it produces more and quickly and it will be the source of income and inorganic manure.

2.      They need to access clean water near their home. Water is key for healthy but they still walk long distances to fetch water. Sometimes they drunk Marshlands water and when their children drink contaminated water, they risk severe illness.

3.      They don’t have a common land (a collective land) that they can practice together a modern farming. They need to borrow/hire the land for their agricultural activities as a group.

4.      They need agriculture input in every agriculture season and irrigation equipment. Because it is not easy to them to afford it.

Short-Term Goals

  •   Register the new group in cell leaders of where they live to ensure the management and security of group.
  •  Developing the culture of savings to the farmers.

Long-Term Goals

  • Introducing no till farming techniques to the farmers.
  • Enhancing nutritional value of family diets through raising livestock like chickens, goats and pigs and to cultivate vegetables and fruits in kitchen gardens in their home.
  • Training the farmers on basic farm business plan in order to help them to implement some farm business themselves which will increase household income generation.
  • Training the farmers on different techniques on post harvesting handling and storage to reduce losses after harvesting. Like (cob modal techniques) for maize production
  • Helping the farmers to access the market for their livestock and production through linking them with good market and with good prices.

 copyright Tools for Hope, Inc. 2021

"Tools for Hope, Inc." is a 501(c) 3 non-profit Tennessee corporation.

1540 Robinson Road, Knoxville TN 37923

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