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Above:  The Twisungane Group

September 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                                     DUFATANYE GROUP  


Photo of Dufatanye members and their children


The recent children’s fellowship event, a unique and spiritually enriching experience, was a testament to the impact of Tools for Hope’s (TFH's) support on the Dufatanye group.  The event brought together 60 children and their parents in a time of fellowship, focusing on strengthening their connection with God and each other through Bible reading, shared meals, and various activities.

Activities Conducted:

  • Giving Gift of Bibles for the children
    The children's excitement was palpable as they received their Bibles, symbolizing their dedication to regular reading and spiritual growth.  This enthusiasm indicated the fellowship's impact on their spiritual journey.


All were happy

  • Teaching them how to read the bible (Bible Reading Session)

The children engaged in reading selected passages from the Bible.  This session strengthened their faith and encouraged them to discuss and reflect on the teachings together.  It was inspiring to see the children eager to understand the Word of God, with some even reading aloud to their peers.

Diane used the Zacchaeus story in Luke 19:1-10 in the bible study session with the main steps (Observation, interpretation, application), and by using this story, she explained to them about salvation.

Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through.  2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.  3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short, he could not see over the crowd.  4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.

5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately.  I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.

7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”

8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord!  Here and now, I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”

9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.c 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

           They read at an individual level.


Diane created different bible study groups according to their age groups.  They also read in groups.

  • Sharing Drinks and Meals:
    Following the Bible reading, everyone shared a meal and drinks together.  This was an excellent opportunity for parents and children to bond and enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed and welcoming environment.  Sharing a meal reminded them of the fellowship and unity they strive to nurture within their community.

Impact and Feedback:

  • Spiritual Growth
    The children and parents expressed that the fellowship helped them grow closer to God through reading the Bible.  Parents were particularly thankful for TFH for the opportunity to engage their children in spiritual activities, which many found to be a rare and cherished experience.
  • Family Bonding
    Their shared experience of reading the Bible and enjoying a meal together fostered a sense of unity among the families.  Diane asked parents to continue reading the Bible together at home, making it a part of their daily routine.
  • Encouragement to Read
    The distribution of Bibles was well-received, and the children’s enthusiasm for reading was evident.
  • 4. Challenges:
  • Limited Time with children
    While the fellowship was a success, the children will return to school next month, which means Diane and they will meet again in Bible study during the school holiday.
  • Distractions: Children might be more involved in outdoor activities or household responsibilities in rural settings, reducing their reading time.

 Way forward:

  • Parental Involvement
    Looking ahead, we plan to further involve parents in future sessions, potentially through guided discussions or family-focused activities.  These initiatives aim to reinforce the lessons learned and ensure the continued success of the fellowship.


This month’s children’s fellowship was a resounding good, bringing families together in faith and fellowship.  The combination of spiritual nourishment through Bible reading and the communal sharing of meals created a memorable experience that we hope will have a lasting impact on the children and their families.

We look forward to the continued growth of this program and the blessings it brings to their community.



 Photo of Twisungane children’s members

                  Photo of Twisungane children’s members


This month’s Twisungane children’s fellowship was remarkable, providing a balanced mix of spiritual nourishment, family bonding, and fun.  It was a joyful and spiritually enriching experience during the holiday season.  The gifts of Bibles, combined with practical learning and shared experiences, have laid a strong foundation for continued spiritual growth among the children and their families.  There were 26 children and 20 parents.

Key Activities:

  • a.     Receiving the Gift of Bibles:

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, each child who knows how to read well received their own Bible.  The excitement among the children was evident as they unwrapped their gifts, knowing that these Bibles would be theirs to keep and cherish.  The parents expressed deep gratitude, recognizing the importance of this gift in nurturing their children’s spiritual growth.

Introduction to the Bible:

After receiving their Bibles, the children were guided through an introductory session on using and navigating them.  This included understanding the Bible's structure, finding specific books and verses, and learning how to use the Bible as a daily tool for spiritual growth.

 Learning and Practicing Bible Reading:

Interactive Bible Reading Session:

The children participated in a firsthand Bible reading session in different groups according to their age group. During this time, they learned how to read, make observations, interpret, and make an application from the scriptures, with a focus on understanding the stories and applying the lessons to their daily lives.  This activity was designed to be interactive, encouraging the children to ask questions, share their thoughts, and engage in discussion.  Diane used the Zacchaeus story in Luke 19:1-10 to apply those steps.

Practice and Reflection:

After the guided session, children were encouraged to practice reading the Bible independently. They were given passages from the story of Zacchaeus to read and reflect on, which they later shared with the group.  This practice helped improve their reading skills and deepened their understanding of the Bible’s teachings and salvation.

Sharing Food and Drinks with Parents:

Family Bonding:

The shared meal was a significant part of the fellowship, reinforcing the sense of community and togetherness.  Parents appreciated spending quality time with their children in a positive, faith-centered environment.

Recreational Activities:

Games and Play:

The children participated in various games and recreational activities to round out the day. These included indoor and outdoor games to promote teamwork, fun, and physical activity. The children's laughter and joy as they played were a testament to the success of the day’s events.

Impact and Feedback:

Spiritual Growth:

The Bible reading sessions were particularly impactful, as many children showed a keen interest in continuing to read the Bible at home.  Parents are committed to helping their children be more motivated to engage in daily scripture reading.

Positive Reception of the Bibles:

The gift of Bibles was met with overwhelming gratitude.  Parents and children alike appreciate this valuable resource, which they believe will be crucial in their spiritual journey.

Enhanced Family Relationships:

The shared meals and games allowed families to connect on a deeper level.  Several parents commented on how the fellowship permitted them to spend meaningful time with their children away from the usual distractions of daily life.


Need for Continued Practice:

Although the children were enthusiastic about reading the Bible, continued practice at home is essential to reinforce their learning.  We plan to provide parents with additional resources to help guide their children in regular Bible study.

 Next Steps:

Follow-Up Sessions:

We plan to organize follow-up sessions to ensure the children and their families regularly engage with their Bibles.  These sessions will offer further guidance on incorporating Bible reading into their daily routines.

Expanding Fellowship Activities:

Based on the positive feedback, we aim to expand the range of activities in future fellowships, including more in-depth Bible studies, additional games, and even creative workshops that combine faith and arts.

Strengthening Community Bonds:

We will continue focusing on activities that unite families, encouraging stronger relationships and a more vibrant faith community.


We are grateful for the ongoing support from our donors and look forward to building on this success in the coming months.

Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

Donations via AffiniPay


August 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


Photo of some Twisungane group members


The Twisungane group has shown remarkable resilience and progress over the past six months.  Despite facing several challenges, they have achieved significant milestones.  Their focus on improving agricultural practices, increasing production, and enhancing their families' livelihoods is genuinely inspiring.

This month, Samuel bought a cow for $300 from his savings for his family.  A few days later, the cow gave birth.  Additionally, Samuel is planning a wedding in August, as he and his wife have been living together without having had a marriage ceremony.

Samuel and his cow

Goals and Progress

Goal 1: Increase Livestock Farming

  • Objective: Each group member aimed to buy at least two small livestock (rabbits, goats, and chickens) within eight months, and three farmers would buy a cow within a year.
  • Progress:
    • Livestock:  Two members have been able to buy small livestock, Ducks and rabbits, so far, while others will buy them in the following month.
    • Cows: 2 families have purchased cows. (Claude and Samuel families)
    • Challenges: The group faced limited financial resources, and the availability of quality livestock was challenging this season.

Goal 2: Grow Kitchen Gardens

  • Objective: Establish at least two kitchen gardens in every member’s home to combat malnutrition.
  • Progress: They will establish it in October –December in the rainy season
  • Challenges: Weather conditions.

Goal 3: Market-Oriented Vegetable Farming

  • Objective: 3 members will grow vegetables (eggplants, cabbages, tomatoes) as a business.
  • Progress: Two members have embarked on market-oriented vegetable farming, and their initial sales have shown promising returns.  This early success is a testament to the group's potential in the agricultural market.
  • Challenges: Market access and competition from larger farms.

Goal 4: Work with Banks for Loans

  • Objective: Asking for a loan from the bank for the business of buying a boat
  • Progress: We asked a bank for a loan requirement
  • Challenges: The issue was collateral.

Goal 5: Increase Annual Savings

  • Objective: Increase annual savings by 10% compared to the previous year. 
  • Progress: Savings significantly increased in the year's first half.  From 500 RWF per week to 1000 RWF per week
  • Challenges: Unforeseen expenses and lower-than-expected income from farming activities.

  Goal 6: Conserve Resources by Reducing Chemical Use

  • Objective: Reduce chemical use by 25% over six months.
  • Progress: Chemical use has been reduced by 15%, with more natural farming methods being adopted.  Example: One member uses the mulching method on his vegetables.

Social and Spiritual Goals

Goal 7: Grow in Faith

  • Objective: Monthly Bible reading and fellowship gatherings.
  • Progress: Organized two times fellowship monthly gatherings.

Goal 8: Kids Fellowship During Summer Break

  • Objective: Conduct fellowship activities for kids during school breaks.

The group eagerly looks forward to the planned activities for the upcoming month, which will further their progress and success.



Last month, Twisungane Vice-President Venuste experienced a violent attack in his village during the night.  He was met by criminals who beat him until he lost consciousness.  People came to rescue him and took him to the hospital.   Venuste sustained a severe injury to his arm.  Doctors put a bandage on his arms, and they will decide if the arm will be cut off or not.




                                                          DUFATANYE GROUP 

                                 Photo of Dufatanye members  


The Dufatanye group received funds with a grateful heart, and it will be crucial in achieving their goal.  Diane presents this report outlining the anticipated benefits of expanding pig sheds for our farmers.

Project Overview

Expanding the pig sheds will increase the capacity for pig farming, thereby increasing farmers' incomes and livelihoods.  This expansion will enable farmers to raise more pigs and improve their farming operations.  This expansion project will bring significant economic, social, and environmental benefits.

 Fund Distribution Details

  • Total Funds Received: [2000,000 Rwf]
  • Number of Farmers Benefited: [20 farmers]

Diane attached a list of members who received funds as approval.

The photos below illustrate how the group representative distributed funds to each Dufatanye member.

Projected Income / Economic Benefits

Increased Pig Production and other livestock

  • Current Capacity: 50 pigs
  • Expanded Capacity: 75 pigs
  • Average Sale Price per Pig: $100-$300
  • Projected Annual Income:
  • Before Expansion:50 pigs x [$100 for piglet and $250 for mature pig] = [$500-$1500 Income]
  • After Expansion: They expected to get 75 pigs x [$100 for piglet and $300 for mature pig] = [$7500 and $2200 as a new Income]

Repayment Plan

  • They will pay Monthly as they did before.

Timeline for Repayment

  • ·         They aim to repay a loan within a year, which will be faster than last year.  They asked to start repaying two months after receiving the money in September.

Initial Phase: First 6 Months

  • Activities: Focus on constructing pig sheds, ensuring health and productivity.
  • Income Generation: Gradual increase of pig sheds.
  • Repayment Amount: Half of the loan.

Final Phase: Months 6-12

  • Activities: Full-scale production and sales.
  • Income Generation: Maximum income generation with total capacity.
  • Repayment Amount: [2000,000 Rwf] (They will close to paying the loan on 30th September 2025.

Economic Benefits

Increased Pig Production and other livestock farming

  • Objective: Increase the number of pigs each farmer can raise and raise other small livestock like chickens, rabbits, and goats.
  • Expected Outcome: Farmers will be able to raise 50% more pigs, boosting their production capacity, and will be able to raise other livestock.
  • Details: The expanded pig sheds will allow each farmer to increase their pig count from an average of 2 to 6 pigs and have other livestock, at least five chickens, three rabbits, and two goats.

Higher Income

  • Objective: Enhance the income levels of farmers through increased pig sales.
  • Expected Outcome: Farmers' income is projected to rise by 40% with more pigs to sell.
  • Details: The additional space will accommodate more pigs, increasing sales volume and earnings.

Social Benefits

Improved Living Standards

  • Objective: Use increased income to improve the living standards of farming families.
  • Expected Outcome: Better healthcare, education, and nutrition access for farming families.
  • Details: Higher income will enable families to afford better services and improve their quality of life.

Community Development

  • Objective: Foster community development through shared resources and collective growth.
  • Expected Outcome: Strengthened community ties and collaborative efforts in farming.
  • Details: The project encourages farmers to participate in farming, where resources and knowledge are shared among community members.

Environmental Benefits

Sustainable Waste Management

  • Objective: Implement effective waste management practices.
  • Expected Outcome: Reduced environmental pollution and improved soil fertility.
  • Details: Manure from the increased number of pigs will be used as organic fertilizer, enhancing soil health and reducing waste.

Expanding the pig sheds will significantly enhance the capacity and efficiency of pig farming for our farmers.  This project is set to bring substantial economic, social, and environmental benefits, contributing to the overall well-being of our rural community.  Your continued support is crucial in making this vision a reality, and we are immensely grateful for your generosity.

                      May God bless you!

  • Conclusion

The second phase of the pig-raising project has made significant strides, thanks to the generous support of our donors.  The expansion of pig sheds is well underway, and the positive impact on farmers' productivity and income is already evident.  We remain committed to ensuring the success of this project and look forward to sharing more updates as we progress.

Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

Donations via AffiniPay


You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

July 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                                     DUFATANYE GROUP


                                 Photo of Dufatanye members  


The Dufatanye group has not only met but exceeded expectations, displaying their unwavering dedication by repaying their loan on time.  As detailed in my regular reports, the pig farming project they embarked on has brought numerous benefits for the farmers, their families, and the wider community.  This report chronicles the remarkable journey of this project from its inception to its current stage, spanning a year and a half.

The Pig Farming Project, initiated in December 2022, aimed to improve the livelihoods of 20 smallholder farmers by providing money for purchasing piglets, offering pig farming training, and following up on the project through monthly farm visits. The farmers' unwavering commitment to the project is evident in their progress; they have embraced the knowledge and skills to establish successful pig farming operations.

 By June 2024, the project achieved a 50% increase in the average income of farmers, enhanced their nutrition, and promoted sustainable farming practices.

  • Objectives of the project were:
    • Improve farmers' lives by increasing the income
    • Improve food security and nutrition
    • Promote sustainable farming practices
    • Impact Assessment of this project
    •  Economic Impact

    The project's primary objective was to enhance the economic status of farmers.  Through farmers visiting home by home.  It showed me how the pig project impacted their life through selling the piglets.

    •  Social Impact
    • Improved community nutrition due to increased availability of pork
    • Enhanced social cohesion as farmers.  They formed a weekly savings group
    • They have good nutrition status, and they can afford school fees.
    • Environmental Impact
    • Adoption of sustainable farming practices such as composting pig waste 
    •   Challenges and Lessons Learned


    • Initial resistance from some farmers due to lack of familiarity with pig farming
    • Skin Disease among pigs in the early stages
    • Pig faced the issues of infertility
    • Lack of a large shed to raise more pigs

    Lessons Learned

    • Continuous education and support are crucial for overcoming resistance
    • Establishing a veterinary support system is vital for maintaining pig health
    • For those who had an infertility pig they chose to sell it and buy another one
    • They will expand the pig shed
    • Financial Report
    • Budget Overview: $2000
    •  Piglets: $1600
    • Foods and medicine: $300
    • Training from veterinary: $70
    • Transport: $30
    • Future
    • Expanding the pig shed: at least build one shed to expand pig farming.
    • Introducing additional livestock, such as chickens and goats
    • Developing a market linkage program to help farmers sell their produce
    • Conclusion

    The Pig Farming Project has not just improved but significantly transformed the economic and social conditions of the Dufatanye farmer group.  Their success, a testament to their hard work and our collective efforts, is something we can all take pride in.

    • Request

    Your continued support is crucial for the success and expansion of the Pig Farming Project.




                                                      Photo of Twisungane group members


    The Twisungane group is thriving.  Despite the dry season, they are persevering in their agricultural activities, buoyed by their irrigation pump.  Some members have already begun cultivating crops like eggplant, onions, and peppers, starting last month around the marshland.

    The use of irrigation pumps has been a significant change for the Twisungane group, particularly during the dry season.  This technology has shielded their crops from the detrimental effects of drought and low rainfall, ensuring a successful harvest.


    Diane visited Donat, who managed to grow peppers and eggplants for his family's consumption and sell them in the local market.  He started this small business in a small space, about 300 sqm, around the marshland. He invested $60 in buying seeds and paying laborers, and he expects to earn $100 after feeding his family and selling.

    Peppers are an essential vegetable crop grown in Rwanda.  They thrive well in warm conditions and have a long growing season.  Pepper plants require a warmer climate than tomatoes and are more sensitive to frost.

    Pepper plants require higher temperatures, grow more slowly, and are smaller than most tomato plants.

    In general, smaller-fruited peppers are more tolerant of both cool and hot temperatures, so while you may enjoy the challenge of growing big bell peppers, planting some smaller sweet peppers will result in a more satisfying harvest.  They grew peppers for family consumption and sold them in their local market.

    So far, Samuel and Donat have successfully initiated this small business of growing vegetables. Their success is a testament to the potential of such initiatives, and we wholeheartedly encourage others to take the leap and start similar ventures.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

    Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

    Donations via AffiniPay


    You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

    June 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter



    Photo of Twisungane group


    The Twisungane group, united by their shared values, is thriving.  They continue to foster fellowship, delve into the teachings of the Bible, and uplift each other through prayer.

    Their discussions this month with Diane have been diverse, touching on various aspects of life. Notably, they have actively formulated a strategy to attract potential clients for their land sale, underscoring our collective involvement and importance in this endeavor.

    They now plan to use a land sales agent. They have a sales agent nearby in Rwanda who is an expert in selling land in their village. Such agents are responsible for finding potential customers and providing information about the plot for sale through market research and networking. Such agents use credible skills to convince customers to buy the plot. They expect to get $3,000. After helping them, the Twisungane will give him a small amount (a sales commission). We will wait for the result.

    They shared with Diane that in December, they bought a small piece of land for $500 in August last year through their weekly savings. In December 2023, during Christmas, they sold it for $800 and distributed it among group members, with everyone getting, among other things, school fees for their children.

                                         DUFATANYE GROUP

          Dufatanye members  


    The Dufatanye group is doing well.  They are still counting the benefits of raising pigs.  The project improves the lives of smallholder farmers in different ways.

    Diane met with the Dufatanye committee this month in a member’s home.  They discussed different points:

     1. Follow up and reminder regarding the timeline for completing loan payments.

    2. Discussed the relationship among the members.

    3. Inform them of TFH's ability to offer partial funding for their project and discuss potential future paths.

    As they committed to close to paying the loan this June, a few members will pay on June 15th.


    Concerning funding the project, TFH positively impacted the farmers' livelihoods, especially the Dufatanye group, by supporting them in raising pigs.  TFH contributed to the sustainability of their agricultural sector.  We are confident that this project has the potential to create meaningful and lasting change in our community. 

    Diane also visited a farmer who didn’t get any piglets but made a profit by raising the pigs. Smallholder farmers must integrate livestock into their farming.  It’s feasible, productive, and profitable.

    That farmer is a lady called Clementine, and she has four children.  She managed to use pig manure to fertilize her crops.  Sometimes, we count only the benefit of raising pigs by getting piglets and selling them, but not only that, but they also profit from using pig manure.

    She witnessed a remarkable transformation in production in her fields.  Before getting the pig, she struggled to increase her production, but now she can get 120 kg of bananas.  Raising pigs has enabled her to diversify her crop production and increase farm productivity.

    After receiving the pig from TFH, she began utilizing pig manure as fertilizer for her crops.  As a result, she has experienced a significant improvement in bananas.

    In the photo above, Diane is with a remarkable young man from the Dufatanye group.  Richard met him during his visit last December.  He recently graduated from High School and plans to attend college.  His English language skills are excellent.  TFH would like to raise funds to help him help his community.


    We appreciate your support.

    You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

    You can also search for Tools for Hope Inc. and click on Videos.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

    Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

    Donations via AffiniPay


    May 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


    The Dufatanye group's success is a personal triumph and a beacon of hope for the entire community.  Their hearts are brimming with gratitude as they express their profound appreciation for the transformative effects of pig farming on their family and the community.  The financial stability, sense of security, and hopeful outlook for the future that pig farming has brought them is a testament to the power of sustainable agriculture.  This success story is not just theirs but a shared victory that inspires others to follow suit.

    This month, Diane visited two farmers who, despite not receiving a piglet, made a profit by raising their pig.  This success story is not just a one-off but a testament to the enormous potential of integrating livestock into smallholder farming.  It’s not just feasible; it's productive and profitable, paving the way for a sustainable future in agriculture. Among those Diane visited were Paul, a 70-year-old man, and Cecilia, an 80-year-old woman, living proof of this potential.

    Seeing how they profited from their farming using pig manure was a pleasure.
    Paul shared with Diane a remarkable transformation in his fields.  The organic matter and nutrients in pig manure have revitalized his soil, leading to healthier plants and increased crop yields. His bananas and fruits now flourish, resulting in a more bountiful harvest.  Raising pigs has allowed him to diversify crop production and boost farm productivity.  The nutrient-rich pig manure has supported the cultivation of various crops, including bananas, fruits, and vegetables.  Each season, he experiments with new crop combinations and rotations, leveraging the benefits of pig manure to optimize yields and maximize profits.  This diversification strategy not only spreads risk but also enhances soil fertility and sustainability in the long run.

    Before getting the pig, he struggled to get a good quantity of bananas; however, after receiving the pig with the loan from TFH, he began utilizing pig manure as fertilizer for his crops.  As a result, he has experienced a significant improvement in banana and fruit production.  Each banana bunch weighs approximately 15 kilograms (~ 33+ lb.).  Moreover, he has been able to sell some of the bananas, earning $7 for each bunch.

     He had a banana-cultivated area and grew oranges, which he started selling for $1 per kg. Each season, he could harvest 170 kilograms of oranges.

              Paul and his wife, with Diane

    Cecilia, an 80-year-old woman, utilized pig manure as fertilizer for her banana and cassava crops for her family’s consumption and sale.  With her banana plantation and cassava fields, she managed to get significant quantities.  For instance, she could harvest 150 kilograms of cassava each season, selling it for $6 per kilogram.  She sold 60 kilograms, earning $360. Additionally, she retained 90 kilograms for family consumption.

    Way forward
    As Diane continues to visit other members, she is excited to share insights on how they can harness the power of pig manure composting to increase their productivity significantly.  This is a promising avenue for sustainable farming and community development, and your support can help us make a real difference.  Your donations will be directly used to provide training and resources for farmers, purchase livestock, and expand our sustainable farming initiatives, ensuring that every dollar you contribute is making a tangible impact.


    Twisungane group is doing well.  We celebrated with the family of Claude and Claudine for their cow, which gave birth to a calf. They got milk and fertilizers.

    We recently discussed buying a boat, which could significantly enhance the group’s farming capabilities. However, we are facing financial challenges. We attempted to secure a loan from the bank, but the collateral issue proved a significant hurdle. We are now exploring other options to raise funds, such as selling land. Your donations have helped us overcome similar financial barriers and realize our farming goals.

    Way forward
    One member tried to adopt composting practices, but others didn’t.  Samuel (Twisungane group elected leader) offers technical assistance and support to fellow Twisungane farmers interested in composting.  Diane will help to guide area selection, compost pile construction, ingredient selection, and management practices to ensure successful composting outcomes.

    We appreciate your support.

    You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

    You can also search for Tools for Hope Inc. and click on Videos.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

    Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

    Donations via AffiniPay


    April 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


                                                      Photo of Twisungane group


    We are pleased to share an update on the Twisungane Group's progress. This month, Diane visited Donat at his home, and we are excited to report that he has taken a significant step towards expanding his small livestock farming operation. Donat invested in ducks and even purchased a piglet by leveraging the funds from Twisungane group savings. He aims to enhance his family's livelihood by selling piglets and utilizing pig manure for crop fertilization.

    We commend Donat for his dedication and commitment to improving his family's well-being and applaud all members for their innovative ideas. Together, they can empower each other to achieve greater prosperity.

    Moreover, during Diane's visit, all group members enthusiastically shared their business ideas to enhance their quality of life. One standout idea proposed by the group is to venture into running a waterway ferry project.

    The idea is to run a waterway transport business using boats.  Diane supported the idea and helped them do a SWOT Analysis.

    The concept originated from the need to facilitate efficient and affordable movement of people and goods between different areas.

    During (TFH President) Richard's visit to Twisungane in Bugesera district last December, we identified a promising opportunity along the Akanyaru River. This river experiences flood waters and is strategically located for our proposed venture. On the opposite side lies Nyarugenge, a bustling sector of Kigali that holds significant potential for commercial activities.

    The plan involves utilizing medium-sized boats for commercial purposes, enabling the seamless transportation of passengers and cargo across the river. By leveraging this waterway, we aim to address the challenges associated with mobility and logistics in the region while unlocking new opportunities for economic growth and development.

    We can turn this vision into a reality that benefits our community and beyond.

    From Bugesera to Nyarugenge, it takes about 10 minutes to ride a boat and 35 minutes to ride a motor bicycle; when you go on foot, it takes 1 hour and 20 minutes.  This business is a solution.  Water transport enables the transportation of large and heavy items at a low cost.  It will make it the cheapest mode of travel across the river.

    • Strengths
    • Boats operate more cheaply, making it the cheapest mode of travel across large distances
    • Water transport is cheaper than other ways
    • Boat produces minor environmental damage
    • Boats are the modes of transport with a higher capacity for transporting more goods.
    • Low initial investment
    • Weakness
    •  Boats need qualified people who know how to operate them.  They don’t have that person.
    • Opportunity
    • Flexible pricing
    •   Threats
    • Natural disasters and weather disruptions

    Marketing Plan

    Product:  They will provide a service for carrying people and their luggage, as well as 20 people and their luggage.

    The travel prices will be $1 per person with his luggage and $2 for luggage only.

    Estimated profit per day if fees are $1 per person and they will get at least $60-$80 per day


    Capital requirements:

    They need $2,000 and start with one boat.

    The critical costs needed in starting or growing this boat business:





    Anchor of boat




    Life Jacket and other safety equipment


    Salaries of the sailor


    Boat Insurance

    $70 per year


    $50 per year

    a logbook


    Other unexpected things




    Way forward:

    Where did they propose to raise money?  Selling their plot or getting a bank loan.  They are still working on it, and Diane talked with Allan Bulamba about bank loan information.  Diane will keep sharing updates with us.  



                               Photo of Dufatanye members 


    We are delighted to share the latest progress report on our pig farming project within the Dufatanye Group. The project continues to thrive, with significant advancements and positive outcomes being observed as we near the target year.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Sustainable Progress:

    The pig farming project under the Dufatanye Group is progressing steadily, with remarkable achievements being made along the way. As we approach the final three months of this target year, we are optimistic about meeting and even exceeding our set goals.

    2. Farmer-Centric Approach:

    At TFH, our primary objective is to empower and support farmers by actively listening to their needs and preferences. Rather than imposing our ideas, we strive to collaborate closely with the community to ensure mutual growth and success.

    3. Socioeconomic Impact:

    The success of the pig farming initiative has not only resulted in financial gains for each group member but has also played a vital role in enhancing socioeconomic dynamics at both household and national levels. The realization of profits has underscored the importance of agriculture as a key driver of economic prosperity and social well-being.

    Looking Ahead:

    As we enter this pivotal phase of our project, we remain committed to fostering sustainable development and creating lasting positive impacts within the community. By working together and leveraging the strengths of each individual, we aim to achieve even greater milestones in the days ahead.

    We expect every farmer to reach $600 as a profit at the end of the project.

    The benefit will not only be to get money from selling the pigs; they will also get manure to fertilize their crops.  The research shows that pig manure is an excellent source of plant nutrients, including Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K).  It can be used to replace much of the chemical fertilizer required to fertilize grassland and crops and produce very substantial reductions in fertilizer costs.  It also has a long fertilizer efficiency, activating the soil and improving its physical and biological properties.  Using pig manure organic fertilizer can improve the quality and yield of crops, reduce labor intensity in agricultural production, and enhance the ecological balance of the soil.

    Every member of the group will need $300 to build 3 sheds.  In general, they need $6,000, which means that now we assume that in June, they will be close to repaying the loan and have $2,000.  They ask us to support them with $4000 for your consideration.

    Way forward

    In this project, Diane will train them to prepare pig manure using various methods such as fermentation, composting, and mixing with other organic materials.  

    We appreciate your support.

    You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

    You can also search for Tools for Hope Inc. and click on Videos.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

    Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

    Donations via AffiniPay

    March 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter



                               Photo of Dufatanye members  


    The Dufatanye group is doing excellent, and the pig farming project is still making good progress. This month, two members, a man and a woman, got piglets. The lady got nine piglets, and the man got three piglets. Both the pigs and their piglets are doing well.

      You can see the photos below.

    Diane visited Olive.  Seeing nine healthy piglets in the shed was great, and she started counting the money she would get through piglets.  She wants to sell six piglets after two months and is expected to earn $240.00, an excellent step to improve her life with her family.

    In the above pictures, Ngarambe is at his pig shed. His pig gave birth to three piglets. He is one of the farmers whose pig gave birth to a few piglets. This is an exceptional case. Diane encouraged him to continue caring for his pig, and we hope it will provide more piglets in the next cycle.

    Dufatanye does not only farm pigs. They also grow maize, and every member gets between 80 kg and 150 kg of it. This means they get maize flour to make porridge, which is used as food for their family and animals.

    They used the cob model to avoid post-harvesting loss (maize is tied up and placed face-down in a row with the dry leaves shielding the cob from water.  Maize is then placed in shelters, which reduces contamination to manageable levels, usually reaching the required moisture content by buyers at 13.5-16 percent, benefiting the farmers and enabling them to supply high-quality maize to local agribusinesses.  They have a buyer who will give them $65.00 per kg, which will help them prepare for the next agriculture season.

    heIt is fo

    Way forward

    Dufatanye group members continued to repay the loan at a reasonable level.  They have already repaid $1234.00 (of the original $2,000 TFH loan used to purchase their pigs).  Next month, we will discuss the next project according to their need.





    Photo of Twisungane group


    Twisungane group families are doing great.

    This month, they met and talked about using Kindles; Diane introduced its benefits.  After the conversation, they concluded that they would start by reading a book of small stories together during school break to help them begin cultivating the reading culture.  After assessing if they will use them appropriately, Diane prefers to give them the Kindles next year. 

    The primary issue is that many parents need to understand the value of reading, and even their children do not have a reading culture.  In Rwanda, especially in rural areas, there is a poor reading culture and a lack of libraries in villages, which affects the local population.  Considering this, Diane asked the parents to encourage their children to read at home; we believe children should start reading early.  We concluded that the first thing is working with parents to persuade them to encourage children to read, even if they do not understand what the child is reading, and to avoid misusing the Kindle, we started a journey to read different books.

     Diane visited Claude and Claudine's family, who bought a cow using their family savings.  Diane congratulated them for the significant step they took.  They have four children.  This is a good achievement because their family will get milk to drink and manure to fertilize crops.

    Claudine, Diane, and Claude 

    The Cow will give birth in April.

    We appreciate your support.

    You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

    You can also search for Tools for Hope Inc. and click on Videos.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.

    Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.          

    Donations via AffiniPay

    February 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


    Twisungane group is doing great.  Their children all returned to school, and none stayed home due to losing school fees, which is a good achievement for them.  Samuel got a driving license; it is a challenging task here in Rwanda because it requires time and money, at least $350.  It is a good accomplishment and opportunity for him to get a job.

    This month, we discussed what they want to achieve and set goals for this year.  They set goals in different areas of life, including social, economic, and spiritual.  They didn’t set many goals but a few ones. They tried to be SMART in goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely).  Diane encourages people to be proactive instead of reactive, which will allow them to reach their goals.

    In economic aspects (Farming activities and finances)

    • 1.    They want to Increase livestock farming in their home; every group member will buy at least two small livestock (Rabbits, Goats, and Chickens) within eight months.  And within a year, three farmers will buy a cow to get milk for their families.
    • 2.   They want to grow a kitchen garden (vegetables and fruits) in every home and at least two gardens in every member of the group home to fight against malnutrition in their children.
    • 3.   They want to grow market-oriented vegetables (eggplants, cabbages, and tomatoes) 3 members will do it as an income-generating activity to increase their agricultural business efficiency and profitability.
    • 4.   They want to work with banks to ask for a loan for doing other small businesses besides plot selling.  Diane will link them with Allan Bulamba (Joram’s brother) to explain more about working with the bank, how they get a loan, which requirements, and when to pay the loan.
    • 5.   They want to increase their annual savings by 10% compared to last year.
    • 6.   To conserve more resources, they will decrease the chemicals used in their farming operations by 25% over six months.  Diane hopes to help them use a more natural approach with fewer herbicides and pesticides.

    Social aspect:

    • 7.   For helping their kids become fluent in English.  Diane committed to preparing debates for different topics and fellowship during school breaks.

    Spiritual aspect:

    • 8.   Improving growth in faith, they will gather once a month to read the Bible and fellowship with others.
    • 9.   They asked other kids for fellowship during the school break in the summer.  


    Dufatanye farmers group is doing well.  They are grateful for what they achieved last year and want to go above to achieve more this year.  This is the third year the Dufatanye group has been working with TFH.  They are sending their warm thanks and greetings to all TFH staff.

    One of the group's lady’s pigs gave birth this month but also lost her pig unexpectedly, but the piglet survived.  The pig showed signs of illness, so we called the veterinarian.  When he arrived, he gave the pig an anti-parasitic medication, and three hours later, the pig died.  She decided to sell it, and she got $85.


    Diane helped Dufatanye set goals for what they wanted to achieve this year.  The Dufatanye group set goals according to the pig farming project to improve their lives in different areas, including social, economic, and spiritual aspects.  They have more ideas about the pig farming project, but this year, they chose to continue to raise the pigs.  They tried to be SMART in goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely).

     Economic aspect:

    • 1.   They will be finished repaying the pig project loan in June this year.
    • 2.   After the loan repayment, they plan to continue working on the pig project by expanding pig sheds.  Every member wants to build 3 sheds. They expect to get $800 from 4 big pigs as a profit after one year. We will continue to work on this project.  Diane will share more details about next month.
    • 3.   They want to increase crop production by 20% due to getting manure from pigs
    • 4.   They plan to grow apple trees.  Ten people want to raise at least two apple trees to see if they will resist their local climate within a year.
    • 5.    They will increase their monthly savings by 50% compared to last year's.  They moved from $2 to $3 per member within the month they expect to get $720 within a year
    • 6.   Use compost pits in their garden to improve plant growth and health and provide plant nutrients in a stable organic form within eight months.

    Social aspect:

    • 1. For helping their kids become fluent in English.  Diane committed to preparing debates for different topics and fellowship during school break.

    Spiritual aspect:

    • 1.   They will gather monthly to read the Bible and fellowship with others.
    • 2.   They ask for another kid’s fellowship during the school break in the summer.

    We appreciate your support.

    You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at

    Or by searching for Tools for Hope Inc. and ‘clicking’ on Videos.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
    Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

    Donations via AffiniPay

    January 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

    In December 2023, a team consisting of Richard, the president of TFH (Tools for Hope), Diane, our mentor from TFH Rwanda, Marcellin, our interpreter, and Fred, our driver, visited the two farmer groups. This newsletter aims to highlight the achievements of these groups throughout the year.

    The successes of these farmer groups are primarily attributed to the hard work and dedication of the farmers themselves. Their commitment and efforts have been instrumental in achieving positive outcomes.

    Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude towards Diane for her invaluable support as a mentor. Her guidance and expertise have been crucial in empowering these farmer groups and helping them overcome challenges.

    Furthermore, we thank the TFH Board of Directors for their continuous support and strategic guidance. Their contributions have been essential in shaping the direction and success of these initiatives.

    Lastly, we would like to recognize Marcellin and Fred for their professionalism during the home and community visits with the farmers. Their assistance has facilitated effective communication, ensuring fruitful interactions and successful outcomes.

    Overall, these visits have been made possible and fruitful through collaborative efforts between farmers, TFH mentor Diane, support from TFH's Board of Directors, and dedicated individuals like Marcellin and Fred.

                                                              DUFATANYE GROUP

    Photo of Dufatanye members with Richard and Marcellin (far left in photo).


    The Dufatanye farmers group is doing well.  They were happy to see Richard again and expressed their feelings, and we had a good time together.  They shared that they were thankful for TFH and proposed a project for next year (procuring a milling machine).

    We are at the end of the year, and they are grateful to God and Tools for Hope and how they improve their lives through their support.  They are safe and happy to see what they achieved throughout the year.  We discussed and evaluated how the year went to see where we didn’t work well and how and where we will improve. We are grateful to them because of the unity and harmony they have.  No conflicts occurred among them.

    Furthermore, when this year started, they had a couple of goals they wanted to accomplish this year, such as:

    • They tried to care for and encourage one another through visiting and sharing.
    • They opened an account for their monthly savings and a TFH account with Diane to repay their pig loan.
    • They have $1000 for the pig loan. 
    • They used their monthly savings to manage specific family issues and to enable them to borrow money from their savings accounts to solve problems with pig farming activities.
    • Half of the group members expected piglets, but eight got piglets and others got money from piglets through selling.
    • Every group member has medical insurance.
    • Crop production increased from pig manure by 10% compared to last year.

    Due to the idea about growing apples, Diane tested soil pH from different farmers’ gardens because before planting your apple tree, it is a good idea to have your soil tested to determine the type of soil you have, the pH level, and if it is lacking any essential nutrients and minerals. If the ground at the planting site is too acidic or alkaline, it will affect apple trees' growth and fruit production.

     Apple trees like a soil pH of close to neutral.  If the soil pH is too acidic or alkaline, it will affect nutrient absorption, resulting in poor tree and fruit development.  Apple trees like a soil pH close to neutral, so about 6.0-7.0.

    To evaluate the soil, Diane used vinegar and baking soda.  Here’s how Diane did it:

    Test for Alkalinity

    •   Place equal amounts into two separate containers.

    • Add 1/2 cup of water to one soil sample container and mix it with a spoon.  Then, she added 1/2 cup of white vinegar, and the soil showed a visible bubbling or fizzing action.  This means it has an alkaline pH.  And has a pH level of 7-8.
    • Test for Acidity
    • Diane added 1/2 cup of distilled water to the second soil container and mixed it.  Then, she added 1/2 cup of baking soda.  If the soil bubbles or fizzes, that means it's acidic.  A minimal amount of fizzing reaction is average.
      The more the fizzing action, the higher the soil pH is.  Because most soils are naturally slightly acidic, any reaction at all with this test usually indicates that you have alkaline soil.

      Apple trees are very adaptable, but they require well-drained soil.  We also consider the type of soil, not only soil pH.  The Dufatanye have Loam soils, the ‘holy grail’ for gardeners—the perfect balance of clay, sand, silt, and organic matter. 

      Loam soils are loose and look rich; they typically absorb water and store moisture well.  They can be clay, sand, or silt-based.  They contain more nutrients and humus than sandy soils, have better drainage and infiltration of water and air than silt- and clay-rich soils, and are easier to till than clay soils. However, after testing and considering soil types, Diane advised them that adding organic matter like compost and aged manure would improve their soil composition.

      One farmer, John Paul, started to grow with six apple trees 

      Way forward
      Diane will share later what they want to achieve in 2024.  They wish you a happy, prosperous year.

        TWISUNGANE Group

                   Photo of Twisungane group members with Richard.



        The Twisungane group is doing great.  They were happy to see Richard again.  It was a time to express their gratitude for TFH and their needs.

        This month was the time for reflection on the past year; Diane gave them time to reflect on what they had accomplished, what went wrong, and where they still needed to grow.  Diane appreciated their efforts to support one another and ensure none of them felt excluded from the group.

        Additionally, they made an effort in different areas, including social, spiritual, and financial, compared to the previous year.  What they accomplished this year is as follows:

        • They used their internal savings and loans to solve family issues because every group member had the right to pool their money to help each other meet basic needs and invest in income-generating activities.  Most members take loans to pay for their family’s health insurance, start small businesses, buy small livestock like ducks and rabbits, and grow vegetables.  They repaid the loans after three months.  It was the deadline with a low-interest rate.
        • Through their weekly savings, they were able to save more than $200 (200,000 Rwf) this year.
        • They increased their family's nutrition by maintaining kitchen gardens to avoid malnutrition.  Every family member has at least one kitchen garden near their house.  They were also taught about sanitation, hygiene, and how to cook healthy food for their children and themselves.
        • Children had a holiday fellowship in summer, which created an environment of sharing, interacting, and learning the word of God together
        • They bought land, but they are still waiting for a client.
        • Through bible study, we interacted, shared, and encouraged one another.  And we planned to visit one another.
        • We solved conflicts among the members about refusing to pay group loans.

        Way forward

        After reflecting on what they did, we will then set goals for 2024.  Diane will share it with us in January.

        They wish you a happy new year.

                      Praying for them!!!

        We appreciate your support.

        You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at   

        Or by searching for Tools for Hope Inc. and ‘clicking’ on Videos.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        Donations via AffiniPay

        December 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        TWISUNGANE Group

        Photo of Twisungane members (Celestin on the right side, Samuel, Thacien, Claudine, and Donat)


        Twisungane group is doing great.  Seeing how they tried to start small businesses is a great joy.  An older man called Celestin is a treasure of the Twisungane farmer group.  He started raising a rabbit with the money he had saved.  This is a good step for Twisungane to be independent and encourage growth.  He began with one rabbit but aimed to grow more, giving an example for others on how to start with small livestock.  The price of one small rabbit is $1.00 or 1000 Rwf. which is not much and affordable for every member.  We still encourage one another to learn from others.


        Raising rabbits has more benefits than challenges, which motivated him to raise them.

        Rabbits are considered economically valuable as a source of meat.  Rabbit manure is highly valued in agriculture and gardening due to its nutrient-rich composition, providing a natural and potent fertilizer that enhances soil fertility and promotes healthy plant growth.  One sustainable, effective, and eco-friendly way to make organic fertilizer is by using rabbit waste.  Rabbit waste is rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, essential for plant growth.

        But there are also challenges in raising rabbits.  Rabbits are highly vulnerable to predators, and it is hard to resist diseases and climate.

        Other news

        Because of heavy rain, they faced flooding again in the small part of the land near the river; they lost their eggplant, sweet potatoes, and cabbages because the flood washed them away.  It was not easy for them because it affected them.

                      Praying for them!




                                 Photo of Dufatanye members


        Dufatanye farmers group is doing well.  They were experiencing such good progress in the pig farming project when they started selling piglets to raise money to repay their loan, improve their farming activities (they get manure for fertilizers), and improve their lives at home.  We hope that in the first year of project implementation, everyone in the group will experience the benefits of raising pigs as our goal.

         There are a few problems along the way with this project.  But also, there are suggested solutions for such issues.  Here are the most recent details regarding the project concerning pig farming, which started with twenty pigs, one pig for each family. 

        • Eight members in the group had pigs that gave birth,
        • while two members’ pigs had an abortion problem. 
        • Suddenly, two members' pigs died.  As Diane mentioned in the August report, a lady lost her pig.  The veterinarian decided to slaughter it, and the lady sold the meat and purchased another smaller pig than she had.  She made the decision herself to buy another.  Now she has another one.  Also, another man lost his pig.  Veterinary did not precisely know the cause of that death, then decided to throw it away as an encouragement through their monthly savings.  Other members of the group committed to supporting him by buying another pig.  They will do it in December. 
        • Three members are waiting for piglets because their pigs are in the gestation period (between breeding and birth).
        • Five members are still waiting because their pigs have trouble getting or staying pregnant.  Many factors can cause delayed fertility or pregnancy for pigs, but pigs are not the same and don’t live in the same condition.

        Diane visited every member.  She detected some issues and found that the two had poor heat detection.  They did not know well whether their pigs were in heat.  Others thought that some of them had infertility issues in their pigs because they tried to use boar (male pig) during heat detection and waited until 114 days (~three months), and nothing happened.

        An example is a lady called Ruth, who used artificial insemination.  When you see her pig, it seems ready to be mated and shows signs of heat, and after artificial insemination, it shows signs of pregnancy, like slight abdominal distention.  The vulva may become swollen and red, but after a few days, nothing happened, which confused us.


        Way forward

        •  Diane advised them to increase the frequency of heat checking.
        •  We decided to sell Ruth’s pig to purchase other pigs because they wasted money and time without producing.  Replacing it might be the answer.
        • Members who had an abortion issue are waiting for other heat detection.

        They still paid the loan on time, and their goal is to finish it in May next year.

        Apart from raising pigs, Diane will test soil PH next month to grow apple trees; they are encouraged to develop them because of their soil fertility and climate change. It is different from the Twisungane group.

        Be blessed

        Thank you for your support.

        You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at   

        Or by searching for Tools for Hope Inc. and ‘clicking’ on Videos.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        Donations via AffiniPay

        November 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter



        Dufatanye group is doing well.  This month, there were two farmers, Isaiah and Vestine, whose pigs gave birth.  They are happy and grateful because their pigs gave birth.

        Isaiah is a young man among others in the group, but he has two children.  Diane thanks him because he applied what he has learned about how to take care of his pig with his wife; their pigs are fed well, and they are delighted because his pig gave birth to 8 piglets. These include four female piglets and four male piglets.   As you see in the picture, all piglets look good and healthy.  He told Dime that after two months, he wanted to sell four piglets and expand his shed, and he expected to sell each piglet for $85.00.  He is encouraged to continue to raise pigs.

        Isaiah and his pigs 

        Vestine is a young lady with one child and is pregnant.  Her pig gave birth to 7 piglets, but suddenly, one piglet died after birth.  But she continued to care for the others, and now they are in good health.  Diane advised her to improve hygiene on her pig and in the shed.  Because when Diane visited her, her pig and shed were not clean.  Other members are still waiting for their piglets.  Diane will share with us the issues they faced in the next month.

        Dufatanye members are still paying the loan monthly as they can.

        Blessings from the Dufatanye Group



                                                            TWISUNGANE Group

        Photo of Twisungane members (from right to left: Epiphanie, Samuel, Josiane, Richard, Celestin, Diane, Claudine, and Richard)



        Twisungane group is doing great.  They started their bible study with Diane; they attended and participated in sharing through scripture.  They read in Luke 5:17-26 the story of Jesus Forgiving and healing a paralyzed Man. Jesus has the authority on earth to forgive our sins and heal our diseases.  Not only ourselves but also our relatives, friends, and neighbors who are not saved when we bring them to Christ and when we have faith.  This was what they took as a highlight. 

        They enjoyed the moment together as everyone was willing to participate.  After sharing the scriptures, we shared our thanksgiving and prayer requests.  Some of them have spouses and relatives who are not saved; We prayed for them and others who got sick.

        Apart from the spiritual life, Diane and the group discussed growing apples; Diane shared the advantages of growing apples and asked them if they could accept growing apples. 

        They responded that they did not accept the idea and gave Diane some facts like climate change issues in their area.  Drought is the significant impact of climate change experienced in the Bugesera district.  Apple trees cannot tolerate their climate.  Apples tend to thrive in environments where it's cold in the winter, moderate in the summer, and has medium to high humidity rather than a hot and dry climate.

        After discussion, Diane also assessed soil PH by using the method TFH shared with Diane.  

        According to that soil assessment and their insights, they told me they would continue growing some vegetables instead of apples.

        Tools for Hope is willing to hear farmers' ideas instead of forcing them to do what they do not want.

        Thank you for your support.

        You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at   

        Or by searching for Tools For Hope Inc. and ‘clicking’ on Videos.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        Donations via AffiniPay

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        Donations via AffiniPay

        October 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        TWISUNGANE Group


        Outside Claudine’s home:  Claudine on the left to right, Celestin, Diane, Venuste, Samuel and Richard


        The Twisungane farmer's group has been doing well.  They started agriculture season A, which runs from September to January.  They grow beans and maize. 

        A tremendous step has been taken because they no longer struggle to get seeds and fertilizers at the start of the agriculture season.  This is because they used their weekly savings, which helped them to buy seeds and fertilizers.

        Apart from improving their lives through agricultural activities.  Diane also thought that now is a great time to build a community where they experience spiritual growth by creating a small bible study group.  Diane introduced them to the idea of creating a bible study group; they received it joyfully.  Such an activity helps them become more like Jesus in every area. 

        All members of Twisungane are not Christian, and many are old, but it is also an excellent approach to share the gospel (demonstration of God’s love for the world) with them.  This group will also be a place where members feel loved, served, bear each other’s burden, encouraged, exhorted, prayed for, equipped, speak truth in love, confess sins, and treat each other as precious members of one body and care and share, to challenge and support, to confide and acknowledge, to forgive and be forgiven, to laugh and weep together, to be accountable to each other, to watch over each other, to grow together and pray for one another’s needs.

        In the picture at the beginning of this newsletter, we were at Claudine’s house.  We discussed where and when we would meet, and they decided to gather once a week, rotating between one of the members' homes.  Pray for us.  We hope Jesus will restore and save us together.




                                 Photo of Dufatanye members


        Dufatanye group is doing well and very thankful that their children had a good fellowship; it has been a blessing to them to see their children learn the word of God, pray together, and learn from one another.  They requested that Tools for Hope organize this fellowship each year during the school holidays if convenient.

        We continue to thank God for supporting them in the Pig farming project.  This month, there is a farmer called Azarias whose pig gave birth to 6 piglets. All piglets are healthy.

        He fed their piglets to help his sow(pig); he separated the piglets and sow in the same shed but in different cages and allowed the piglet to suckle milk from its mother 8-10 times a day.  It is an excellent technique to help his sow to grow without stress.

        Diane encouraged them to continue the culture of savings.  They do it weekly, helping them buy animal feed, seeds, and fertilizer and pay school fees for their children.  Not only that, but occasionally, a group member needs more money to purchase drugs for their pig, so the other members of the group lend money to them so that they can do so.  After a given time agreed upon by group members, they pay back the money.

        Other members are still waiting for their pigs to give birth.

        Be blessed.

        You can see several of the YouTube-TFH videos at   

        Or by searching for Tools For Hope Inc. and ‘clicking’ on Videos.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        Donations via AffiniPay

        September 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                                             DUFATANYE GROUP


                                   Photo of Children and their parents


        This month, we had an excellent children's fellowship event.  We thank God for his work in Children.  It was a great joy to meet and learn together with children, and it has been Diane's privilege to work with the children, not only with them but also with their parents.

         Dufatanye group thanks the Lord for using TFH to support them financially to improve their lives and spiritually through teaching their children the word of God.  In this fellowship, the kids and Diane had a great moment; we interacted by sharing the word of God, food and drinks, and different games.

        The kids were excited about playing, learning the word of God, and eating with one another.

         Kids enjoyed food and drinks together.

        Diane separated Youth and Children twice according to the lesson she was supposed to teach them.  This allowed each age to interact and learn from each other.

        The first class of children was from 4 to 12 years old.  They learned about to love and grow in Jesus.  In this class, I focused on the parable of the Lost son from Luke 15:11-32

        After the lesson, there was a memory verse; they recited the memory verses from John 3:16.

        The youth group was from 13-20 years old.

        We learnt through discussion, and the topic was  ″How the world sees homosexuality and how God sees and hates it.

        We read

        •        Genesis 19:1-14
        •        Romans 1:21-28
        •       1 Corinthians 6:9-10

        Diane separated them into two groups to discuss the word of God, but all of them did not have Bibles, which was a challenge; they requested TFH to kindly give them gifts of the Bible to help them improve the culture of reading the bible.

        The teenagers have expressed their thankfulness to God for the messages from TFH and the fact that TFH has helped their families prosper.


        Seeing a young person grow into an authentic and passionate relationship with the God who created them is exciting. After fellowship, the parents came to visit and enjoyed with their kids.  They asked to organize this fellowship every school holiday because it is an excellent opportunity for them as they will gain a strong knowledge of biblical truth through the bible, and they hope that it will impact their children.

        It has been a blessing to support this fellowship.  We thank God for what he has done for us.

        It is fo, and without a doubt, we will never know our impact until the other side of eternity.

         Be blessed!



                                                            TWISUNGANE Group

        Photo of Twisungane members (Samuel on the right side, Richard, Donat, Celestin, Diane, Claudine, and Epiphanie)


        The Twisungane farmer's group has been doing well.  They are still waiting for buyers; one client wanted to buy it for $2500 but refused to resell it because the longer they wait, the more money they will get.  Now they want to resell it for between $3000 and $3500.  The place is good, has a good view facing Kigali city and is very promising.  At the same time, they are asking for other places they can buy once they sell this one.

        This month, an older man called Donat asked me for advice and information about Duck farming.  I encouraged him to start that small project, and I gave him some info, and then he decided to begin; he was able to purchase 4 Ducks, three females, and one male.  Duck farming is like other domestic poultry birds, such as chickens.  Ducks are raised for meat and egg production purposes.  Duck meat is being consumed as an alternative to chicken meat.

        The mature one cost around 12$, the others were 7$.  Ducklings grow at a faster rate compared to other domestic birds, and they occupy less space.

        There are many breeds, but he chose Muscovy ducks because they are Rwanda's most widely available duck breed.  Males can weigh 7 kg.  at maturity, while females weigh 3 kg at maturity.  They take 35 days to hatch their eggs.

        Th Ducks are hardier birds than chickens and quickly adapt to adverse climatic conditions.  And can survive even without vaccination.  The free-range system is suitable for ducks.

        They love to eat kitchen wastes like vegetables and rice and nutritious feed like corn and grains, which increase the egg size and production size; they do not need to be always provided with commercial feed.  It is cost-effective as farmers do not spend much on feed like other animals.  Daily care and management are less than any poultry birds; they do not require a lot of supervision.

        It is a good initiative; Diane encouraged others to start with a few, and then they will gain a profit.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        Donations via AffiniPay

        August 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        TWISUNGANE Group

        Left to Right (back row children with Diane); Celestin, Diane, Samuel, Epiphanie, and Richard. (July 2023)

        Twisungane Group in August 2017 with TFH employee Deo in the foreground.  Notice improvements in the children's apparent health and dress.  The Twisungane group has doubled in size and more than quadrupled in income since then.


        The Twisungane farmer's group has been doing well.  And they appreciated how TFH helped their children to gain a strong knowledge of biblical truth through bible study and sharing with others.

        Children's Fellowship in Twisungane

        We thank God for this holiday children's fellowship that we have organized.  It went great, and Diane got just what she expected.  The main goal of this fellowship is to help kids develop strong friendships with others so that they can grow spiritually together while engaging in many activities that are wholesome and pleasing to God.  The children were of various ages, but Diane separated them based on age.

        The children shared tea and snacks.

        Children from 12 to 18 years old learn together, and Diane engaged them in bible study; we read different scriptures Genesis 19:11-25, Romans 1:18, 27, 1 Corinthian 6:9-10, and Romans 6:23

        The main goal of this bible study was

        •   To see how God hates sins, predominantly homosexual sin
        •   The reward of sins and the gift of God
        •  To discuss the way forward to avoid this sin.

        They played different games like football.

        After playing, we shared a meal.

        Way forward

        This month Diane started her Children’s Fellowship groups with the Twisungane, and next month she will work with the Dufatanye group.  It is a step we have been taking because the word of God is an incorruptible beginning for them now that they are young.  In the future, they will grasp what we taught them, and Diane wants to see them growing through prayer, Bible reading, and managing different life challenges.

        From the Canadian Medical Association Journal at:

        “Rwanda appears to be stemming the tide of the HIV/AIDS epidemic as health experts report that the HIV prevalence rate in this small East African nation has fallen below 3% from a staggering 13% in the 1990s.

        The country has “dramatically” reduced the burden of HIV/AIDS by scaling up education and awareness programs, prevention activities, and access to treatment, says Dr. Placidie Mugwaneza, head of HIV prevention at TRAC Plus, the nation’s center for infectious disease control….”

        (HIV infection rate in the USA is ~ 0.3% vs. Rwanda’s ~3% rate) see



        I am 14 years old, a child of Samuel; I thank TFH for organizing the children fellowship in holiday.  It was an opportunity to me because I learnt a lot about Sin, we have read different scripture related to it and I knew that sexually immoral, men who have sex with men will not inherit the kingdom of God.  I had desire to share this with my friends for them to be aware of it.                


        My names is Hosea, I am 15 years old, I was delighted to be part of the children fellowship in holiday, where I met and connected with other children, sharing drinks, snacks and meals I enjoyed playing football and before this fellowship I was unaware of the effect of homosexual sin but now I understand that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. I learn this through bible which is good.  I would ask TFH to buy bible for us.


        I was happy to attend this children fellowship which was organized by TFH.  I learnt a lot, I connected with others and sharing different things.  We did a bible study in a group, and I got opportunity to be discipled in God’s word and after bible study I got saved.  And I would ask TFH to prepare this fellowship in every holiday.                                    


        Dufatanye members 


        Dufatanye group is doing excellent as well.  This month, Egidia's pig gave birth to six piglets.

        While another lady lost her pig unexpectedly, she went to sleep in the evening, and when she got up in the morning, she found her pig dead in the shed.  We called the veterinarian, and he did an exam but found no cause.  The veterinarian decided to slaughter it, and the lady sold the meat and purchased another smaller pig than she had.  She made the decision herself to buy another, and we hope that it will grow quickly.

        Diane with Egidia       


        Egidia's pig gave birth to six piglets that are growing quickly.           


        Diane with the lady who lost her pig

        The Way Forward

        In August, we will organize their Children's Fellowship group, which will take place around their home.  Keep praying for us.  We hope they will find the work of God.

         Be blessed.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 


        Donations via AffiniPay

        JULY 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


                                             DUFATANYE GROUP


        We are delighted to share that Dufatanye Group continues to excel in its endeavors, including its pig farming project.  We have received exciting news about two group members, a man (Bernard), and a woman (Dativa), who have new piglets.

        The lady member of the group has been blessed with six healthy piglets, while the gentleman has welcomed seven additions to his farm.  This news brings us happiness as it signifies not only the financial growth of the group but also the well-being and prosperity of the pigs and their offspring.

        We are grateful for this success and attribute it to God's support and guidance.  The photo below highlights the thriving environment in which these pigs are raised, emphasizing their good health and promising future.

        As we continue this path, we remain committed to fostering sustainable agricultural practices within the Dufatanye Group.  The progress made in our pig farming project is a testament to their dedication and hard work.

        We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all involved in making this achievement possible.  Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and create opportunities for growth within their community.


        Photo of Dativa and Bernard


        Pig and piglets for Bernard.  He got seven piglets that are healthy and growing quickly.

         Dativa was happy and got six piglets.

        In addition to their pig farming,  they produced a reasonable production of beans.

        They appreciated and thanked TFH for their support; they started counting profits and hoped this project would help them change their lives.  I will follow up and pray for the Dufatanye group to see the sustainability of this project.

        The Way Forward

        Dufatanye group members continued to repay the loan at a reasonable level.  Keep praying for them; we will continue to see the project's sustainability.

         Be blessed.


                                                            TWISUNGANE Group


        Right to left; Celestin, Diane Samuel, Epiphanie and Richard


        The Twisungane farmer's group has experienced remarkable success in their agricultural endeavors.  We are grateful to God for His provision and the fruitful outcomes they have achieved.

        When comparing the agricultural seasons A and B, it is evident that bean production has shown significant growth. This can be attributed to the strategic decision to cultivate beans on solid ground, which yielded favorable results. Unlike maize production, which faced challenges due to flooding and the cultivation of maize in marshland, the farmers' choice to grow beans on solid ground proved wise.

        By adapting their farming techniques and considering the impact of environmental factors, the Twisungane farmer's group has been able to maximize their bean production while mitigating potential risks. This demonstrates their resilience and ability to make informed decisions for optimal outcomes.

        We applaud the Twisungane farmer's group for their dedication, resourcefulness, and commitment to sustainable farming practices. Their success inspires them within their community and in showcasing how proper planning and adaptation can lead to positive results in agriculture.

        Each farmer in the group produced a good yield of at least 100 kg of beans, and we hope it will help them with their family until the following season.



        The child of Donat (one of the members of Twisungane) helps him to harvest beans.

        After harvesting farmers often hang the bean strands outside their homes so the pods dry even further. After the beans are completely dried, then they are ready for “threshing.”

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        June 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        Implementing the project of Purchasing a land


        We were at the house of the seller.

        Left to right; Claude in a green t-shirt, Claudine, Celestin, Bernadette, Ramura, Diane, Samuel, Idrisa, and Donat.


        Twisungane farmers group has been doing well and is grateful to Tools for Hope for giving them funds to purchase land.  They believe that this project will be successful and that it will improve their lives.  We visited various plots in their area and chose one field in a good location.  It is about 500 meters from their church.


        These are photos of the land we purchased.

        The land purchase agreement is made between Idrisa, and his wife, Bernadette, with the Twisungane group.  The land has UPL number 5/07/09/02/354, which means Unique Parcel Identifier number This code represents the province, district, sector, and cell of where the land is located. 

        The land is 513 m2.  The length is 27 m, and the width is 19 m.  We paid the seller 2000,000 Rfw ($2000), payable in cash.

        Pictures of both parties, seller, and purchaser, in discussing, writing, and signing a land purchase agreement.

        We made the purchase when the Executive Secretary of the Kanzenze cell, where the land and Twisungane are located, gave his approval as a witness in front of all Twisungane groups and other witnesses from the seller's side.


        New Addition to the Twisungane Group

        As we mentioned in a previous report, Diane visited Samuel, and below is a photo of Samuel and his wife with a newborn child.


        Below is the land purchase letter of agreement with details.

        Thank you for being so supportive.  May God bless you all.


                                             DUFATANYE GROUP


        Left to right Athanasie, Egidia, Goreth, Dancille, Azarias, Paul, Fabien, and Vestine


        Dufatanye group is doing fantastic as well.  Their group leader John Paul was ill, but we praise God that he is recovering.  

        Their pig farming project is going well, especially this month—one farmer’s pig gave birth to six piglets.  But suddenly, one piglet died after birth.

        Newborn piglets may fail for several reasons, and up to 3% of piglets born alive may die in the neonatal period in an average herd.  Death may occur between clearing the membranes after birth and the first feed.  A partial expansion of the lungs and subsequent respiratory difficulty may result in death, piglet birth body weight, litter size, gender, parity, farrowing time, maternal behavior, low nutritional status, and environmental temperature. 

        That piglet was born alive but died after 24 hours; Diane analyzed that this piglet died due to subsequent respiratory difficulty.

        He appreciated and thanked TFH for the pig and continued caring for it because he expected greater productivity.


        Pigs and their piglets develop very quickly and lead healthy lives.


        Piglets live well and grow up healthily.

        Monitoring continued; we expect other piglets from another family next month.

        The Way Forward

        Dufatanye group members continued to repay the loan.  Keep praying for them.  We hope the project will continue to develop.


        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 

        May 2023, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        Left to right Athanasie, Egidia, Goreth, Dancille, Azarias, Paul, Fabien, and Vestine

        Dufatanye group is doing fantastic.  Diane mentioned in March that a member had a sick pig. That pig has already recovered.  

        As Diane said in her last report, she started collaborating with sub-teams based on the places they were found as a simple approach to follow-up.  This is a solid approach.  It should produce positive results and benefits.  The system encourages open communication and accountability among team members so everyone may contribute and gain.  Well-constructed teams can generate excellent work while motivating and helping one another.  Effective teams may provide more innovative and effective solutions.  Members of groups frequently have the chance to share their unique traits, abilities, and ideas to establish a cohesive plan of action allows for the opportunity to look at problems from different perspectives, which can help develop more well-rounded strategies, and Diane is with them to handle some issues and make intervention where it may be needed.

        Paul and his wife

        Their pig thrives due to good feeding and hygiene in the shed. 

        This is the team Diane went with to visit Paul (Diane, Athanasie, Azarias, Paul, and Fabien)

        After our visit, other people joined us, and we sat and discussed how to rate them and make comments about what they will improve in their livestock.

        Good news
        One group member has fantastic news: as the image below shows, her pig just gave birth to six piglets.  But Diane recommended that she improve her pig’s hygiene and feed.  Four other farmers also waited for piglets in June.

        Way forward
        Dufatanye continued to repay their pig project loan from Tools for Hope.  However, due to different issues, they repaid a small amount for the pig project loan this month.  But Diane hopes they will continue.
         Be blessed.


         TWISUNGANE Group

        Left to right, their church leader, followed by Samuel, Venuste, Diane, Claudine, and Celestin.
        Twisungane farmers’ group and their families have been doing well but still have flooding issues.  Samuel and his wife gave birth this month.

        As per Tools for Hope Inc.’s request, Diane researched the group to find the effectiveness of TFH efforts in the Twisungane group.  They answered the questionnaire at an individual level.  Diane randomly selected the participants.

        The members you see in the pictures above are the ones who were able to respond to the questions.

        Diane put the questions in English and Kinyarwanda to help them to answer quickly.  The Questions were responded to on a likes scale by Put (x) in the proper column (5 lowest, seven medium, 10 Highest).
















        How much has TFH helped you improve your life?
        Nikukihe kigero TFH yabafashije kugira icyo mugeraho mubuzima?







        How empowered do you feel to overcome the barriers you face?  Ni gute mongered ubushobozi   bwo guhangana n’ imbogamizi muhura nazo







        How likely are you to recommend TFH to someone facing similar struggles?
        Ni gute wagira inama TFH kumuntu urikunyura mubyo mwanyuzemo?







        Most participants put X between numbers 8 and 9, which means they agree that TFH helped them improve their lives through added support, like giving them an irrigation pump which helped them during the dry season.  It was excellent support because it increased their production.

        They also mentioned:

        • TFH bought a motorcycle, an income-generating activity for us to increase their income as a group.
        • TFH bought us goats as a source of increased money and fertilizers.
        • TFH taught us to do a business plan as a tool for improving our knowledge and skills in terms of business.  For example, some of us have already started our own agriculture business.
        • And on mentoring, now we can manage some issues ourselves.  And through advice or encouragement from a mentor, we created a saving group which is an excellent platform to increase our income.
        • So far, we thank TFH for its support through mentorship.  Their workers come to visit us every month.
        • The first step to recommend others facing similar struggles is finding a solution to your issue.  Allow them to express what is their actual needs.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it. 


        April 2023 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Photo of some of the Dufatanye members Diane visited.

        Follow up on the pig farming project.

        The pig farming project is progressing well, and the Dufatanye farmer group is doing well with their families.  This month they have already started to repay the loan as requested in January.

        As part of the follow-up, Diane is still visiting from farmer to farmer. The visits are intended to evaluate and advise farmers on how the pig farming project works. This is also done to see if there are any issues or challenges in raising pigs and to figure out how to solve them before losing them.  So far, no serious problems have arisen with anyone in the group, which is good.

        Her name is Ruth.

        Her shed is so clean, and she manages her pigs well daily.  Her pig proliferates due to regular, high-quality, and nutritious feedings.  Without a doubt, she expects personal profit as well.  I thanked her for her excellent work and suggested that others learn to care for their pigs.  Ruth's dedication to her work has inspired many people in the area, who look up to her as a role model.

        She is called Athanasie.

        Her pig has an issue of irritation from biting flies and mosquitoes, which cause skin lesions or allergies on the pig, as you see in the picture. Diane gave her some guidelines for controlling biting insects: chemical treatment of the pigs and sheds is just one control measure undertaken because flies are attracted to moist areas, rotting vegetation, feed, or manure piles, so good hygiene around pig housing is essential. Her efforts have made a real difference in improving animal welfare and ensuring that pigs can live healthier lives.

        Anisia's husband fed their pig mixed of corn and soybean powder, which provided pigs with energy and protein, and later he tried to clean the pig and the shed.

        Her name is Victoria.

        When Diane visited her, her shed was quite dirty, and her pig had started to stand up hairy and lose weight, so Diane recommended that she modify its feed and change how she raises it.   As a result of Diane’s advice, she took steps to improve the conditions in her shed and supply better nutrition for the pig. 

        Way Forward

        Dufatanye group leaders and Diane set up five groups based on location to make their project successful.  This is to ensure that all the necessary tools are available for the follow-up of our ongoing project.

        To increase productivity and improve hygiene among farmers, our way forward is to create a platform for expected farmers to learn from one another.  Through continuous education and sensitization, we can help farmers understand the importance of pig hygiene and how it can help their businesses.  By supplying these resources, we can ensure that all farmers have access to the same knowledge level, leading to improved productivity and better outcomes for all involved.

        TWISUNGANE Group

        Left to right; Donat in a red T-shirt, Richard, Celestin, Samuel, Claudine, Diane, Josiane, Sandrine, and Jean de la Croix.


        The Twisungane farmer’s group has been doing well, and their families have, although they were faced with heavy rain on their land, which caused a flood.  They send warm regards to you.

        This month Diane managed an issue of conflict in the group.  As we know, conflict is not an unusual issue for people.  Human beings experience it in their day-to-day lives; it is a regular life aspect even though this is the case; in Twisungane, they strive to apply the scripture in Romans 12:18 ″If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. ‶ the idea is to try to prevent it rather than resolve and manage it effectively.

        In the Twisungane group,  the conflict was between a member called Jean de la Croix, the youngest one. He borrowed money from the group but refused to pay the loan.

        After listening to the concerns of both parties, Diane took the time to investigate and found that the case involved Jean de la Croix, who had borrowed money for a family issue he wanted to solve. The group members approved the loan and gave him a loan repayment time. However, after that time had passed, he refused to repay without providing any justification, and the group leader decided to expel him from the group because of that dishonesty. However, after that decision, Jean also refused to comply. Some of the group members were able to forgive him.

        After that experience, the group decided on the maximum loan amount. Typically, groups allow a member to borrow up to three times the amount the member has saved with the group and naturally decided not to offer long-term loans.

        In the picture above, he asked for apologies through signing, promised to repay the loan, and would continue to be part of the group because we did not want to lose anyone.

        On another note, they faced an issue of thieves on their land who stole some crops.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        Donations via AffiniPay

        March 2023 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                                      DUFATANYE GROUP

        Photo of Diane and the Dufatanye members she visited in February 2023.

        Follow up on Dufatanye pig farming project

        The Dufatanye farmers are doing great with their families and, their pig farming project is moving along well. Diane and the group have opened a Tools for Hope / Rwanda account for loan repayment deposits.

        Diane  kept up her monthly routine of  visiting each farmer family while following up on their pig raising project.  In particular, this month, Diane visited six farmers to see how effectively they were applying what they had learned in their pig farming training, particularly in the management areas of hygiene, feeding, and over-all pig care.


        Above is Azarias of the Dufatanye group.  As you see in the picture he has a good clean shed. This indicates he is practicing good management of his pig's hygiene. He feeds  his pig well and on time. Diane  encouraged him to continue his good job and, she  encouraged others to learn from him how to take care of their pigs.

        Referring to the photos above:

        When Diane went to visit two other Dufatanye families to see how they were feeding their pigs she  observed that the shed appeared to be unclean. Diane  asked them why they hadn't cleaned it, and they explained that they were preparing for the agricultural season and had spent a lot of time cultivating crops. Even so, they agreed to take steps to improve the shed's hygiene.

        Laurent feeds his pig cassava blanches and he tried to clean the pig and the shed.

        Way forward

        The pig project is going along well, and Diane regularly checks in with the farmers, visiting them to see how their pig farming is going, and encouraging them to take control of it to prevent any problems so that they may expect to produce more.

        They will begin to repay the loan in March as they mentioned.

                                        Blessings From Diane and The Dufatanye Families 


        Left to right: Samuel, Diane, Celestin, Epiphanie and, Sandrine; others are missing due to different family issues.


        Twisungane farmers and their families have been doing well.   Sadly, Samuel suddenly lost his brother in law in February.


        As you can see in the above photo, weekly savings is still a habit.  This is a very significant practice that has greatly helped the whole group improve their lives.


        G j       In this picture they were visiting a plot for sale

        We kept looking for various plots to buy. All of that plots are between 300 and 500 meters away from their church. Which means it is not far from their home but the more we delayed purchasing the plot, the more the cost increased due to more demand on the other side is quite well.

        This means that a lot of investors are currently buying a plot of land in Bugesera where they live. The reason for that is the large growth of the village and the increase in investments in Rwanda.

        As the wealth increases more people are looking to upgrade their homes and relocate from Kigali to Bugesera. For all these new developments the investors need land. Aside from buying a plot in Bugesera for living purposes there are also several other use cases for land in Rwanda, like agricultural use.

        There is no doubt about the success of this project because Twisungane got a training for business plan. They are really able to implement what they have learned and based on Diane's agri-business experience organizational responsibilities.  Diane will help manage and help farmers to make a project extremely profitable and productive.

        They are still waiting for Tools for Hope, Inc. (USA) to approve the necessary loan funds to purchase a good plot.  We need your support to be able to help the Twisungane with their project.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        Donations via AffiniPay

        February 2023 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                          TWISUNGANE Group

        Right to Left; Samuel, Claudine, Donat, Richard, Diane, Celestin, and Epiphanie


        Twisungane farmers and their families have been doing well.  Diane congratulated them for finishing to repay their Tools for Hope (TFH) goat loans.

        January was a time for the children to return to school. Their parents have earned and saved the necessary funds to pay for school fees and school materials.  This represents a good achievement for the Twisungane. Through their weekly savings every member of Twisungane were be able to pay their school fees and purchase the necessary school materials. 

        Photo of their children heading back to school.  They send warm regards to you!!!!!!!

        We continued to discuss other factors of the probability for success of the land purchase project. They shared with Diane about their neighbor who bought a plot with 8,116 sqm in 2011 for 300,000 Frw (approximately $300) and in January 2023, he sold it for 2,000,000 Frw ($2,000).

        Way forward

        They are in preparation of Agriculture Season 2023 B which started in February and lasts until June.  Now the climate is moderate and they are in the land preparation stage.

               DUFATANYE GROUP

        Photo of Dufatanye members after meeting with Diane

        Children are going back to school 

        Dufatanye farmer group are doing great, and they started a new year with thanksgiving for the TFH loan which enabled them to start their pig farming project. They are sending their warm thanks and greetings to all TFH staff.

        Diane took these two pictures of their children going to school, but they have many children.  

        Field visit 

        In January, they discussed their pig loan repayment.  Dufatanye members requested to repay their loan after 1 year.  They are sure that they will get  production from their pigs so that in that time they will be able to repay their loan.

         Dufatanye farmers asked that they start repaying their loan in March, 2024.  The month of January is difficult for them because it is also a time for their children to go back to school and they need their money for school fees and school materials. 

        February, begins preparation for agriculture season B.  During February they must look for and purchase agriculture inputs such as seeds and, fertilizers. 

        The other logic behind repaying their loan in March is that there is a high probability of some pigs giving birth in March.  Generally, the length of time a sow is gestating, is about 115 days, or 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days and   A well fed sow will produce at least 10 piglets (litter) from each pregnancy and may have 2 litters each year. After that time, we hope that it is easy to them to sell one pig and start to repay easily.

        Picture with Egidia and Thelesia and their pigs.  After visiting them Diane recommended that they wash their pigs and make a shed clean.

        Way forward

        Diane started to do a follow up farmer to farmer to check if the pig project management is going well.  She will continue to visit them, encourage them to take care of their pigs to ensure good health of pigs to avoid any circumstance. They are in preparation of Agriculture Season  2023 B which started in February.

                                        From Diane: Be blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        January 2023 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                                             DUFATANYE GROUP

        Photo of DUFATANYE members


        Dufatanye group farmers are grateful for their Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) pig farming project loan.  They wish you a happy new year in 2023.              

        In December 2022, before transferring the fund to the members, Diane met with the Dufatanye committee, to discuss ways to find good pigs near where they live.

        Picture of the Dufatanye Committee, (left to right) Egidia, Laurent, Fabien, and Diane

        The local Veterinary helped them find a place to get good pigs.  Each group member chose a pig in a good condition.   We bought their pigs from that nearby place to reduce the transportation cost.  The Veterinary helped them to evaluate the pigs one by one to make sure that they were in good health.

        Diane gave the group members opportunities to see and make their own choice as regards to pigs to avoid any claim in the future that she chose bad pigs for them. 

        As discussed, each member got 1 pig valued at $80.00.  An added $20.00 per animal was spent for transport, feed, and medication.  TFH bought 20 pigs for 20 members.  The total amount spend was $2,000.00

        Each member signed an agreement after receiving the money saying they will repay the equivalent of $100.00.

        After getting the loan money they bought the pigs with all group members, the village leader, and the veterinary as witnesses that the Dufatanye the received pigs. 

        They developed a list of all members of Dufatanye who have been given the loan, and approval from Diane, the Veterinary and their Village leader.  They are grateful for the TFH support they received.

        Below are pictures of some members who received the pigs.


        Here are Vestine, in black jacket and, Dancille with thankful hearts after receiving their pigs

             Above, Isae and Sebera with their pigs


        The Veterinary and the Village leader committed to working with Diane to ensure management of the pigs and, that members repay their loan properly.

        The Twisungane Group

        Left to right:  Donat, Richard, Celestin in red T-shirt, Samuel, Claudine, Diane, Josiane, Sandrine and, Jean de la Croix



        Twisungane farmers have been doing well after facing disasters of flooding.  And they wish you a happy prosperous year 2023.

        In December 2022, after their flooding disaster, Diane encouraged them to join the government sponsored Crop Insurance Company, and they discussed how to join it. 

        The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) launched the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme in Rwanda.  The purpose of this Scheme is to mitigate against risks and losses incurred by farmers due to unpredictable natural disasters (e.g., floods, drought, pests, and diseases) that affect their livestock and crops.  The scheme called “Tekana Urishingiwe Muhinzi Mworozi” (Meaning “Smallholder farmer, feel safe, you are insured”), the scheme is subsidized up to 40% by the Government of Rwanda.  It enables the farmers to easily access financial services and ensure flow of credit to the agriculture sector. 

        The Government contributes 40% on premium and farmers contribute 60% of the premium.  This insurance program will empower farmers since their activities will be insured by reputable insurance companies to manage risks and losses amongst the smallholder farmers.

        However, this program covered only on two crops i.e., maize and rice.  The farmers additionally cultivated beans, sweet potatoes, and vegetables.

         After Diane explained about that scheme, the Twisungane committed to join an insurance company to avoid the losses due to natural disasters and diseases that affect their livestock and crops.  Diane will collaborate with some agriculture insurance company to connect with Twisungane.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        December 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Twisungane Group Introduction

        In November, the Twisungane group leader and Diane invited the Dufatanye group leaders to visit the Twisungane group.  The Twisungane group members had collaborative discussions with the Dufatanye farmers about their daily farming lives and they shared with them how Tools for Hope had supported them i.e., challenges they faced and how they resolved it.  Both groups shared what they achieved through Tools for Hope mentoring e.g., increased production in dry seasons by using the irrigation pump obtained through TFH, fertilizers from goat manure, how they fight malnutrition by planting kitchen gardens near their homes, they shared about savings in their group, how they do it.  They visited the small eggplant business of Samuel, and Diane encouraged the Dufatanye to imitate them.

        right to left; Richard, Donat, Epiphanie, Diane, Samuel, Jean de la Croix, Claudine, and Celestin 

        Floods Ruin Twisungane Crops

        The Twisungane farmers did not do well in November.  They faced flooding of their crops because of heavy rain.  Most Twisungane farmers cultivated around the river.  As you may see in the picture below (and related video) it was serious issue.   Floods often cause significant damage to crop production which leads to a negative financial and nutritional impacts on the affected families.

         Picture of flooding.  Water flowed over their crops e.g., potatoes, beans, and ground nuts

        This the video shows the type of damage that occurred.

        Dufatanye Group Introduction

        In November group leaders went to visit the Twisungane it was good trip for them and afterwards they shared with other members what they have learned from the Twisungane group.  They were surprised and appreciated how Tools for Hope supported and cared for the Twisungane group especially in difficult situation presented by the COVID 19 pandemic lockdown.  TFH sent them food so that there was no one who suffered from hunger.  They learned of other support efforts by Tools for Hope to the Twisungane.  It encouraged them in their journey of working with Tools for Hope.  After hearing the Twisungane reports, they are going to grow kitchen gardens at their homes, and they want to learn about business planning for small business development.

        Dufatanye Get Professional Pig Farm Training

        During November, Tools for Hope hired a veterinarian to work with Diane to professionally train the Dufatanye farmers to be successful pig farmers.  Tools for Hope will lend the farmers the funds necessary to begin their pig farming business.  Expected start date will be in mid-December or early January.

        The Veterinary, and Diane train the Dufatanye group regarding their upcoming pig farming project

        They were excited to know and understand more about how they could be rearing pigs professionally on their level.  It was good to time for the Dufatanye group members to ask questions about pig farming.  All group members attended except one who was sick.

        The Veterinary, Enock Ishoborabyose, focused on the different breed types of pig which are the most productive and available in their areas.  He focused on materials, and feeds that are available and affordable to them.  Enock reminded them about pig farming being an employment opportunity for farmers.  In addition, a great advantage of pig farming is that every member in the group can start small which reduces their financial burden.  After gaining experience they can expand their business.

        The Veterinary covered the following key points about pig farming:

        • ·         Explained how to construct modern pig sheds
        • ·         Basics skills about Hygiene and Sanitation of pigs.
        • ·         Skills about how to feed, quantity of food ratio according to the age of pigs
        • ·         Basic skills about reproduction of pigs
        • ·         Common disease of pigs which often occurs in their areas, how they can prevent, and control those problems

        The veterinarian recommended that we subscribe to Pig Insurance.  In Rwanda it is government policy to insure livestock.  The government of Rwanda started the livestock insurance program for livestock farmers where they pay 60 percent of the insurance cost, and the government pays the rest.  It was a good idea for Dufatanye group because the Pig Insurance policy insured against pig death because of accidents such as lightning, internal and external injuries, windstorms, snake bites and flooding; illness and diseases of terminal nature; emergency slaughter on advice of a qualified veterinary surgeon, and epidemics.

        Photo of Dufatanye members, veterinarian, and Diane after training.  (Veterinary is Enock Ishoborabyose -standing to Diane's right)


        The veterinarian committed to work with Diane to do a follow up on the Dufatanye’s pig farming.  The insurance policy will cover the important risks in pig farming.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        November 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Tools for Hope invites each of you to our fundraiser November 29, "Giving Tuesday," from 7 to 9 PM in the Apostles Anglican Church Parish Hall.  Light refreshments will be served (sugar free and gluten free available).  Tools for Hope in Rwanda lifts local, subsistence farmers and their families out of poverty and into the hope of being people who have a future.  Because of your generous gifts our Rwandan mentor, Diane Uwamahirwe, can supply the much-needed tools for that hope such as agricultural instruction, and solid business principles.  This is a great opportunity to hear stories of their lives and their significant progress.

        Apostles Anglican Church Parish Hall is located at 1540 Robinson Road, Knoxville TN.  Parish Hall entrance is located lower level on the right-hand side of the church.

        The Twisungane Group

        Left to right;  Samuel,  Jean de la Croix, Celestin, Diane, Donat, Sandrine,  Epiphanie, and Claudine sitting down.

        Goat Loan Repayments and Samuel’s Business Plan Implementation

        The Twisungane farmers and their families have been doing great.  Their children were going to school safely.  But they are worried about the beans and maize yield which was affected by sun.

        In October, 2 families were able to repay their goat loans.  Other families will repay next month.  This is due to the family issues which made it difficult for them to repay their loans at the same time with others.  Twisungane farmers continue to grow in discipline of saving, and they are willing to contribute to the balance of purchase land project through their weekly savings.

        The Twisungane Children have been doing well and they greet you.  Their Children have been doing great.

        Samuel used the business planning skills he learned from TFH to start his small farm business.

        We are very proud of him for this great achievement. He did it himself.  He chose to plant eggplant as a farm business.  He started with small amount of money.

        His main goal is to produce eggplant for his family’s consumption and to sell.  His target market is in his village.  Eggplants—also known as aubergines, grow fastest when temperatures are between 70° and 85°F —and very slowly during cooler weather. 

        There are many varieties, but he selected the Black Beauty variety because it is the traditional eggplant size.  One plant produces 4 to 6 large, rounded fruits.  Samuel has started to harvest from 60-80 kg.

        Although we call aubergines vegetables, they’re technically a fruit because they contain seeds.

        Aubergine is a high-fiber, low-calorie food that is rich in nutrients and comes with many potential health benefits.   Aubergines are a good source of vitamins B1 and B6.  Vitamin B1, also called thiamine, helps your body turn food into energy and can also help keep your nervous system healthy.

        Twisungane Group's Way Forward

        Diane continues to encourage the other farmers to treat agriculture as a business.  Historically, they kept few if any records of how much they spend on inputs and supplies, or of sales.  But without such records, it is impossible to know if the business is profitable, or if an investment is worth making.  Transforming the mindset of farmers from hand-to-mouth to a business orientation is challenging, but numerous experiences point to some approaches that work.

         Samuel’s high eggplant yields have been more than enough to convince other farmers to take business planning seriously.  We hope and pray that all the farmers will follow Samuel’s example.



                                  Dufatanye Group members

                    Pig Farming Project and Preparation Training

        Dufatanye farmers are doing well.  Some of them were sick but have now recovered.

        Diane discussed the progress of preparing for their pig farming project.  All of them have already built the pig sheds, Diane visited them, and they were excited and waiting for TFH funding. 

        Before starting the project, Diane prepared training about how to care for their pigs in their respective homes.  A veterinarian and Diane will train them.  The main purpose of this training is to help the Dufatanye Group members to understand about proper pig farming husbandry practices and management for assured profitability and to build farmers abilities to meet market demand for pig production.

        Training for Pig Farming

        Training will cover the main pillars of pig farming e.g.

        • Health and Welfare:
        • The responsibilities of care in animal welfare and, standard husbandry practices.
        • Internal & external parasites, fungal diseases, bacterial, zoonotic diseases, metabolic disorders signs & symptoms / treatments / prevention and, poisoning and overdoses, routine vaccination program   
        • Basics skills about Hygiene and Sanitation of pigs.
        • Feeding:
        • What nutrients does the body need?
        • What does each nutrient do in the body?
        • Where and how each nutrient is digested
        • Feed available to pig farmers (Conventional feed ingredients and their nutritive values and alternative feed ingredients)
        • To know and understand the principles of ration balancing,
        • Feeding Systems; equipment needed to feed the pigs.
        • Nutritional requirements of different size/age and classes of pigs. 
        • Breeding:
        • All Basics Reproduction Anatomy, Male & Female Reproductive System.
        • Management:
        • Low stress handling & movement of pigs: Balance points, loading & transporting pigs and,
        • Record keeping systems and interpreting collected data. 

        After training Diane will conduct a field school with the Dufatanye to visit their neighbors who did pig farming as a business.


        Diane will help a veterinarian during a training.  The veterinarian is working through the local government.  They asked for a facilitation fee which is around $70.00.  For that fee he will supply medical help to the pigs at the beginning of the project to make sure they are healthy. 

         Diane visited Dufatanye members who were worried about lack of rain in their village which will strongly affect their crop growth and yield which will cause low production.  They would ask you to pray for them.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        October 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                                                           Dufatanye Group

        Dufatanye farmers group are doing great.  They have already started the new agriculture season (2023 A).

        Right to left: Innocent, Rwiririza, Vedaste, Bernard, Fabien, Egidia, Oliva, Diane, Laurent, Jean de Dieu.

        Pig Farm Project Success

        Dufatanye group farmers take this project very seriously because they chose pig farming as a solution to their day-to-day challenges.  They are fully invested in this project’s success.   Tools for Hope needs your donations to help support their pig farming project.

        Tools for Hope will buy twenty piglets and, after one month we will buy twenty more piglets for the Dufatanye.  The farmers have already prepared their pig sheds.   

        The important benefits from the project include manure, piglets, and adult pigs to sell.  The group members agree that with all the efforts they have made in preparing for this project they cannot take it for granted.

        How Project Success is Measured

        • This project will be a success when all Dufatanye farmers are able to get enough food every day.  For many of them it is hard to get enough food.  After getting pig manure and using it in their farms, they will increase their harvests and get sufficient food.
        • This project also will be successful when each family in the community has increased their daily income enough to afford school fees for their children and school materials, paying medical insurance and buying medication in the times of illness, clothes, shoes, etc.  Currently, the average community member earns 2,000 RWF ($2) per week, and with this project we hope to increase the weekly income by at least two times, so they can earn 5,000 RWF ($5) per week.
        • This project will be successful if some of the Dufatanye members can start small businesses in the community.  The goal of this project is to improve livelihoods in the community.  By earning enough capital from this project to start small businesses, Dufatanye members will be able to get money to build their own houses.   If today members are saving 500 RWF ($0.5 per week), this project will be successful if they can eventually start saving 100 RWF per week after resolving their basic needs.

        September until May are the months when it rains in Rwanda.  These months are good for starting a pig farming project because it is easy to get forage and, pigs can survive in the rainy season and reproduce quickly.

        A female pig (sow) is ready to breed (reaches puberty) at 5-6 months of age.  Gestation lasts for 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days.


        This community is involved in the Pig Farming project, and they are actively preparing for it.  They want to change their lives so that they can increase their income, increase their harvests, and improve their way of living.

        Their Small Teams are a good way for neighbors to check up on one another and make sure any issues are resolved.  When the Dufatanye group joins the Rwandan Pig Farmers Association they will be better able to sustain their farming practice by conquering challenges.

        A local veterinarian and, TFH mentor Diane will supply medical support to the pigs at the beginning of the project to make sure the piglets are healthy and will thrive.

        Twisungane Group

        The Twisungane farmers have been doing well and the children who were sick last month have recovered.

        Left to right;  Celestin, Claudine, Jean de la Croix, Samuel, Diane, Epiphanie, Donat and Richard .

        Twisungane Land Purchase Project Summary

        Investing in a plot of land is undoubtedly one of the best options for a group looking to gain high returns with minimal risk in their area.  One of the biggest advantages of investing in land is that it will be a solution to them after returning the loans, the land will remain theirs and it will be easy for them to manage it easily because it will not require full time supervision.  Land purchase business will need $2,000,00 and as a group they will repay the loan.  TFH plans to fund the loan at $1,000.00 while the balance will be provided by the Twisungane group.

        Land Purchase Project SWOT Analysis


        ·         Lower property tax, the property tax tends to be much lower than it is for other         businesses

        ·         Low labor cost

        ·         It is a fixed asset

        ·         Loss risks are low

        ·         Management and supervision are straightforward

        ·         No gap between purchase and possession i.e., possession is immediate upon purchase


        ·         Requires significant capital


        ·         Demand is high: the area is starting to be developed.

        ·         The value of a plot / land increases with time in their village.

        ·         It will not require full time supervision.

        ·         No maintenance cost.

        ·         No insurance cost.


        ·         Returns can require considerable time.

        Land Purchase Project SMART goals analysis,

        Specific: general goal for a purchasing a plot is because a plot is a valuable and tangible asset In addition, the value of a plot increases every day, and their village is in developing area, the demand will be increased.

        Measurable:  They will choose to buy a plot in a place where it can be easily accessible.  The place must have necessary facilities i.e., electricity, water, main road.  Because infrastructural development will highly affect their plot in both positive ways.  And it is a good place to attract investors because it is near Kigali and the district is where the new airport of Bugesera is being built.  This factor alone is increasing the value of land in Bugesera as many people are buying land in this area.  A typical plot could be between 300 to 500 square meters

        Achievable: They plan to earn around 1000,000 Rwf ($1,000) as a net profit.

        Realistic: One of the profitable businesses in Rwanda is buying land and reselling it after some time.  The land continues to increase, and it is in high demand so buying a land is more realistic.

        Time: They will repay a loan after one year and half.

        The Twisungane Way forward

        Twisungane has already started Agriculture season 2023A from September –January they are in planting activities.

        Goat Loan Repayment Progress

        This month, six families were supposed to repay their goat loans.  One family has so far paid $35.  Other families asked for an extension to repay next month.  This is because, this month in Rwanda their academic year started, and it was not easy for them to repay the loan at the same time as they paid school fees and bought school materials for their children.

        Once the loans are repaid the funds will be added to the Rwandan TFH bank account to help fund the loan for their land purchase project.  We expect the TFH funds (loan) will make up 50% of the total needed for the project.  The balance will be provided by the Twisungane group from their savings account(s).

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        September 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Twisungane Group Leaders:  Left to right; Sandrine, Diane, Epiphanie, Samuel, Donat and, Claudine

        Tools for Hope, President, Richard Trevillian’s Trip to Rwanda

        The Twisungane farmers have been doing great.  They were happy and grateful to see again Richard in Rwanda especially in their village and it was a good time for Richard to hear from Twisungane Famers about the progress they have made, where they are, where they need to be, their needs and their challenges.

        Richard’s trip in Rwanda was important for farmers and we had an enjoyable time meeting with Twisungane.  Twisungane was grateful for everything TFH did for them they thanked TFH support during lockdown, support for motorbikes, goats’ loans and helping them through business plan training.

        They shared with Richard about the challenges faced on motorbikes and goat’s projects payback loans .and the progress about buying and selling plots.  They asked whether they could use the balance we have on bank account.

        They sold motorbike after seeing that there is no profit gain from it due to different challenges including but not limited to lockdowns which prevented the motorbike rider to work, additionally, sometimes the motorbike operator was not depositing the money he had earned from the bike taxi service.

        Goat Project Loan Repayment

        The farmers were supposed to payback goats’ loan in this month by selling some of their goats.  They asked to pay next month because some members in the group were sick and, one member in the group recently gave birth.

        Twisungane Way Forward

        August was a time for farmers all over Rwanda to prepare for their next agricultural season, known as season A (starting in late September). 

        In the next month they will start to payback loan of goats, every family that received goats will repay loans.  Diane will share with TFH our bank statement showing repayment of goat’s loan once the payment is made.

        The farmers are now waiting the approval of the board meeting about their business of buying and selling plots.

                                Dufatanye Group

        Thirteen Members of Dufatanye group after our meeting, left to right: Egidia, Oliva, Laurent, Goreth, Thelesia, Innocent, Fabien, Vestine, Francoise, Bernard, Vedaste, Jeanne, Dancille, and Christine.

        Feedback from Dufatanye Group about Richard’s Trip

        Dufatanye farmers have been doing great.  They are very happy and grateful to have met with Richard for the first time.  During their meeting, they also met with leaders of the Twisungane group.  As people who worked with Tools for Hope the Twisungane were able tell the Dufatanye group how far they have come and, what Tools for Hope likes and doesn’t like. The Dufatanye group members appreciated hearing what the Twisungane group have achieved through the support they received from Tools for Hope.  Leaders of the Dufatanye decided to go to visit the Twisungane farmers.  During our meeting, the two groups shared experiences and had a brainstorming session together.  The new group, the Dufatanye questioned Twisungane members to better understand how they have been working with Tools for Hope.  The Twisungane leadership did an excellent job explaining to them how they worked with TFH and, the fruitful relationship they have enjoyed till now.  The group praised Tools for Hope for the unceasing support Tools for Hope gives them and how it helped them during the pandemic.  That was a huge relief for them.  Dufatanye on the other hand was excited to meet Twisungane farmers, learnt from it and is eager to start their proposed project, Dufatanye has also started a small initiative of collectively saving as a group

        Discussions about the progress of pigs’ project

        The pig project is in progress.  Dufatanye group farmers have already constructed pig sheds and we have two pig farming proposed projects.  The project selected will depend on TFH’s budget.  The first proposal is to raise 2 piglets and, the second proposal is to raise one growing pig for every group member. The tables below summarize the costs of each pig project proposal.

        Summary for One Pig per Farmer




        Unit cost

        Total cost

        Number of pigs







        500 kg



        Medicine, Vaccine


        100 kg



        Transportation cost





        On this project total project cost estimated is to be ~ $3,500.00 which does not include the cost of the land as the group owns its own land.  Number of pigs required is 20 pigs which will cost 100,00 Rwf for every family, and we will buy 500 kg of foods to help farmers to produce quickly piglets and every member in Dufatanye will receive 25 kg of foods which will cost 1000,000 Rwf and 100 kg of   Medicine and vaccine to avoid sudden death due to disease. They will payback loan quickly because these pigs will be able to produce piglets quickly.

        Summary for Two Piglets per Farmer




        Unit cost

        Total cost

        Number of pigs





        Food, Medicine, Vaccine


        400 kg



        Transportation cost





        On this project total project cost estimated is to be ~ $2,500 which does not include the cost of the land as society owns its own land.  Number of pigs required is 40 piglets for 20 families which will cost 80,00 Rwf for each family means that total cost of piglets will be 1,600,000~ $ 1600 and every member in Dufatanye will receive 20 kg of foods and drugs which will be 800,000 Rwf ~ $ 800 to help farmers to raise those piglets quickly and to avoid sudden death due to disease. But They will payback loan for longtime because these pigs will take time to produce piglets quickly.

        Risk Assessment and Risk Management

        Every project has inherent risks and mitigating them is key to the success of the project.  Risks have been identified for this project and they have been categorized in Three major categories as below:

        •         Production Risk:

        Pigs have high mortality rate as they are prone to disease.  A 10% mortality is common but any slackness in hygiene, vaccination and medicines may increase the mortality rate to the extent to severely affect the project.  Diane will make regular visit to the farm.  And the pigs will be regularly checked for any infection/ disease, vaccinated prompt as per standards, fed properly and reared under a very hygienic condition.  Regular water supply has been ensured for drinking as well as cleaning.  The sheds will be well ventilated, proper sunshine will be available and ample space provided for each pig.

        •         Market Risk:

        Despite having good market for pigs, if proper forward linkages are not made, the group will not be able to sell its produce and thus may incur loss.  For this, the possible buyers have been found and contacted.  We will be asked to place demand well in advance so that the Dufatanye would be able to deliver required quantity on time.  Further, the farmers will cater to local needs.  For the sale of manure produced the group already has set up contacts with buyers.

        •        Managerial Risk:

        Dufatanye members have experience in pig rearing though on a small scale.  They are also good at keeping books and accounts of the group.  Any gap in technical and managerial knowledge will be taken care by training from Diane (TFH) proposed in the project which will be imparted before the beginning of the project.

        Dufatanye Way Forward

        This project will solve both nutrition and financial problems for 20 poor families. It has the potential to improve the living standard for the poor families in all spheres of their lives.  Before delivery of the pigs TFH will partner with veterinary professionals and, Diane will train and visit these families on how to take care of the pigs in their respective homes.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        August 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        This is the Dufatanye group members and Diane (TFH Mentor) in a meeting to discuss the project proposal they need TFH to fund.


                                   Dufatanye Group Proposed Project


        Dufatanye Group members are not able to generate sufficient incomes from agriculture.  Along with agriculture animal husbandry is organic to the community.   They would like Tools for Hope (TFH) to fund a pig farming project. 

        Tools for Hope is willing to help these subsistence farmers.  TFH considers the farmer as the central actor in poor, rural Rwandan communities.  TFH allows the farmers to take part in decision-making about any project which can be helpful concerning their needs and, the choice of the priorities to be pursued in their local area. 

        Every member in the group took part in the meeting, and together they chose the project of pig farming. 

        They considered raising pigs for the following reasons:

        •  Pigs have fast growth rates: Pigs have two gestations annually i.e.; they can produce young ones twice a year.  In one gestation period, a pig can give up to 12 piglets. Its gestation period is short: it can last 130 days.  This means that in a year a pig can produce 20-24 piglets.  The life span of pig is typically between 6 -20 years depending upon use. 
        •  Pigs eat almost anything: They feed on forage crops, spent grain from breweries, byproducts of grains from mills, and garbage.  pigs can convert more of the food they eat to body flesh and weight. Pigs can use wide variety of feed materials viz. grains, forages, damaged feeds, and garbage and convert them into valuable nutritious meat.
        • Source of compost manure: The manure from the pig will improve the nutrient of the soil.  The farmers feel that once this project starts, the benefits will not just be from the meat and cash only, but they will be getting pig manure as a perfect fertilizer for their vegetable gardens.
        • Pigs are source of meat: A single sow (she pig) can give birth up to 12 piglets after a gestation period of 130 days.  Pigs are ready for the market far sooner than most of the other livestock animals. Most pigs reach slaughter weights when they are 6 months old.  Pork is nutritious and extremely good for our bodies, packed with vitamins.  Meat is wonderful source of protein and other vitamins and nutrients. 
        • Pig farming can quickly generate income:  Pig farming offers quick returns because marketable weight can be reached within 6 to_8 months. Pork is normally sold at higher prices in their region because of huge demand.
        • Pig farming requires small investment on buildings and equipment.

        Type of pigs breeds in Rwanda

        The most common breed for pig production used in Rwanda is the Landrace breed. 

        The breed of pig they selected to raise is the large white pig for the following reasons:

        • A large white pig is the most prolific breed of pig in the world with very great mothering abilities, the large white sow is preferred when crossbreeding. It is considered the best improved pig breed due to its tenacity, maternal, dairy, and productive characteristics.
        • The large white pig shows high growth and feed conversion rates.
        • It is also an active and excellent utilizer of forages.

        Objectives of the Pig Farming Project:

        • Increase the revenue of the smallholder farmers
        • Supply gainful employment to Dufatanye members
        • To Improve their standard of living

        SWOT Analysis of the Project



        •  High demand for pork
        • Conducive environmental and cultural factors for pig rearing
        • kitchen waste and available for pig feed
        • Society has good management body
        • High number of veterinary doctors available
        • Pigs supply quick returns
        • Less experience in large scale pig Rearing
        • High transportation cost due to difficult terrain
        •  Increasing labor cost.
        • Low skills and knowledge about how to take care of pigs
        • Opportunities


        • High demand and supply gap
        • High pork prices
        • Subsidy available for pig rearing
        • Tools for Hope Support
        • High mortality rate of piglets
        • Pigs are prone to various diseases
        • Land slides


        Challenges that smallholder farmers face:

        Most of the rural poor families do not have money and material resources to support their households through supplying healthful food, medication, and proper clothing for themselves and supplying essential necessities to their own children in time of need. 


         By developing pig farming, the smallholder farmers will be able to make financial gains that will enable their household’s to have proper food, clothing, shelter and be able to pay medical insurance and buy medication in the times of illness.

         Long-term Impact: The project will have long-term self-sustaining effects in terms of solving problems that smallholder farmers face which are lack of financial security, nutritive food and proper shelter since the pigs will be continuously reproducing.  The project will supply opportunity to rear pigs in scientific way, market the produce on larger economy of scale to generate revenue and a sustainable livelihood opportunity to the members of the group.


         Apart from the listed goals of the project there are many other benefits such as people of the region will be motivated to start pig rearing at large scale seeing the success of the project.  Project will make Dufatanye group self-sufficient in pork production.

        Based on certain realistic assumptions the future cash flow of the project has been also worked out.  The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) worked out to be a healthy 31.66 % signifying that the Project will be able to generate the revenue in about 1 year to cover all the costs incurred in project.  Also, average Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is worked out to be 2.66 which signifies that project will be able to generate significant revenue to easily repay its debt/ loan.

        In collaboration with other members in Twisungane.  We helped Donath in a Blue t shirt as a member of Twisungane to build kitchen garden.  Women and men in the group were involved.                                                      

        This month, we continued to build kitchen gardens for other families in Twisungane group.  To make sure that everyone in Twisungane has a kitchen garden in their homesteads


        Kitchen Garden Factors to Consider when Building one:

        • Space.  The amount of space around a house decides what techniques can be used and how many vegetables can be produced.  However, even houses with small plots can build kitchen gardens.
        • Access to water.  While the techniques used in kitchen gardening are designed to enhance moisture retention in the soil, water is still a vital ingredient of any garden.  Plants need to be watered regularly, especially in dry areas.  Therefore, access to water must be considered when planning a vegetable home garden.
        • Crop Choice: Choice is often influenced by individual tastes.  Families choose from many different varieties to reduce the risk of crop loss in different seasons and to ensure better consumption.
        • Availability of Resources: The choice of vegetables depends on the climate and soil of a given area: certain vegetables grow very easily in some areas but not in others.  The selection of crops should be made based on garden size and family choice.
        • Household labor capacity.  Building and supporting a kitchen garden requires a lot of work.  A household’s labor capacity can be affected by the number of household members, chronic illness, age, and disabilities.
        The essential characteristics of a kitchen gardens are:
        • Proximity to the home.
        • Small plot size (scattered or fixed).
        • Cultivation of different varieties of vegetables and fruits.
        • Cultivation throughout the year.
        • Production primarily for consumption.
        • Management by members of household (wife, husband, children).
        • Use of low-cost inputs.
        • Use of indigenous varieties; reducing dependence on exotic or imported varieties.

        Some common problems kitchen gardens face:

        • Poultry damage (the chickens are inclined to destroy the beds where the vegetable seeds have been sowed.
        • Irrigation and drought
        • Pests and diseases are enemies of the home gardener.  Pests and disease can attack a plant at any stage from the sowing of the seed, to harvesting and storage

        There are different solutions to these problems.

        • First, the kitchen gardens can be fenced off.  We used local fencing materials.
        • Prevent the chickens from entering the vegetable garden.  This can be achieved by motivating the farmers to control their chickens, especially before the plants have appeared.
        •  As for the problem of drought, covering the plant with materials such as banana leaves can be used to supply moisture to the crops.  In addition, measures directed at supporting soil moisture can be taken including the use of more organic matter in the soil and mulching with locally available materials such as straw and leaves.
        • Cultural control involves the improvement of cultivation practices (such as using pest and disease-resistant varieties, plant spacing and carefully timed cultivation and harvesting).

        A home garden requires some management including land/pit preparation, sowing/planting, weeding, and composting.  Here on the photo, you see Samuel in white T-shirt and Celestin in red hat to manager their vegetable garden composed by onions and beetroots.

        We worked together both men and women engaged in this activity to help the Donath family build their kitchen garden and we used the locally available resources materials.

        Way forward 

        We will continue the work of managing the kitchen gardens which can be done by individual family members at various times of the day.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        July 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        During June Diane helped the Twisungane farmers develop kitchen gardens.  Those gardens are based on principles of permaculture (e.g., see for example

        Also, During June, Diane worked with the Dufatanye Group farmers to continue to clearly understand their most significant challenges.  She worked with Christine, of their group, to help her develop her papaya and orange growing enterprise.

        In August 2022, the President of Tools for Hope, Inc. will travel to Rwanda to meet with Diane, local government officials, the members of both the Twisungane and Dufatanye groups, and to tour their farms.

        Twisungane Group

        Claudine (above) is the one of the ladies in Twisungane Group.  She grows vegetables in her kitchen garden behind her kitchen using permaculture gardening techniques taught by Tools for Hope mentor Diane Uwamahirwe.

        Recently, Diane has emphasized helping the farmers with use of their small spaces to grow vegetables and fruits to fight malnutrition in their families through kitchen gardens.

        In Rwanda, the term kitchen garden, ('akarima k’igikoni') is quite common because households have discovered the amazing production, they can get from a well-managed vegetable garden.  It is accepted in Rwanda that every household should have a kitchen garden to fight malnutrition.

        The kitchen gardens are based on principles of permaculture (see and the nutrients of potassium, dietary fiber, folate, vitamin A, E and C.  These nutrients are vital for health.

        Kitchen gardens are small gardens about ten feet in diameter filled with a variety of vegetables.  The family can rinse the produce easily using water from the kitchen.  Good housekeeping practices such as mulching, morning and evening watering during dry season, and preventive care are needed to keep the kitchen garden productive and sustainable.  The garden may also contribute to the family’s revenue.

        In support of improving nutrition especially for their children and pregnant women, Diane organized and trained them to put in place kitchen gardens.  Their gardens grow a variety of vegetables and fruit trees.  She also mentored them to upgrade their knowledge about the importance of kitchen gardening and the technical aspects of its establishment.

        The output of the gardens improves family food consumption habits because they used to eat the same thing every day, sweet potatoes, bananas mixed with maize and beans as their staple foods.

        • Vegetables grown in kitchen gardens include cabbage, greens, carrots among other.  Trees around the house can supply shade, trees, and firewood. Small animals like chickens keep the court clean from insects and waste.

        During June, with aid from other group members we set up one kitchen garden for one member in the group with green vegetables such as onions, carrots, and beetroot.  Our goal is to install at least one kitchen garden with green vegetables near their homestead for every member in the group.

        Purposes of kitchen gardens

        • supply food for the family at low cost. 
        • improves and supports the whole family being well-nourished through production of fruit and vegetables, and income generation.
        • supplies fruits and vegetables free from toxic chemicals
        • contributes to eradicating malnutrition by improving household diet

        Structure of kitchen gardens

        The typical pyramid form of kitchen garden is found all over Rwanda.  The structure optimizes aeration, nutrients, light, and water use on a minimum surface, using locally available planting materials, green manures, live fencing, and indigenous methods of pest control.


        Next month we will continue to build other kitchen gardens to make sure that everyone in Twisungane can have a kitchen garden in front or at the back of their homesteads so that whenever they are cooking they can go out and pick some fresh vegetables to add to their meal in way that even in dry season they will able to include vegetables in their diet.


        Here, Diane is with Dufatanye group leaders, in the blue t-shirt is Laurent, followed by Rwiririza in a pink shirt, behind him is a lady called Egidia, and Fabien is in the black shirt.


        The agriculture sector supplies most of the employment opportunities for people in Rwanda.  Women are the key producers for their families, markets, and the country in general.  Females are more involved in agriculture compared to males, and most are in subsistence agriculture.

        In the Dufatanye Group crop production is divided between men and women in the households.  The division of responsibilities is rooted deeply in tradition but is also related to the unequal separation of household duties.  Especially women are primarily responsible to produce household staple crops, such as beans and maize.

        This is Christine who was able to grow the maize for family consumption.

        In June, Diane met with group leaders who shared with her other challenges, e.g., when it comes to agriculture inputs, they do not have access to superior quality and vigorous seed, fertilizers, and other equipment (sprayers for pest control).  Lack of such inputs and equipment results in poor selection in terms of seed grown, type and quantity of fertilizers to be applied and delayed planting of crops.  This has a negative impact on crop yields.  Access to good markets are constraints as are lack of storage facilities.

        Christine of the Dufatanye Group Grows Papaya and Oranges

        Diane visited Christine in the Dufatanye group.  Christine was able to grow 10 papaya trees and 80 orange trees, she wants to do it as a market-oriented agriculture enterprise.  She needs more skills on how to cultivate them professionally.  Tools for Hope (TFH) will help her in building skills, on post harvesting handling and storage technologies, and to help her to link to good markets.

        She has not started to harvest oranges yet because her trees are about 2.5 years old.  The yield of oranges starting from 3rd or 4th year with 15 to 20- fruits per tree and stabilizes around the 8th year. During harvesting Diane will train her on post harvesting management.

        Christine has grown Solo Sunrise papaya.

        Solo Sunrise is a Hawaiian variety that produces smooth pear-shaped fruit of high quality, weighing 400 to 650 grams.  The flesh is reddish orange.  This variety is high yielding.  And it produces small round sweet fruits with uniform size and shape This variety is resistant to the ring spot virus disease.

        Diane has trained Christine on papaya crop management.  Aspects of papaya management include wind breaks to protect the crop, mulching techniques, weed control, and fertilizer and manure applications (timing, types, amounts etc.).

        Diane with Christine in the field.  Diane visited her and motivated her in her agriculture activities.


        The orange (specifically, the sweet orange) is the fruit of the citrus species.

        Oranges are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that are essential for normal growth and development and overall nutritional well-being.  Moreover, it is now beginning to be appreciated that these and other biologically active, non-nutrient compounds found in citrus and other plants (phytochemicals) can also help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

        Orange crop management

        Pruning - Consists of removal of dead, diseased and weak branches.  Removal of water sprouts and suckers from each rootstock below the bud union is also essential and should be addressed regularly along with thinning of the shoots for better penetration of sunlight and aeration.  The best time for pruning in bearing trees is after the harvesting during dry period (June –September).

        Irrigation - Citrus trees require more water because sap circulation never entirely ceases, and transpiration takes place throughout the year.  Being evergreen plant, Citrus needs good amount of water and water deficiency moisture stress at critical periods reduces fruit size and quality.  Thus, moisture stress during the period of growth, flowering and fruit development should always be avoided.

        During the first 6 months the trees should be irrigated twice a week and thereafter every 7 days.  In young plants up to the age of 8-year, the irrigation should be given through basin system of irrigation. 

        Fertilization - Fertilizer requirements of the plants is influenced by a range of factors like age of the plant, rootstock used, soil and climate along with the crop load in bearing trees. 


        After meeting with group leaders and visiting this farmer, Diane told them that Tools for Hope will be able to help them gradually shift from subsistence farming to a market-oriented agriculture and strengthen the ability of them in entrepreneurship skills in agribusiness.  To be able to receive help from efficient market and be more exposed to competition.

        Next month they will discuss details about pig farming as a business they need to implement.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        June 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        During May, Diane continued visiting DUFATANYE group households.  Smallholder farmers dominate our new group.  The purpose of visiting them is to understand how smallholder households do their daily agricultural activities and which financial arrangements are needed most.

        Also, during May, Diane continued her business development training with the TWISUNGANE group.   Their focus in May was on development of the teams and the team-work necessary for successful enterprise operations.

        DUFATANYE Group

        Most women in this group are widowers.  They produce small quantities on small plots of land.  A primary difficulty is keeping their children in school.  Those who managed have issues in supplying school materials like books, uniforms, and other implements.  They have issues also in paying their medical insurance premiums. 

        Tools for Hope (TFH) is focusing on how they can modernize their farming activity in addition to setting up other projects that can generate income for them.

        Seven Dufatanye members; Left to Right: Simon, (he is a village leader), Egidia, Cecilia, Diane (TFH mentor), Thelesia, Oliva, Rwiririza, and Laurent.

        The lady in a blue T shirt is Dativa, followed by Diane, next to her is Egidia (the accountant of the Dufatanye group)

        Understanding the farmers’ soil erosion and climate change issues

        The Dufatanye farmers cultivate crops such as peanuts, bananas, and maize on their small farms.  Their output is not enough to improve their living standards.  In addition, they have soil erosion and climate change issues in the area.  To combat those issues Diane will help them to apply techniques to manage their soil through proper agriculture techniques, e.g., applying crop rotation, cover crop, no till or zero tillage farming.

        ·         Crop rotation: minimizes compaction thanks to different root systems, provides nitrogen with N-fixing plants (biological nitrogen fixation for sustainable agriculture and aids in pest control since certain pest species attack their host crop types and it reduces soil depletion. 

        ·         cover crops are plants that slow erosion, improve soil health, enhance water availability, smother weeds, help control pests and diseases, increase biodiversity, and bring a host of other benefits to the farm e.g., flowering cover crops naturally support the populations of bees and other pollinators.

        ·          No till (zero tillage) is an agricultural technique for growing crops or pasture without disturbing the soil through tillage.  No-till technique decreases the amount of soil erosion tillage causes in certain soils, especially in sandy and dry soils on sloping terrain.  Opposite to regular plowing in conventional farming, reduced or no till practices prevent soil loss due to wind and water erosion.

        ·          response to climate change:  The most common adaptation measure being the planting of trees.  The trees will protect the soil from erosion and supply organic matter to increase its fertility but also fruit to the families.  The branches of the newly grown trees will supply wood for cooking or for making stems. 

        Some crops affected by erosion




        Bananas are a major food crop in Rwanda second only to beans. The plant is used both as food and cash crop. Some farmers in DUFATANYE plant it on a  small scale. Bananas are suitable for intercropping and are intercropped with beans.  The farmers told Diane that climate change (increasing heat and decreasing rain) are their key challenges. 

         Rwiririza has a small banana plantation

        Rwiririza planted new banana variety called FHIA 17.  The FHIA 17 banana variety is more multi-purpose than the local variety.  It can be cooked, brewed for beer, made into juice, or eaten when it’s ripe. FHIA 17 is also more productive than the local banana variety. With the local variety, farmers can expect to harvest 10-20 kilograms of bananas per tree. With FHIA 17, farmers can anticipate upwards of 50 kilograms of bananas per tree. 

        The farmers   are   still   faced   with   many   constraints   e.g., increasing production, post harvest handling, processing, storage and marketing.   Bananas are highly perishable, with an average of only 3 days of shelf life.  The quality of the banana deteriorates due to transportation by bicycles.

        TFH will train them to increase banana production

        •          Use soil that is well drained, rich and well nourished to feed their plants.
        •          It is important to provide at least 12hours of sunlight to encourage growth, flowers, and fruit.
        •          Watering banana regularly
        •          Avoid low lying soil,
        •          Need adequate amounts of phosphorous
        •          Soils that are not too alkaline,
        •          Soils  rich in organic matter with high nitrogen.
        •          Plant spacing 1.8 × 1.8 meters.
        •          Calcium is needed to ensure roots, leaf
        • reducing postharvest losses in cooking bananas include:
          •  Maturity indices, quality and shelf life
          •  Improved, gentle harvesting practices
          •  Use of shade (various types of simple, low cost structures and portable shade such as market umbrellas)
          •  Use of improved containers for transport and marketing ( such as plastic crates)
          •  Use of tricycles or bicycle trailers for improved local transport

         Simon (standing, during a Dufatanye meeting) the group leader, helped us to register the group officially on village level with the local government.

        Their Way forward

        For the next month, Diane will sit with them and make plans according to their needs in terms of money.  She will encourage them to start a savings group (a local, small, 'credit union' to help self-finance their projects).

        The TWISUNGANE Group

        Some Twisungane Group members with Diane.  Left to Right they are: Claudine, Epiphanie, Diane, Donat, Samuel, and Sandrine.

        Business Organization - Teams and their Responsibilities.

        The TWISUNGANE group does not have to hire workers for any positions; they split the business responsibilities themselves.  They're able to carry out all their responsibilities.

        Here’s the list of the names and profiles of their management team along with their responsibilities.                 






        • Organize and coordinate operations in ways that ensure maximum productivity



        • Keeping and interpreting financial records.
        • Preparing tax returns and ensuring that taxes are paid properly and on time
        • Monitoring spending and budgets.

        Marketing manager

        Jean de la Croix

        • Analyzing market trends and preparing forecasts.
        •  Develop marketing and pricing strategies, generate new business leads
        • Manage marketing budgets and analyze trends.

        Auditing team

        •   Donat
        •   Sandrine
        • Safeguarding assets
        • Gathering and analyzing data

        Certain members in Twisungane, through their own savings, were able to buy pigs and plant bananas as an income generating activity.  They chose to raise pigs because pigs have a better temperament for ease of handling.  They have fast growth rates, usually breed twice a year, and produce about 12 piglets in a litter, have good feed-to-meat conversion ratios, are easy to grow, do not require much space, have prolific breeding potential, and generate manure for fertilization.  They used traditional methods for construction of pig’s building because they cannot afford materials for modern construction.  Pigs can use wide variety of feed materials like grains, forages, damaged feeds, and garbage They bought piglets for around 85000 frw (~$98.00). 

        Samuel started to cultivate bananas on a small scale, but his plantation started to grow.  With advice from TFH he is now prospering from raising bananas.


        After selecting organization team TWISUNGANE are excited to start their businesses.  Diane will continue to collaborate with them in agriculture activities.  She will train them on preparing a Kitchen Garden.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        June 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        May 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        During April, Diane was busy continuing her training for the Twisungane group in Business Plan development as well as setting up a new group of small-holder (subsistence) farmers who want Tools for Hope help.

        In April business planning training focused on teams presenting their plans, for evaluations.  Diane used these presentations to evaluate the group’s understanding of the business planning concepts and principles she has been teaching them for the past few months.  Diane is using the insights she gained from their presentations to improve their understanding of the important points of business plans.

        The new group DUFATANYE (“Let’s Work together) has twenty members.  Diane has been visiting each household to get to know them better.  An important value of Tools for Hope (TFH) is to help the farmers achieve goals that they set for themselves, believe in, and are realistically achievable.  For example, they may want and need livestock to raise in addition to the crops that they currently raise.  In such cases TFH would try to help with training, and funding. 

        In general, the soil of Kamonyi District is humus, permeable and fertile.  Some farmers cultivate beans, pea, cassava, sweet potatoes, soja, and grapes.

        Twisungane Group members; left to right: Donat, Sandrine, Claudine, Celestin, Jean de la Croix, Epiphanie, Diane (TFH mentor), Josiane, and Samuel

        Twisungane Group Enterprise Training

        Diane gave them an assignment to prepare a business plan themselves on whatever business they want.  She gave them an assignment to present / explain through group discussion their plans because it offers a terrific opportunity to the learners to take a deep dive into the subject and understand it deeply.  It expands knowledge and learning.  In addition, it extends a chance to the participants to improve their abilities to think critically and develop their analytical skills.  Group discussion brings together a group of people holding diverse opinions and encouraging them to express their thoughts.

        After their presentations they showed Diane that they did not understand some parts of market analysis and financial analysis.  She will repeat that part of the training to help them to understand the material.

        Below:  Claudine, Jean de la Croix, and Samuel present their business plans to their peer group


        On Market analysis they did not understand very well ‘a market’

        Who are my potential customers?

        •   How large is my target market?
        •   How much are customers willing to pay for my product?
        •   Who are my main competitors?
        •   What are my competitors’ strengths and weaknesses?

        In financial analysis Diane repeated:

        Income Statement

        The income statement shows where money came from and where it was spent over a specific period. It gives an account of how the net revenue realized by the company gets transformed into net earnings (profit or loss). All profit and loss statements contain income and expense account balances.

         In the income statement they focused on

        The income statement is a simple document that is used to show the company’s overall financial performance.  The income statement focuses on four key items—revenue, expenses, gains, and losses.

        • Revenue: Revenue is the income a company receives during the stated period. 
        • Expenses: Expenses include any cost the company incurs during the stated period. 
        • Gains/Losses:  Also called other income, gains show the net money made from other activities, like the sale of long-term assets.  Most small companies use a single-step income statement.  This type of income statement typically has three main sections:
        • Revenues: All the company’s revenues (or income) should be summarized and totaled first. 
        • Expenses: Next, all the company’s expenses should be listed and totaled. 
        • Net income: The bottom line of the income statement should tell whether the company had a net gain or a net loss.  Net Income = (Revenue + Gains) – (Expenses + Losses)

        To understand the above details with some real numbers they took different examples of how to do an income statement for different business to help them to understand it well.

        The Way forward for Twisungane

        After repeating those concepts, Diane is sure that now they can develop and implement business plans. Next month she will focus on management teams and organization ‘charts.’

        The DUFATANYE Group

        Above, Diane (center) is with (left) Rwiririza and (right) Dancille from the Dufatanye Group


        Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) is considered a staple crop and an important source of nutrients for all kind of people worldwide.  In their village, the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the leading legume staple due to its prominent contribution to food, nutrition.  It has been variously described as a near-complete food, meat for the poor and green meat for the rich.  Mature dry seeds of common bean are eaten as a pulse and the immature pods and seeds as a vegetable.  The leaves of common bean are sometimes eaten as vegetables.



        They are: Pisum savitum, which includes both garden peas (sweet pea, inedible pod) and snow peas (edible flat pod with small peas inside) and Pisum macrocarponsnap peas (edible pod with full-size peas).  They are easy to grow, but with a limited growing season.  Furthermore, they do not stay fresh long after harvest.  They rotate pea crops every year or two to avoid a buildup of soil-borne diseases.


         Cassava is the staple food for the most of them particularly in their region

        Cassava was first introduced in Rwanda in 1930 by Belgians.  Cassava is grown as an intercrop.  It is intercropped with beans, maize, bananas and in some areas with coffee.  In their region, the crop is grown as a monocrop.  Depending on the variety and the region the crop reaches maturity within 7 – 12 months.

        The cassava plant is grown for its roots which are used as food.  Cassava can grow on poor soils where other crops do not grow well.  Cassava is also a suitable crop to grow when there is drought.  Because cassava roots can be stored in the ground for up to 24 months, and some varieties for up to 36 months, harvest may be delayed until market, processing, or other conditions are favorable.

        The cassava plant is used for food for human consumption.  It can also be used as animal food.  In many homes cassava supplies a source of food and supplies energy.  It can be made into flour for porridge of Ugali or roasted or boiled.  Cassava leaves are also consumed as a green vegetable, which supplies protein and vitamins A and B.


        One group member cultivates grapes


        Man called Rwiririza started a business of cultivating grapes.  Often used for red winemaking.  He was not found a market, because he started to produce low quantity, he needs to improve his agriculture through increased land scale, training on techniques for how he can cultivate it well and, a link to a good market.  He is the only one in their region who dares to cultivate grapes.  The grape requires a longer growing season as it ripens later than average.  He was committed to continue his business.  Growing grapes is no more difficult than any other backyard crop.


        The Way Forward for the Dufatanye Group

        After visiting some members, Diane found that they are excited to work with TFH and she will continue to visit other members.   The Dufatanye group committee asked Diane to visit other remaining members before any implementation of business and to support them according to what every member can manage i.e., between livestock and agriculture.

        Thank you for your kind support!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        April 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        During March, Diane was busy continuing her training for the Twisungane group in Business Plan development as well as setting up a new group of small-holder (subsistence) farmers who want Tools for Hope help.

        In March business planning training focused on business operations e.g., financial accounting.  The topics this month included learning business cash flow statement basics and sales forecasting. 

        The new group chose to name their group DUFATANYE (Lets Work together).  The group has twenty members.  They are in the Southern Province, 17 kilometers from Kigali.

        Twisungane Enterprise Training

        Diane's Twisungane Students left to right: Sandrine, Epiphanie, Diane, Celestin, Donat, Claudine, Jean de la Croix, and Samuel

        Cash Flow Statement Training

        This statement is one of the three key reports (with the income statement and the balance sheet) that help in figuring out a company’s performance. 

        The cash flow statement helps you watch incoming and outgoing money. 

        1. It shows liquidity
        2. It shows changes in assets, liabilities, and equity in the forms of cash outflows, cash inflows, and cash being held.
        3. The business can use cash flow statements to create cash flow projections.
        • 4.   It gives details about spending.
        1. A cash flow statement helps in keeping the best level of cash on hand.

         A cash flow statement has three parts Cash Inflows, Cash Outflows, and Summary. 

         The Cash Inflows section lists all the cash that is coming into the business each period.  For most farming operations, The Twisungane will include cash inflows from off-farm jobs, custom work, and gifts, as well as the cash income from the farming operation. 

        The Cash Outflows section is divided into the main cash expense categories the operation. 

        The Summary section shows net cash flow (inflows minus outflows) for each period. 

        Sales Forecast Training

        Sales forecasting is the process of estimating future sales with the goal of better informing business decisions.  Sales forecasts helps set goals.

        • Sales forecast also guides spending. 
        • Sales forecast is an estimate of sales of the number of goods and services over a period. 
        • Sales forecast assumptions

        Sales forecasts are built on assumptions.  We are not predicting the future, but aggregating information to help define our outlook. 

        Market conditions - A growing or shrinking market can either provide a low or high ceiling for potential sales increases. 

        Products and services - Making changes to products and services base on factors that affect the customer, or production factors that affect the overall cost. 

        Seasonality - seasonality may have to do with the weather, holidays, product/feature releases, or other predictable factors. 

        Marketing efforts - How much is spent on marketing, and messaging may have an impact on overall sales

        Regulatory changes - Changes to specific laws or regulations may directly affect your industry.

        How far forward should you forecast?

        12 months from now is far enough into the future to guess. 

        Conclusion - Twisungane

        The financial analysis required much time, attention and calculations which was not easy to them to understand it, but we took different examples for different business to help them to understand it.  Diane gave them an assignment to do by themselves.  Everyone in the group will present their own business plan.  Afterwards they will discuss the organization and management team of their proposed business. 

        In Agriculture activities everyone was in weeding practice (remove unwanted plant) in maize and beans crops.

          Dufatanye Mentoring Begins

        Makeup of the DUFATANYE Group

        The total number of the group members is 20.  There are 11 women and 9 men.  15 members are aged below 40 years old; 3 members are aged between 45- 50 years old and 2 are aged above 50 but are energetic

        Their Names

        1. GAHONZIRE Egidia

        2. KANKINDI Marie Goreth

        3. MUKAMUNANA Cecilia

        4. BANKUNDIYE Thelesia

        5. MUBERUKA Laurent

        6. MUTUNGIREHE Dativa

        7. AKIMANA Jean de dieu

        8. GASANGWA Laurent

        9. SEBERA Bernand

        10. TUYIZERE Vedaste

        11. BUCYIRORA Isae

        12. MUKANDAYISENGA Dancille

        13. UWIRAGIYE Jeanne

        14. MUKANKURANGWA Christine

        15. TUYISENGE Vestine

        16. MUKARUYUNDO Oliva

        17. UWURUKUNDO Francoise

        18. NGARAMBE Fabien

        19. RWIRIRIZA Jean Paul

        20. UWIMANA Innocent

        Dufatanye Leadership Committee

        Left to right:  Egidia Gahonzire Accountant, Laurent Muberuka Secretary, Jean Paul Rwirriza President, and Fabien Ngarambe Vice President

        Dufatanye Location

        This new group is located in the Southern Province of Rwanda, 17 kilometers from Kigali, Kamonyi District, Rugarika Sector, Ntebe Cell in Sheri Village. 

        In General, the soil of Kamonyi District is humus, permeable, and fertile.  Their agricultural productivity increases year by year due to modern techniques of land use management.  Rainfall is sufficient.  The average temperature is 20 ºC.  Staple crops grown in Kamonyi district include beans, maize, sweet potatoes, Banana, and cassava.

        Dufatanye Goals and Challenges

        Setting goals is crucial to keeping motivated and focused.  It is vitally important for every group because it can help us do more and be better organized.  Goals must be Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Timed to be useful management tools.  (SMART)

        The Tools for Hope (TFH) goals are for the farmers to become self-sufficient, independent business people, and to help Rwandan subsistence farmers rise from poverty permanently and remain self-sustaining.  TFH supplies funding for entrepreneurial projects in the form of no-interest, no-recourse loans once the project plans are completed. 

        Short-Term Goals

        •       Register the new group with Cell Leaders of where they live (Ntebe Cell in Sheri Village) to ensure the management and security of the group.
        •      Developing the culture of savings in the farmers.

        Long-Term Goals

        •  Introducing no till farming techniques to the farmers.
        •  Enhancing nutritional value of family diets through raising livestock like chickens, goats, and pigs and to cultivate vegetables and fruits in kitchen gardens in their home.
        • Training the farmers on basic farm business plan to help them to implement some farm business themselves which will increase household income generation.
        • Training the farmers on different techniques on post harvesting handling and storage to reduce losses after harvesting.  Like (cob modal techniques) for maize production
        • Helping the farmers to access the market for their livestock and production through linking them with good market and with competitive prices.


        •  Raising pigs and goats are needed to enhance their lives because it produces more and quickly, and it will be the source of income and inorganic manure.
        • They need to access clean water near their home.  Water is key for healthy, but they still walk long distances to fetch water.  Sometimes they drunk Marshland’s water and when their children drink contaminated water, they risk severe illness.
        • They don’t have a common land (a collective land) that they can practice together modern farming techniques.  They need to borrow /hire the land for their agricultural activities as a group.
        •  They need agriculture inputs in every agriculture season and irrigation equipment.  Because it is not easy to them to afford it.

        Conclusion - Dufatanye

        The local communities are grateful and delighted that TFH has started helping another group of farmers to move from poor lives to be independent farmers.  This is substantial progress, and we believe that it will bring positive impacts in the community.  The DUFATANYE group were excited and very willing to work with TFH.

        Now they are in agriculture season 2022 B. Diane will introduce no till farming techniques in the next Agriculture season, 2023 A.  Also, Diane will help them in weeding practices and register the group.

        Thank you for your kind support!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        March 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Business Plan Training – Financial Accounting and Analysis

        Diane continued to train The Twisungane group members on how to make a business plan. Financial analyses are an essential part of any business plan.  Her training included the basics of financial statements, examining financial statements and, economic analysis of investments.  Also, in February, Diane encouraged them to create a saving group and to start with a small amount that everyone in the group can afford.  

        Recent class picture; left to right: Samuel, Sandrine, Celestin, Epiphanie, Diane, Josiane, Jean de la Croix, and Claudine.

        Financial Analysis Topics Covered

        Financial analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability. It is used to evaluate economic trends, set financial policy, build long-term plans for business activity, and identify projects or companies for investment.

        Components of a Financial Analysis

        1.   Income Statement

        The income statement shows where enterprise money came from and where it was spent over a specific period.   The income statement focuses on four key items—revenue, expenses, gains, and losses.

        v  Net income: The bottom line of the income statement should tell whether the company had a net gain or a net loss.  This is called “net income.” To arrive at this number, the total expenses are subtracted from the total revenue. 

        Examples of Expenses

        v  To understand the above details with some real numbers they did an example of buying and selling a small farming plot. 



        Sale of plot

        2000,000 Rwf



        20,000 Rwf

        Travel expenses to register a plot

        10,000 Rwf


        5000 Rwf


        10,000 Rwf


        10,000 Rwf


        5000 Rwf

        Total expenses

        60,0000 Rwf

        They used another other example related to the agriculture and livestock business. Here they assumed that they operated a pig farming business for the period beginning January and ending of December 2021. 

        All numbers are in Rwf (Rwandan Franc; $1.00 = ~865 Rwf)



        Sales  Revenue                                                  


        Cost of goods sold                                              


        Gross Profit                                                     









        Water and Electricity


        Workers’ Wages






        Equipment Maintenance                          










        Other Expenses


        Total Expenses                                                


        Profit before Taxes                                     

        (- 68,000)

                2. Balance Sheet

        The balance sheet is a picture of a firm's financial condition at a particular moment. Balance Sheet Categories - assets, liabilities, and net worth

        Continuing Financial Accounting and Analysis Training

        Financial analysis training in business planning requires significant amounts of time for discussions and to be understood by the group.  In March Diane and the farmers will continue to discuss cash flow statements and sales forecasts.

        Twisungane Savings Initiative

        Savings groups are owned, managed, and operated by the members, using a simple, transparent method where groups accumulate and convert small amounts of cash into savings.


        Twisungane members formed a saving group (6 savings group members pictured above) that will help them to save money to buy materials such as hybrid seed and fertilizer and pay medical insurance (mutuelle de sante).  They may borrow from their group's revolving fund and repay loans at an affordable interest rate. There are 8 members who committed to be in the saving group.  They settled rules and regulations, and they started with 500 Rwandan Franc (500 Rwf). This group was formed to help them in developing ownership of their future i.e., to be able in the long run to solve some of their issues themselves.

        Thank you for your kind support!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        February 2022 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        During January 2022 Diane Uwamahirwe continued training the Twisungane Cooperative members in the basics of developing and implementing successful business plans. The training is important because in Rwanda stable, formal jobs are scarce; and the Twisungane farms are too small to supply a secure living for them. Therefore, having successful business ventures in addition to their small farms can help provide the farmers with good middle-class lifestyles. A potential business under consideration now is for the Twisungane Group to invest in farmland i.e., they may buy rather than rent their farm plots as well as rent land to others. Significant drivers of this plan are an improved regulatory environment for land purchases and, an increasing demand for (farm, residential, and commercial) land in Rwanda.

        The above is a picture taken  after class.  Class sessions focused on Market Analysis for their proposed business plan. More details about this are provided below. After class sessions, we shared foods and drinks together for celebrating a new year. From the right  in a green T shirt is Samuel (team leader), followed Oliva, next in a red T shirt is Celestin, followed Filidaus, next to her is Diane, the man in a white shirt called Thacien, followed by Epiphanie, next in white shoes is Jean de la Croix, next to him is Claude, followed by Emerita and, at the end in the white shirt is Richard. Other members were  absent because of various reasons.

        Twisungane Business Plan Training by Diane Uwamahirwe

        Market Analysis

        A market analysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. It investigates the size of the market both in volume and in value, the various customer segments and buying patterns, the competition, and the economic environment in terms of barriers to entry and regulation. It is an analysis of the current market values of properties.

        Market Analysis Process

        • Industry Research and Overview

        Describe the industry or trade and examine its direction. In researching the industry, you are looking at all the businesses like yours. A comprehensive industry overview shows investors that you understand the larger landscape in which you are competing. More importantly, it helps you understand if there is going to be more demand for your products in the future and how competitive the industry is likely to be.

        For example, in the business of buying and selling plots the demand is growing every day in Rwanda and the prices of plots increases with the demand. A key factor is its high population growth rate and the small size of Rwanda.

        • Market Identification

        Target identification is where you explain who your ideal customer is. When you have more than one type of customer, you do what is called market segmentation. This is where you group similar types of customers into segments and describe the attributes of each segment.

        Example: The location of the Twisungane Cooperative is a good place to attract investments and infrastructure projects because it is near Kigali and the district where the Bugesera airport will be found.

        • Market Elements 

        Market size: Market size is how many potential customers there are for your product or service.  There are many potential customers of their proposed land business because there are many land investors i.e., farmers, developers, etc.

        Demographics: Customers’ typical age, gender, education, income, and more.

        Location:  Where are your customers found?  Their customers for buying land are in Rwanda, Bugesera district, Kigali city, Nyamabuye sector, etc.

        Competition: Beyond knowing what other businesses you are competing with; a good competitive analysis will point out competitors’ weaknesses that you may take advantage of.

        Of course, there are and will be competitors to the Twisungane in their land trading business. However, most competitors are far away from their region. The Twisungane group members have more information about prices of local plots and, the owners of the plots are their neighbours, this is an advantage in the competitive pricing of plots.

        Pricing and forecast:  A market analysis helps to work out pricing and to create a sales forecast to better understand what part of the market you think you can get.  Once you have an idea of your pricing, think about how much you expect to sell. Your industry research will come into play here as you think about how much of the overall market you expect to capture.

        Pricing in their land business it is not easy because it changes every day, because the demand increases continuously.

        Regulations:  Are there any specific governmental regulations or restrictions on your market? If so, discuss how you are going to follow them.

        Market Analysis Benefits

        • Risk reduction: Knowing your market can reduce risks in your business, since you will understand major market trends, the main players in your industry, and what it takes to be successful, all of which will inform your business decisions. To help you further protect your business, you can also conduct a SWOT analysis, which shows the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a business.
        • Targeted products or services: You are in a much better position to serve your customers when you have a firm grasp on what they are looking for from you. When you know who your customers are, you can use that information to tailor your business's offerings to your customers' needs.
        • Marketing optimization:  A regular analysis can inform your ongoing marketing efforts and show you which aspects of your marketing need work, and which are performing well in comparison to the other companies in your industry.


        In the market analysis training segment, Diane also emphasized Market Value i.e., the free-market price at which land could be sold under private contract. Because population pressure and demand for land are increasing, land is becoming both a scarce and desirable commodity, the value of which is expected to increase in future.

        Here we celebrate the New Year together as share food and drinks. They appreciate your support and are willing to continue collaborating with you.

        Thank you for your kind support!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        December 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        In November, the Twisungane Cooperative with the help of their Tools for Hope (TFH) mentor, Diane Uwamahirwe, made considerable progress defining their future goals. Those goals include:

        • achieve sustainable agricultural productivity through maximizing the effectiveness of input use and raising goats, pigs, and chicken to get manure for fertilization.
        •  improve the nutritional status in their families using their own savings to buy livestock at least 2 chickens per family and to improve their kitchen gardens for cultivating different vegetables and fruits.
        • be self-sufficient through implementation of their own small businesses.
        • own a land / plot for doing their agricultural activities and as their primary, fixed, financial asset.

        Diane Uwamahirwe with the Twisungane Leadership

        With Diane’s help they performed a ‘Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats’ (SWOT) analysis related to the Twisungane farmer’s business idea of land trading.

        On Diane’s (seated in chair) left side in a white and black shirt is Donat, next to him  in blue T shirt is Samuel ,followed by  Claudine wearing a red hat next to Claudine is Epiphanie, after Epiphanie, is Jean de la croix in white shoes, and next to him is Philidaus. During this class session one woman was missing, other three men were missing that day as well. Venuste who is a village leader was helping some local population who had conflicts, while Celestin, Claude and Josiane were sick.

         Defining Twisungane Goals and SWOT Analysis

        Overall goals statement and SWOT analysis of selected business idea.

        TFH-USA asked Diane to help the Cooperative to clarify their goals and to help them develop practical business plans to achieve their goals.

        Twisungane shared with Diane what they plan to achieve as their overall goals. The Twisungane group of smallholder farmers want to achieve goals such as:

        • Twisungane want to achieve sustainable agricultural productivity through maximizing the effectiveness of input use and raising goats, pigs, and chicken to get manure for fertilization.
        • Twisungane want to improve the nutritional status in their families through their own savings for raising livestock like chickens at least 2 chickens per family and kitchen gardens for cultivating different vegetables and fruits.
        • Twisungane want to be self-sufficient through implementation of small business themselves.
        • Twisungane want to have dependent land/plot for doing their agricultural activities and as their fixed asset.

        Achieving these goals is the reason they want to invest in buying and selling plots as such trading has shown high returns in their village. It is an excellent money-saving investment which will guarantee higher returns in the future. Land prices increase every day and land does not require a great deal of maintenance.

        Before we talked about market analysis and financial analysis, we conducted a SWOT analysis to understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the idea. Land is the common heritage for present and future generations.


        • Management and supervision are straightforward
        • Lower property tax, the property tax tends to be much lower than it is for other businesses
        • Low labor cost
        • It is a fixed asset
        • Initial investment is low in their area
        • Loss risks are low
        • No gap between purchase and possession i.e., possession is immediate upon purchase


        • Requires significant capital


        • Demand is high: the area is starting to be developed.
        • The value of a plot / land increases with time in their village.
        • It will not require full time supervision.
        • No maintenance cost.
        • No insurance cost.
        • Returns can require considerable time.

        Their land trading business involves buying local farming plots. Various plots will be bought to be quickly sold (i.e., ‘flipping’) while others will be kept and used in agricultural activities by the Twisungane. Such that when they want to do other businesses such as raising chickens for eggs and meat, and pigs, the land will be their own property i.e., they will not have to rent their land. Renting a plot is not a sustainable solution because, renting a plot is expensive, the land returns to its owner.  A better use for their money is to buy their own land.

        Near-Term Actions

        In December, Diane will be on childcare leave - with our prayers.

        Beginning in January 2022 we will search for land clients and sellers. Diane will continue to do follow-up and encourage them to continue agricultural activities and raising small livestock.

        Each family needs chicken eggs and at least one chicken per family. The farmers can manage this by using their own savings. Diane will teach them to do a kitchen garden to cultivate vegetables and fruits in modern ways. She will also focus on ways the farmers can preserve their crops without deterioration to avoid losses for improving the nutrition status.


        After discussions, we realized that a buying a plot is a good business because, it will be a solution for one of their main economic problems. After returning TFH loans they will keep their land as a heritage from TFH. In the next report we will discuss its market and financial analyses, and income projections.

                Diane and the Twisungane leaders at the end of the class.

        Thank you for your kind support!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        November 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        Diane Uwamahirwe is in the preliminary stages of mentoring the Twisungane group on business plan development.  In October she emphasized that an idea is the first milestone in building a successful business.  Business ideas create a reason to invest, and it also imagines sales and profit.  A business idea is the first step and the beginning of a business.  Characteristics of a good business idea are: Innovative, Unique, Problem Solving, Profitable and Understandable.

        Tuzamurane farmers (mentored by Frank Mutesa) are smallholder farmers in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.  Where their soils are acidic having a pH of about 5.5 or less which reduces their crop yields.  Soil erosion also negatively affects these subsistence farmers. 

        Twisungane Group Business Plan Development

        Choosing the Right Business Idea

        In October Diane met with the Twisungane Group on several occasions, the group shared different business ideas they think will be possible to implement in their village.  Diane helped them to analyze each business according to market and demand, capital and finance, start-up costs, competitions, etc.  This is the list of business ideas they proposed.

        Ø   Flour mill machine business

        Ø  Butchery business

        Ø  Buying and selling grains business (beans, maize, sorghum)

        Ø  Poultry farming for eggs and meat

        Ø  Buying and selling plots business

        They discussed on each business according to market and demand, capital and finance, start-up costs, competitions to choose the right one.

        From left to right:  Samuel (Twisungane leader), Phildaus, Epiphanie, Jean de la Croix (in white shoes), Claude, Venuste, and Diane.

        Flour mill machine business: This business is good in their village because it will supply a profit to them and there is one competitor but market size, and demand is low, and their customers used traditional ways to grind grain and it is not easy to find help in case of machine maintenance.

        Butchery business This business is good, but it requires electricity however there is no electricity in their area and materials used in butchery are expensive and the market and demand are low.  The price of meat, fish, and chickens is not affordable for their customers most of them are used to eating beans instead of eating meat.  The business will need government certificates and regular monthly taxes, this business is therefore disqualified on the above grounds.

        Poultry farming for eggs and meats business: It is a good business in their village of farmers because it will be a solution for them  in terms of getting manure to fertilize their land and to fight against malnutrition in their families but there are many competitors, market and demand are low and also this business has more challenges including high rate of disease and pest attack, high rate of mortality, high cost of poultry feed, supply of poor-quality chicks, inadequate poultry extension services, and inadequate access to and high cost of veterinary services. It is difficult for them to find the best farm location, farm facilities and, transport for feed, eggs, and chickens; therefore, distribution would be an issue.

         Buying and selling grains (beans, maize, sorghum, Soja): It is a good business because it will be a solution for them and their customers during dry season.  In this season there is a scarcity of beans, maize, soja (soybean) and sorghum.  Also, there are no competitors, but it will require transport and it is an issue in their village to find the right house to for long time storage to avoid grain wastage and it will require regular monthly taxes.  In addition, a start-up cost is between 2000,000-4000,000 frw.

        Buying and selling plots business:  This business is good because land or plots have shown higher returns in their village.  It is an excellent money-saving investment which will guarantee higher returns in the future.

        Investing in a plot of land is undoubtedly one of the best options for group looking to gain high returns with minimal risk in their area.  Also, it will offer greater flexibility, Initial investment is low and is estimated to be from 500,000-2000,000 frw, no gap between purchase and possession, and low property taxes.  The property tax tends to be much lower than it is for other businesses.  With a plot of land, there is no maintenance needed.  One of the biggest advantages of investing in land is that it will be a solution to them after returning the loans, the land will remain theirs and it will be easy for them to manager it easily because it will not require full time supervision.

        After discussions we selected the Buying and Selling plots business as the right one for them for the reasons, mentioned above.  

        At the end of the class, they took a picture, a man in a red jacket called Samuel, (as a team leader) next to him is Phildaus and Epiphanie, next to Diane is Jean de la Croix in white shoes, next to him is Claude in black boots, followed by Venuste in black shoes.

        Next Steps

        In the next report we will discuss its market analysis, financial aspects, and income projection.

        Tuzamurane Group

        Biomass and Green Manure for Soil Fertility Improvement

        Some of the plants or crop varieties can be grown and turned into soil to improve its quality.  These plants and crops (their biomass) can be incorporated into the soils.  These plants can be cut and then plowed into the soil or left in the ground before planting.  The purpose is to add organic matter to the soil for its benefits.

        Tools for Hope managed to supply a plant known as Tithonia diversifola (Mexican sunflower), this plant is commonly grown everywhere in the country.  However few farmers had the information about its benefits to the soil.  This is a plant that can help in soil improvement through its ability to fix nutrients for crops (maize, beans, tomato, and many other vegetables).  We supplied Tithonia cuttings to be planted on the edge of their farms.  The plants can be cut often and incorporated in the soil before planting and function as green manure.

        Soil Erosion Control and Soil Fertility

        In Rwanda soil erosion is a common threat.  There are measures that farmers can apply to combat this issue.  TFH will show these techniques to our farmers and help them to put in action some of these techniques.  If soil erosion is not taken care of, can destroy everything and make our poor farmers poorer than ever.  

        The practices we are encouraging our farmers to follow are the practices that can reduce soil erosion and increase organic carbon stock e.g., rotating crops, cover crops, no-till, integrated soil fertility management (using farmyard manure, and green manure).  

        Thank you for your kind support!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        October 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter



        Tuzamurane farmers (mentored by Frank Mutesa) are smallholder farmers in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.  Frank has begun visiting their farms to see how they are preparing for this upcoming agriculture season (2022 A).  They are still applying traditional techniques.  Frank is ensuring those techniques are applied in effective ways while helping them learn modern farming technologies which help in boosting their yield.

        Diane Uwamahirwe is in the preliminary stages of mentoring the Twisungane group on business plan development.  She is helping them understand, develop, and implement business planning for their future income producing enterprises.  She is tailoring her training to help those who are literate as well as the (usually older) less educated farmers understand and apply the concepts involved in business plan development.

        Tuzamurane Group

        Gathering information about the new group

        Tools for Hope (TFH) always takes time to listen to the farmers about their lives, goals, challenges, etc.  We try to implement changes “solutions” that are fully acceptable to the farmers i.e., acceptable socially, culturally, economically, technically, legally, etc.  Frank is an expert in rural development and is well equipped to help the group raise their standard of living.

        After discussions with the group, Frank was able to prioritize a list of projects that will help them achieve their near-term goals.  They are as follows.

        1. Raising pigs and goats - these are projects that can enhance their lives.  They are a reliable source of manure and can produce a positive cash flow.
        2. Transportation plays a critical role in their community.  The TUZAMURANE village is a bit far from the center market, therefore they need simple transportation tools, i.e., bicycles.  One bicycle per family will help them transport their goods to the nearest market, allow for access to food, increases access to recreation, entertainment, healthcare, and educational opportunities.
        3. They need land for a community farm.  The land would serve as a demonstration farm where different modern agriculture technologies will be applied, and it will function as a ‘Farmer Field School’ for many smallholders in the community.  Frank gave them the task to go and check the price for borrowing land for 2 agriculture seasons (1 year).
        4. Women need off-farm activities to supplement their family income.  Tuzamurane women can receive help from developing a vendor business where they can sell some of the things that are needed in the neighborhood.  Six ladies in the group are asking for sewing machines.

        These ideas will need further development.  Tools for Hope will try to supply funding for the projects in the form of no-interest, no-recourse loans once the project plans are completed and agreed upon by TFH and the Tuzamurane group.

        Introducing No-Till Farming to the Tuzamurane

        The no-till or conservation agriculture technique has been a success.  The Twisungane group evaluated this system, with tremendous and significantly superior results.  

        Frank is talking to our new group about how they can adapt the no-till system to compare this system to what they have been doing.  The no-till system will be a new system for them because what they have been doing mostly involved totally tilling the land.  No-till farming means no-tilling of the soil at all.  The system is more productive, uses significantly less labor, and helps improve the soil over time.

        No-till will increase the microbial activities in the soil.  This also helps in enhancing the nutrient availability in the soil and helps in controlling soil erosion especially in Rwanda (Mountainous and hilly areas).  No-till will enhance agricultural productivity and help in fighting food insecurity with smallholder farmers.   

        Twisungane Group Business Plan Development

        Meeting the Teaching Challenges

        Diane has two classes of committed students. Farmers who know to read and to write bought books and pens to write down lessons, for those who do not know how to read and write lessons are transmitted orally, through conversations. With both groups, we started to discuss the purpose of learning about business plan development. Diane shared with them the main purposes of business plan development i.e., Business plan development is a plan of action.

        Strong business plans will help them in the following ways.

        Ø  SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat,) to make best and informed decisions.

        Ø  create an effective strategy for growth and to think clearly about their business ideas.

        Ø  determine their future financial needs, exactly how much capital they need and for what they will use it.

        Ø  plan development can quickly show them whether they will be making a profit or running at a loss, and it shows how much those losses may be every month during implementation.

        Ø  gain a wider, deeper, and more understanding of their marketplace.

        Twisungane Group Resources and Challenges

        Diane has been discussing resources, opportunities, and challenges they face.  They have TFH who has supported them in different areas (through agriculture, livestock, health, financially and trainings, materials) to reach a sustainable development level. Funding for loans for their projects will come from the TFH bank account in Rwanda. That account holds funds repaid by the Twisungane group for previous projects e.g., their motorcycle taxi business. Other resources and opportunities are that some of them have different skills (good agriculture practice, livestock farming, tailoring, basic knowledge in small business) which showed that they can implement some business plans in these areas.

        Diane also encouraged them to create small saving groups amongst themselves, from low contributions to high. This is to help them to be prepared according to the business they will implement.   See for example


        Challenges they are facing being smallholder farmers living in remote areas include difficulties accessing both input and output markets. For the TWISUNGANE group, the first challenge they have is that they do not have their own land titles. This is a big challenge because they are not allowed to apply for a loan in the bank for big projects. Additionally, because they do not have one big land they share, every farmer prepares his land, sows, fertilizes, and harvests him/herself which leads to producing low yields. This makes it hard to follow up on their activities because each one is working independently. If they had one project they shared, the follow up would be easy and the outcome would be better than working each on his/her own.

        Next Steps

         As she continues their business plan training, Diane is encouraging and supporting the Twisungane in their continued use of no-till farming techniques, introduced by Frank.

        Similarly, Frank is introducing modern agricultural techniques to the Tuzamurane. He also recognizes the need for more formal and informal training for the farmers.

        Both groups will benefit from having a relatively large plot of land to cultivate as a common farm.  Such a common plot would ease training and improve overall productivity.

        Thank you for your kind donations!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        September 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

                 Diane Uwamahirwe and members of the Twisungane Cooperative                                      


        In August, our two Rwandan agricultural professionals Diane Uwamahirwe and Frank Mutesa worked to begin mentoring a new group (Frank) and expand agricultural mentoring with our original group to focus on agri-business training (Diane).  Transitioning the original group (Twisungane “the hard-workers”) to Diane’s mentorship went smoothly thanks to Frank and Diane’s professionalism.  Frank did an excellent job in paving the way for Diane and she was well received by the Twisungane.

        The new group (Tuzamurane “lifting one another”) is small (20 members) and is primarily made up of made up of young women and young married couples.  The Twisungane group started with 15 members and has grown to 80+ members.

        Twisungane Group Mentorship Transition

        Our primary goal in the transition is to build on the agricultural strengths developed by the group through Frank’s training and leadership.  The group is now able to move into income producing agri-businesses.  Frank helped the group develop from 15 subsistence farmers into an organized cooperative with a self-sustaining, healthy and stable lifestyle.  They are ready for the next step “up the ladder.”

        The Twisungane welcomed Diane.  Because of Frank’s training and their trust in Tools for Hope they are open-minded about change.  

        Diane’s focus will be on business development for the Twisungane cooperative.  Just recently, Frank transferred ownership of their motorcycle (taxi) to the group based on their loan repayment.  This helped set the stage for Diane and the cooperative to move forward with new initiatives based on lessons they learned from that business venture.  Diane appreciated the way they have managed to pay the motorcycle.  It showed her that they will be able to implement their business plans while they are still struggling for sustainable development and that they are excited and committed to collaborate with her.

        In other later discussions, Diane found that within the Twisungane group there are two groupings of farmers.  One group is made up of older and illiterate farmers.  The other group is younger and more literate.  The older members were reticent about learning and implementing business plans because of their insufficient educations.  The younger, better educated farmers were more accepting.  Diane assured both groups that she was able and willing to adjust her mentoring to accommodate their needs.  Current plans are for a two-tiered approach to their training.

        Diane Uwamahirwe in meetings with the Twisungane Cooperative Leadership

        Frank’s Initial Work with the Tuzamurane Group

        We have been able to form another group.  This group is in the Eastern province, close to the Twisungane group.  In forming this new group, Frank asked them to name their group.  They choose TUZAMURANE (it means “lifting one another”).  They have all agreed to this name and Frank also agreed. 

        They then voted and chose a committee of four members.  They are:

        1. President: Mariko NIYOMWUNGERI (Man)
        2. Vice President: Jeannette NYIRAHAKIZIMANA (Woman)
        3.  Secretary: Jonathan NTEZIRYAYO (Man)
        4.  Accountant: Eugenie NYIRAMFUKAMYE (Woman)

        What is important and unique with this group is that all of them are below 30 years of age, young married couples, although poor they are energetic and are willing to move fast into their development. 

        The total number of the group is twenty members.  We agreed to that number and in the days to come we will see how to adjust and add more members as per the upcoming programs.  This group has more women members than men.   This is caused by young men who are migrating to town in search of new and better jobs.  This leaves many single women in the village.  TFH is going to help these women and bring back hope for a better life in their village.


         Above is the TUZAMURANE committee and the advisors.  We are glad that these are young, and women are now more committed than before and TFH will make sure we help them to help themselves and hence the family development.

        Tuzamurane Objectives, Plans and Challenges

        The Tuzamurane group is made up of subsistence farmers.   They will be focusing on agricultural innovations, raising livestock, and non-agricultural business activities. 

        Challenges and opportunities they face include the following.

        1.   They do not have a common farm (a collective land) that they can practice together modern farming techniques.  They need to borrow / rent the land for their agricultural activities as a group.
        2.   Transportation of their harvest to market is an issue.  Although their location is not hilly and has good roads, they lack transportation resources e.g., bicycles which can help carry their goods (one bicycle per family project),
        3.   September is the beginning of the agriculture season 2021-2022 A; they are planning for their plantings.  They will need the best quality seeds for Irish potato, maize and beans and other inputs like fertilizers and manure.
        4.   Livestock (pigs and goats) and poultry are needed for their manure.  Other similar business activities are needed.
        5.  Because of their poverty and the COVID-19 with their children going back to school this September they have difficulties in getting the basic equipment for the children to go to school e.g., books, uniforms, shoes.  Additionally, they are having issues in paying for their (government sponsored) health insurance commonly known as “mituelle de sante.”

         Typical bicycle transport for farm produce

        Frank gave them the assignment of thinking about what they can do.  He wants first to hear from them and then he will help them to adapt.  He will train them on issues that will help them through this development journey they are starting with TFH.

        The Way Forward

        The farmers are grateful that TFH has started mentoring and helping another group of farmers, the TUZAMURANE Group.  This is substantial progress, and we believe it will have a positive impact in the society.

        We are glad TWISUNGANE have finished paying their motorcycle loan.  Thanks to their commitment to abide by the agreement, they are truly gentlemen. 

        Thank you for your kind donations!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        August 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        Despite the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Rwanda, Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) achieved two significant milestones in July.  We hired our second farmer cooperative mentor, and we added our second group of farmers to mentor.  Our new hire, Diane Uwamahirwe, is an Agribusiness and Environment Specialist with a BS (honors) in Agribusiness and, who is completing her master’s degree.  Frank Matuesa, our most experienced agricultural mentor, found a new group needing and wanting our help.  He has started their mentoring.

        Our Near-term Strategy
        Frank succeeded in helping the Twisungane Cooperative members improve their lives in many ways.  Their health, education, nutrition, financial, and overall welfare all improved under Frank’s mentorship.  Agriculture alone cannot supply a sustainable path for the Twisungane to a middle-class lifestyle.  This is because the land they farm is limited in size and availability to them i.e., they are able only to rent small plots to farm.  They need income producing enterprises.

        Diane will provide the Twisungane group with training and help in business plan development and implementation.  She will also continue Frank’s work in improving the group’s agricultural knowledge and skills.  The combination of stable incomes, and quality food security will help the farmers achieve a healthier, more prosperous life.   

        Tools for Hope, Inc., with your help, will support their efforts primarily through funding Diane and Frank’s salaries, and through supplying advice and interest free loans for good income-producing enterprises.  We are also helping the groups with capital formation.  We do this by keeping their loan repayments in a bank account in Rwanda to help fund their future projects.  This is crucial because of the lack of available loans from local lenders.

        Importance of Self-Sustaining Economic Development
        In the past, many well-meaning charities supplied free products and services to communities like the ones we mentor.  When free items such as clothing, mosquito netting, water wells, etc., arrive in a community the local businesses providing such products are forced out of business; no business can compete with free stuff.  When local businesses fail people lose their incomes.  Unemployed people in countries with no social safety net(s) often starve or turn to crime to survive.  One source claims that such aid (~$1 trillion) over the past 50 years has lowered the standard of living of the average sub-Saharan African by 30%.    Poverty can have other equally devastating effects.

        In Rwanda, for example, the HIV / AIDS epidemic causes tremendous suffering.  The government and NGOs are fighting the disease with medicines, education, prophylactics, etc.  One of the primary drivers of the epidemic results from poverty.  Young ladies looking for a spouse often marry older men rather than young men more their age.  Older men typically have a house and a way to support a family; younger men usually do not.  However, the older men also have higher incidences of AIDS.  TFH looks to raise the prospects for a better future for all those facing extreme poverty.

        The New Farmer Group
        The following is from Frank’s recent monthly report: 
                “This new group we are selecting is in Eastern Province of Rwanda, Rwamagana District, Gishari Sector, Gati Cell in Nyamabuye Village and the group leader goes by the name of Mariko Niyomwungeri.  The population of this area, especially the smallholder farmers and subsistence farmers are practicing traditional farming, whereby their field are always crowded by multiple crops including sorghum, sweet potatoes, Irish potato, maize/corn, beans, soya, and the yield is always low.  There is always a risk for many of these subsistence farmers of not getting enough to feed their families through the next season.  Not only feeding their families but also taking their kids to school is still an issue as they cannot get enough money to pay for school fees.  There are many basics needs that are still lacking with these subsistence farmers and this is because of the work they are doing which is not promising.  TFH then is going to see how we can mentor these farmers and helping them to cater for these basics needs but through helping them to help themselves by giving them more innovation strategies that they would apply in agriculture and other projects that are linking together agriculture, business and other off-farm activities…”

        The new group has eighteen members, all of which are subsistence farmers.  This is a wonderful opportunity for Frank to do the things he does best i.e., introduce extraordinarily successful agricultural techniques that are fully acceptable to the farmers.  With Frank’s help the group will be able to move themselves for the extreme poverty of subsistence farming to a much better life.  

        Pictures Frank sent recently of the new group members and their fields

        The Way Forward

        Diane will meet with all the members of the Twisungane group once governmental restrictions on travel and group gatherings caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are lifted.  She has met with the officers of the group and discussed their overall situation with Frank.  Diane will continue improvements in agriculture begun by Frank and extend the farmer’s economic progress by mentoring the group on successful business development projects that are right for them.

        We are excited about the challenges and opportunities facing Frank as he begins his journey with the new group.

        Thank you for your kind donations!

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.


        Copyright © 2021 Tools For Hope Inc, All rights reserved.

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        July 2021 Tools for Hope Newsletter


        Frank Mutesa (Tools for Hope mentor to the Twisungane Cooperative farmers) visited the farmers’ fields in this June and, he is happy to say that the farmers are doing well in terms of using modern ways of farming.  He believes their yields will continue to increase.  Proper intercropping system, mulching and rotational systems are now common with our farmers and hence the increase of yields day by day.

        When the current COVID-19 lockdowns are lifted again (after July 14), we will give three farmers the ceramic water filters as agreed, and we will begin our clean water trials.

        Evaluating Other Farmers Who May Use Our Mentorship

        Tools for Hope (TFH) requested Frank to inquire about mentoring another smallholder farmer group.  He has been looking for possibilities in different areas and weighing what we can offer the new group.  Frank went to Rwamagana (a city and capital of both the Rwamagana District and the Eastern Province in Rwanda) to check on some of the smallholder farmers and to see what we can help them to achieve.  There is a significant amount that these smallholder farmers can learn from us.  Frank can mentor them to become more self-sufficient and to have better futures.  These farmers are near a supply of water which means they can use powered irrigation.

        These farmers can be mentored to look for markets for their produce.  In addition, Frank can help them on issues of post-harvest handling.  They can also be trained to work on off farm businesses and to explore other business projects.

        Some Farmers Work their Fields During Season C in Marshlands

        Farmers are approaching Season C.  Farming during this season is practiced mostly in marshlands because of its drought period.   Those farmers with some land in marshlands can plant some vegetable crops.


        The use of mulch and the proper intercropping is necessary for sustainable crop yield.  Farmers are now familiar with the smart agricultural technologies that we encourage them to use.

        The Way Forward

        Things are going well for the farmers despite the coronavirus restrictions, as of now they are in kind of lockdown (from July 1 to July 14) for two weeks and therefore some businesses have locked down.  Curfew hours are in effect.  We believe life will return to normal soon.  Agriculture activities are among the opened activities, so we hope for the best.

        June 2021 Tools for Hope Newsletter


        During May 2021 Frank Mutesa (Tools for Hope, Inc Rwandan mentor) worked with the Twisungane Cooperative farmers in three primary areas.  They included livestock management, water catchment techniques for their farms in advance of the upcoming seasonal drought period, and the cooperative’s requests for funding from TFH for income producing projects.

        The Twisungane group is being challenged to learn the basics of business plan development.  Tools for Hope encourages development of sustainable, self-sufficient, income producing projects by the farmers.  The farmers need such projects because their small farms cannot be enlarged and as such cannot produce adequate incomes for a suitable lifestyle.

        Training Farmers to Take Care of Their Livestock

        Feeding livestock based on nutrient needs.

        With help from veterinarians and agronomists, farmers can get aid in evaluating their forage for its nutrient content.  Frank encourages the farmers to adapt best forage varieties.  Frank contacted the Rwandan Agricultural Board’s livestock department for help on different feeding varieties that can help our farmers.  By knowing the nutrient requirements of their livestock, they may be able to prevent overfeeding.

        One goal of such a strategy is to help our Rwandan farmers do their part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions e.g., methane.

        This picture shows a proper cattle barn.  This was used as an example to the Twisungane farmers.

        Water Catchment in Preparation for Drought Season

        We are approaching the drought period.  In late May the farmers began harvesting their crops and preparing to enter Season C which is known for its extended period of drought.  Few farmers cultivate in this season.  With good techniques the Twisungane farmers will be able to raise some crops during season C.

        Some land use management techniques that Frank highlighted to the farmers included the following.

        • The use of conservation agriculture or the no-till farming system. This simply means, leaving the crop residues on the field after harvesting and with minimum tillage when sowing.  We have done research on this no till farming and farmers are now encouraged to use the method during drought season.
        • Farmers were also encouraged to use methods such as mulching and other farming techniques like furrow and ridges. Also, farmers were encouraged to keep the rainwater through different water reservoirs they can afford, like digging holes for keeping runoff water, and catching water from their house tops/roofs.
        • Another choice is to use native crops varieties or drought tolerant crop varieties. This depends on the water requirement of the crop and linking them with weather and climate forecasting info from meteorology agency (METEO- Rwanda) which gives this information each season.  Farmers can use the PICSA approach to plan for seasonal agriculture activities.
        • Fallow periods leave the land without any disturbance and allow the weeds to grow and give the land a chance to regenerate. Cultivation can begin in the next season.

        Above is the illustration used to show farmers the furrow and ridges technique they may use to store water to be used by their crops.

        Twisungane Proposed Projects and their Progress on Business Plan Development

        With Frank’s help the Twisungane have named three projects that they would like Tools for Hope (TFH) to fund.  The projects and associated funding request are:

        1. Motorcycle / transportation business: $ 2,800.00 (for purchase of a second motorcycle taxi)
        2. Pigs’ business: $ 1,250.00 (5 pigs, each will cost $ 250)
        3. Sewing clothes business: $ 1,500.00 (For 3 sewing machines plus other starter tools)

        They are requesting 100% funding at no interest and no ‘recourse.’  TFH is willing to loan the funds on such terms provided that each project is described properly in a basic business plan. (e.g., project description, market analysis, competitive landscape, operating structure, sales strategies, financial health and future)

        Our requirement for project business plans is based in the following reasoning.  Long-term, such lenient loan terms as offered by TFH would undermine local lenders i.e., commercial lenders cannot compete with ‘free money.’  By undermining local lenders TFH undermines the Twisungane cooperative’s ability to secure future loans locally thus breeding long-term reliance on charity.  By developing the knowledge and skills they need to create a project business plan that is a practical ‘roadmap to success’ the cooperative members help to ensure their future ability to get project funding on their own i.e., independent of TFH.  This is a core value and guiding principle of Tools for Hope, Inc.

        The Way Forward

        Things are now getting back to normal, and farmers are now busy looking into how best to support their families.   Their children are back to school as usual.    There are still challenges on how they can work with banks because some of them have no collateral.

        The issue of business planning is an important one.  Early on when TFH began working the Twisungane group most people had little or no hope of a future.  This worsened their poverty because it encouraged them to spend any extra money at once on ‘goodies.’  A common saying among them was “tomorrow is for tomorrow’s people” meaning that they primarily focused on living for today.  This has changed and continues to change.  They are learning to plan for a better future for themselves and their children.  Given the low level of literacy among the group, it is a difficult challenge for them culturally, economically, socially, and technically.

        Thank you for your help!

        Tools for Hope


        May 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        If you want to go quickly, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.
        Together you, the Twisungane Cooperative farmers, Frank Mutesa, and Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) with help from Rwanda governmental agencies, have gone far in the past five years.  We have further goals which will require us to travel together to reach.
        In addition to becoming much better farmers, the Twisungane group members are becoming effective entrepreneurs.  This monthly newsletter discusses new goals to further improve the standard of living for the cooperative members and their surrounding community.

        Leveraging Supply and Demand in the Local Food Markets
        For practical purposes, harvest times in Rwanda occur simultaneously.  Across the country, in smaller communities, food preservation techniques are lacking i.e., for many years discarded spoiled food exceeded the amount of food consumed.  The effect on food prices was to depress them at harvest time and to increase them later as the harvested food spoiled, and edible food became scarcer.   This worsened the financial and health problems facing subsistence farmers.
        Frank Mutesa has been working to increase awareness of better ways of achieving food preservation.  Also, he has helped the farmers see that they need to make food preservation one their top priorities.  This combats hunger and adds value to their harvested crops.
        All our farmers are following food preservation techniques.  In addition, they have agreed not to sell their harvested crops at once after harvest when prices are typically low.  So, they are now working to improve their preservation techniques and to add value to their crops.  By ‘buying low’ and ‘selling high’ in the local food markets the farmers can improve their overall well-being.             

        Projects Under Consideration
        Tools for Hope Directors, Frank, and the Twisungane group leaders have several projects under consideration.  As discussed previously, the farmers cannot produce enough from their small plots to sustain an adequate lifestyle.  There is little opportunity for them to enlarge their landholdings and similarly there is little opportunity for full-time, steady (formal) employment.  Therefore, non-agricultural, income producing projects take on increased importance in improving their lives.  TFH will supply (interest free, no recourse) funding for their projects where the projects are well thought out i.e., where there is a basic business plan showing a ‘road-map’ to success for the project.
        Some projects under discussion are.

        • Purchasing a second motorbike taxi:  Such transportation is popular everywhere in Rwanda.  Their first motorbike taxi business is working well even with the COVID-19 travel restrictions.   Many in the group are familiar with such taxi operations.  TFH has agreed to loan funds for a second motorbike once the Twisungane group has repaid one-half of their original loan.  This is based on our belief that the group can manage the added loan repayment burden because of their reliable performance with the first taxi i.e., repayment has been particularly good, they have kept the motorbike in good condition, and have met all legal / administrative requirements.
         Raising Pigs and Poultry:  The business plans for these two projects are under development.  There are resources available to Frank and the farmers to address the basic questions a business plan should address. See for example and

        Those and similar resources (academic and governmental) can supply information and best practices for the farmers e.g., Rwanda Pig Farmers' Association and the Rwanda Poultry Association. 

        Sewing: The group has found three ladies who have earlier experience with sewing.  The proposal for the sewing project thus far, is simply to buy three sewing machines.  TFH will work with Frank and the group to refine the project plan.
        TFH believes that skill in producing practical business plans is crucial to the long-term success of the Twisungane Cooperative.  With a good business plan the cooperative should be able to secure financing for all their future projects.
         TFH encourages a basic business plan addressing the following in adequate detail.
        • The goals of the project
        • How the business will make money
        • What the project needs to get started
        • The operating budget
        • Customer Identification
        • How the project will reach customers its
        • The effect of competition
        • Outline project strengths and weaknesses
        • How the project measures success
        Fruit Trees
        In addition to projects which may produce incomes in the near-term, Frank is encouraging the farmers to plant fruits trees on their individual farms.   Frank discusses with them the benefits of having fruits trees in their compounds and on their farms as well.  In Rwanda there is a huge demand for fruit.  Rwanda relies on imports for mango, oranges, apples, passion fruit, and many other fruits.  Research shows the soil of Rwanda will support these types of fruit trees. 
        The way forward
        This COVID-19 is still hindering some progress about the sustainable development journey, because of some restrictions including lockdowns and curfews in Rwanda.  But slowly the government is trying to bring the life back to normal and many people have taken their COVID vaccines doses therefore we believe things will be better soon.   

        Tools For Hope, Inc.
        1540 Robinson Road
        Knoxville, TN 37923



        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.



        April 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Frank Mutesa, Tools for Hope (TFH) Rwandan agricultural mentor, continued to train and encourage the Twisungane Cooperative farmers.  
        During March, the most important agricultural activities were weeding, pest, and pathogen control.
        During April we expect to begin the clean water treatment trials, with the consent and approval of the Twisungane Cooperative leadership.  
        Frank continued encouraging food preservation in the Twisungane community to ensure they are not losing their yield due to lack of proper preservation. 
        TFH and cooperative representatives continued discussions on projects enabling sustainable development e.g., an added motorcycle taxi, and sewing machines for a tailoring business.
        Weeding, Pests and Disease Control Techniques
        When weeding is not done on time farmers can lose more than 50% of their yield, as weeds compete with their crop for nutrients necessary for crop growth.  To reach sustainable and decent quality production in agriculture they employ specific and frequent management methods for crop growth.  Management involves deciding which activities to follow in each stage.  TFH continues to train and encourage farmers in all those aspects. 
        In March, the most important agriculture activities are weeding, pest, and disease control.  Many of our farmers cultivated beans in this season and the weeding activity was done using a hand-held hoe.  This is an important activity in agriculture, because if not done on time, then farmers can lose more than 50% of their yield, as weeds compete with crops for nutrients.

        TFH also helps farmers in detecting and finding deficiency symptoms in their crops.  Frank mentors them in differentiating between nutrient deficiencies by field observations and, pest and disease damage to the crops. 
        Frank’s primary role is to encourage good management.   To that end he explains to our farmers the danger of not doing the weeding on time and its importance in agriculture and crop production.  Weeds are an important biotic constraint to crop production because they compete with crops for the same resources i.e., water, nutrients, light, and carbon dioxide.  Frank is simplifying the scientific language for local understanding and is happy that our farmers have understood these concepts.  Farmers have understood that weeds can be the alternate hosts for crop pest and pathogens, and they are the major yield reducing factors.  This knowledge is very important to farmers and it is good that they put this knowledge in practice.    
        Clean Water and Food Preservation Technologies
        In Rwanda, an estimated 57% of the population has access to safe drinking water within 30 minutes of their homes.  The issue of available, clean water is significant for our community.  Presently, they boil their water to make sure bacteria are killed. Boiling their water is expensive for smallholder farmers and poor families. 
        TFH is trying to supply a solution for this issue.  Our proposed solution is based on using specially manufactured ceramic filter units.  The units are inexpensive and last for several years with little to no maintenance.  The input water can come from mud puddles or polluted streams.  We have 3 such ceramic water filter units to be evaluated by the farmers. 
        As always, we have discussed this with our farmers.  They are asking for more explanations about how the ceramic filtration system works.  Some of them have used mud pots in the past to filter water, and they think that our proposed ceramic filters are in some way like those mud pots. 
        Frank spends the necessary time with the farmers to answer their questions and to explain how the proposed system will work.  (the ceramic filters are impregnated with silver to kill pathogens in the water, the filters also are made with holes small enough to filter out pathogens and still allow water to flow through; such filters are highly effective.  TFH proposes to add a step to ensure that the filtered water is pathogen free i.e., via a solar disinfection technique)

        Frank also continued his discussions with the farmers on the issue of food preservation.  This is one of the TFH high priority goals towards sustainable development. 
        The oldest methods of preservation are drying, refrigeration, and fermentation.  More modern methods include canning, pasteurization, freezing, irradiation, and adding of chemicals.  Our farmers are now using drying and fermentation (sour milk) systems and adding chemicals to aid in preservation.  TFH encourages farmers to keep using the safest ways of preservation according to their capability and financial means.  Most of our farmers lack the financial means to apply the modern methods of preservation and lack of modern and advanced packaging materials e.g., canning or pasteurization.   
        Non-Agricultural Enterprises for Sustainable Development 
        TFH and Twisungane farmers agreed together that, the development of smallholder farmers cannot just be achieved with agriculture alone.  Although their agriculture is improving day by day, however because of the size of their land and lack of modern technologies, agricultural development for them is extremely limited. 
        They need other, non-agricultural alternatives.  TFH and the farmers continue to discuss and investigate other business channels that Twisungane cooperative may engage in e.g., their transportation business, selling small items that are consumed in the community.  They are also focusing on businesses that our women can engaged in.  They are now discussing the tailoring business. 
        The cooperative members and Frank are encouraging TFH (USA) to supply support to buy three sewing machines and another motorcycle for the taxi business.  TFH supplies such funding when the farmers present a workable business plan and loan repayment agreement.  
        The Way Forward
        Twisungane farmers are doing their best to plan for their future with the help of TFH.  Frank is now collaborating with the farmers to develop the necessary business plans as bases for the support to continue expanding their business and be able to take care of other pending projects. 

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.


        March 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) magnifies donor support by combining it with profits from Rwandan small-holder farmer run enterprises.  Each dollar donated to TFH is multiplied by incomes from businesses mentored by TFH and started with no-interest loans from TFH.  Thank you for helping to make a positive difference in the lives of the Twisungane group families.

        During the current pandemic it is especially important for the Rwandan farmers to use the best agricultural methods to secure a stable, nutritious supply of food. 

        The Twisungane cooperative combines their agriculture activities with non-agricultural activities to make money.  The combination is necessary, and often the only barrier to malnutrition / starvation, because at best the small-holder farmers cannot produce enough food or income from their farms to sustain themselves.

        Tools for Hope Increases the Impact of Donor Funding
        TFH has exceptionally low overhead costs (e.g., no paid employees except for Frank our mentor to the Rwandan farmers, no office rent, web-site fees, etc.).  More importantly however is the remarkably positive impact TFH has on the community with which it works i.e., the Twisungane Cooperative.  
        TFH lends at zero interest for the length of time needed to ensure the business enterprise can repay the loan and meet all its other obligations based on a business plan agreed to by the farmers and TFH.  In Rwanda currently interest rates for such loans approach 20% annually, and the length of the loans is limited to one year.

        Loan repayment funds are kept in our Rwandan bank account (in the name of our employee Frank Mutesa) to be used to help fund future projects.  Loan repayment following the established business plan serves to help train the Twisungane cooperative members in the skills needed to develop and run future profitable businesses.  The goal is for the cooperative to be able to succeed in their businesses without any help from TFH, one day soon.

        Currently, Twisungane cooperative members have two income producing projects.  They have a motorcycle taxi business and a goat raising business.  We are in discussions with them to loan funds for another motorcycle for the taxi business and have extended the repayment time by one year for the goats’ loans.  We are also in discussions with them about developing a garment-making and tailoring business plan.

        The motorcycle business is doing very well, and the loan is being repaid properly.  Current plans are to loan the funds for a second motorcycle when the group has repaid one-half of the present loan.  Half of those funds will come from our Rwandan bank account which the farmers paid into to repay their first loan.  We extended the time for the farmers to repay the loans for the goats because of the negative financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the farmers.  This will allow the goat populations to increase for another twelve months making repayment much easier for the farmers.

        Seasonal Planting
        February starts agriculture season B, which is characterized by moderate rainfalls.  Crops that do not need a lot of water are mostly cultivated.  Farmers were shown how to use effective systems of cultivation in case they meet demanding situations like heavy rainfalls or less than expected rainfall.  These systems included, mulching, intercropping, ridges, and furrows, digging water reservoirs, integrated soil fertility management, weeding techniques done on time, use of pesticides and small-scale irrigation methods. 
         Many of them are cultivating beans during this season.  They also have banana in their fields.  Frank discovered that they do not manage properly their banana plantings.  Frank visited their farms and give them technical support on how to work / manage their banana plantings and, to show them how to do proper intercropping as well.

        Planning Clean Water Issues and Proposed Projects
        Twisungane committee members and Frank concluded that as soon as the Madidrops are available we will at once start the clean water trials. 

        We evaluated ongoing projects and discussed the way forward for other business ideas and projects that can be introduced in the future. 

        The way forward
        Life for Twisungane cooperative is now promising because they have reached the mutual understanding that, they must work together and joining their efforts in planning for the future without fear of starting something new.  They are waiting for the chance to expand their businesses. 


        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        February 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        In January, at its quarterly meeting, the Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) Board of Directors decided to extend repayment of the loan for the twenty-two goats to eleven Twisungane families until March 2022.  This allows the farmers an added year in which to grow their goat population, making it less burdensome to repay the loans.  The Board also decided to loan funds for another motorcycle once repayment for the current loan reaches a satisfactory level and, to fund sewing machines for the Twisungane cooperative.  (All TFH loans have zero-interest.)
        Trials of the ceramic water filtration systems have started.  Three volunteer families are evaluating the systems.  If the systems are acceptable, TFH will work to help provide each family in the Twisungane cooperative with their own filtration unit.
        We have been considering digital innovations and how to introduce them to our farmers.  World-wide there are many innovations (e.g., ‘apps’) that have exciting potential in helping subsistence farmers.  Suitable innovations will help development of rural communities through digital technology and the ‘internet of things.’ 
        During January, we reviewed the existing knowledge base and preferences of the farmers about food preservation.     
        During January, the seasonal agricultural activities started as usual.  The no-till farming trials were successful.  Now the farmers are using the technique where workable.

        Introducing Digital Technology to our Farmers

        Digital technology in agriculture may be able to help in areas such as marketing, financial services, crop insurance services, data-driven targeted application of fertilizers and pesticides, securing weather forecast data, climate information, and soil moisture sensors, etc.  Digital technology is getting greater emphasis in African agriculture.  Use of digital technology may seem too sophisticated for smallholder farmers however, we believe that there are strategies we can implement to help the farmers take advantage of digital technology.  For example, we may be able to set up the equivalent of agricultural extension agents to help the farmers in understanding and using internet connected devices such as smartphones.

        A first step may be for the Twisungane cooperative to obtain a few smartphones.  In Rwanda, such cellphones cost $100.00 each, plus service fees.  With the phones, smallholder farmers can access more useful information.  Such access can revolutionize how rural communities secure their livelihood.

        In Rwanda, most rural communities can access the internet.  In our Twisungane cooperative homes we counted only two smartphones among twenty-two members.  Such smartphones are expensive for our farmers however, we need to show them the advantages in having smartphones for their development journey. 
        Farmers need prompt and correct information in the same way any small enterprise does.  Smallholder farmers may get information through cell phones such as,

        1. weather and climate forecasting from national climatology/METEO agency.
        2. market information to buy inputs (seeds and fertilizers) and, to sell their products.
        3. irrigation and fertilizer advice for their crops.
        4. access crop protection advice and insurance.

        Farmer Food Preservation Preferences
        Food preservation is a valuable tool that our smallholder farmers can use to manage the small amount of crops they have.  A lot of their harvest is lost due to improper food preservation techniques.  TFH gathered information and made an analysis of the food preservation methods that are more preferred and useful to the farmers’ condition. 
        Our farmers have their preferences and knowledge in some types of food preservation.  TFH met with them and saw some mismanagement caused by lack of knowledge about food preservation, and lack of proper tools.  Some of the crops which they cultivate can be preserved e.g., maize, beans, cassava, sorghum, Irish potato, and sweet potato.  They are reviving and using traditional preservation methods such as sun drying, salting, and cooling by digging a hole to store crops like cassava and potato, and changing some crops into flour to be used later.

        Our Twisungane farmers are still having problems preserving some items such as fruits, and some vegetables.  Our farmers know they lack the knowledge and ability necessary in some of food preservation techniques such as canning, vacuum packing, sugaring, and chilling. 
        Frank has been teaching farmers the benefits of food preservation such as,

        1. Save money - avoid buying more than they can use / preserve.
        2. Proper food preservation can help keep some of the food quality.
        3. Proper food preservation stops the growth of bacteria in food.

        Agricultural Season B Preparations
        The agricultural season B started, and farmers were busy preparing for what to plant.    TFH encourages smallholder farmers to incorporate in their planning the PICSA approach (the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture approach evaluates current and historical climate information to predict local rainfall for the upcoming agricultural season).  
        At the beginning of each agricultural season Frank usually visits every one of our farmers to talk to them and to hear what they are planning and give them necessary advice that is tailored to their needs. 
        TFH is also encouraging farmers to plan together starting within the family (husband, wife, and children), this makes their family bonds stronger and, in doing so they can prosper together.  After learning to plan as a team, they are better prepared to seek more advice from other farmers and, from local government agronomists where available.

        Frank checked the possible agriculture inputs like fertilizers / manure, seeds if available and, field preparations.  This included checking their tools that might help them. 
        The owner of the collective farm that Twisungane usually cultivate, at this time, has taken it back and Twisungane now are doing farming only on their individual farms (also rented).  Frank will follow up and see what TFH can do.

        The way forward
        Farmers need to be introduced to digital ways of getting information to help them in their agricultural and business activities and to improve their overall knowledge to cope with life better.  Smartphones can be especially important in their transition to more modern and productive ways of working.  Food preservation is still an issue and we will put more emphasis and find the best sustainable solution of their farm produce.    


        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.



        January 2021 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        During December, the farmers began harvesting their crops.  Overall, their 2020 yields improved through use of new techniques such as no-till farming introduced by Tools for Hope (TFH).  Research shows that during harvest, Rwandan smallholder farmers lose 40-60% of their yields to improper harvesting and poor post-harvest handling techniques. 
        Post-harvest handling (PHH) is one of the most important farming activities.  The activities making up PHH are, cooling/drying, cleaning, sorting, packaging, and storing.  Many smallholder farmers however do not perform PHH activities as they should.  Frank Mutesa, Tools for Hope (TFH) mentor in Rwanda, is training the Twisungane cooperative on how to do their PHH properly.  Proper PHH supports our TFH 2020 goal of improving food security for the Twisungane group.  
        Also, during December, Frank began discussions with the farmers about evaluating the use of ceramic water filters to purify their domestic water supplies.  We plan to ask for three families to volunteer to use the technique.  If successfully adopted by the cooperative, the farmers’ families would have a more readily available, healthier, and more economical potable water supply.
        The farmers’ motorcycle taxi business and their goat raising project continue to prosper.
        Harvest and Post-Harvest Handling
        During this past December farmers began harvesting their crops.  Harvest will continue into January 2021 because of different planting times and different crops.  Those who planted beans are now harvesting and those who planted corn/maize during this season will be harvesting in January 2021.   
        Research revealed that during harvest, 40-60% of the yields are lost due to improper harvesting techniques and poor post-harvest handling.  TFH is aware of this and Frank is there to stop that loss from happening to our farmers.  Farmers are adopting the new techniques and are eager to learn more every day.  They have understood and appreciate the value of learning better techniques in their journey to sustainable development. 
        As one the most important parts of agriculture, PHH can be a life saver considering the demanding work done during agriculture season.  If not well done, it can ruin all the excellent work put in during the agricultural season. 
        Frank has been working door to door and, field to field looking at and checking on the kind of crops planted.  Based on his observations, he advised the farmers on harvesting issues which included, looking for better tools that can help farmers during harvest and, also how to go about post-harvest handling (PHH) which needs some proper tools, such as good sacks, good tools for sorting, good techniques of transportation because sometimes poor transporting the yield from the field can cause loss of harvest. 

        Frank reminded the farmers to take diligent care and plan accordingly, to search for tools to help them in the activities, like sacks, bags, baskets, etc.  Frank also showed them how to sort, the sorting is also especially important because there are those harvested crops that can be consumed at once and those that can be stored / preserved to be consumed later or to be sold later.
        Frank examined crops in the fields and provided individual farmers with advice on the time of harvest depending on crop and how their crops are doing in the field.  This is important because there are some farmers who harvested too early before the crop matured.  We are happy to say that the farmers accepted all our advice.  Frank discussed his advice together with them because this is our style, we do not impose solutions on the farmers instead we discuss and show them how best they can manage their tasks.
        Harvesting Various Crops
        Harvesting was successful for those who planted beans (climbing beans and bush beans).  Farmers used all the protocols as discussed and Frank supervised some of our farmers.  They were on time with their harvesting as discussed, they had all the tools, and they used all the modern methods of harvesting without damaging the crops.  In the days before TFH help, they used to make many mistakes including damaging the crops during harvest time and thus caused losses of 45% of their entire harvest.  TFH is doing all it can to stop these losses and introduce new and more effective ways of improving farmers’ activities in sustainable ways.  Their farms are small, and they are still using sickles, hand-held hoes, machetes, and their own hands to farm.  However, Frank helps them to use everything they have in a systematic way to save 100% of their harvest.

        Our farmers were trained on how to achieve good threshing, reaping, cleaning, and sorting of the crops during harvest time.  Some of the farmers are now harvesting beans and we believe by early January they will be done with the harvest.
        Twisungane Decides Water Treatment Trial Volunteers
        TFH and the farmers are always discussing issues that are outside of basic agriculture when there is time.  We want them not to depend on agriculture alone, that’s why TFH has loaned funds for their motorcycle and their goat project.
        Frank discussed on how to continue working on the motorcycle taxi activities.  They are depositing the agreed amount to TFH account to pay their loan.  This is a good sign of the committed people and Frank always encourages them to do it in a seamless way so that they can have that ability and experience in requesting other loans.

        We have other pending activities that we discussed like working on the water treatment trials, having more loans, and learning the preservation techniques.  Working with the Twisungane group’s leadership we selected three members that will undergo the water treatment trials using the ceramic water filters TFH purchased from a supplier in Tanzania.  
         Farmers are also grateful for the TFH support and they told Frank to pass along their greetings and their well wishes to the TFH and TFH Board members in America that you will have a wonderful new year 2021 as you continue collaborating with them in this journey of combating hunger and poverty and enter their better future where they will be able to have decent life and forget hunger forever.   
        Our Way Forward
        The farmers continue to grow in their knowledge of not only farming techniques but also of economic value creation.  One of the most significant changes that they have made is to value the ‘spirit’ of saving.  Throughout the third world, most impoverished people have no hope for a future and therefore do not save (anything) for tomorrow.   
        Farming, even with the best techniques, will not be enough to bring the Twisungane group to middle-class income status.  With formal, full-time employment being scarce for them, they will need to create their own off-farm income producing activities.  To help with this, TFH lends funds (at zero interest) and supplies advice to help them develop small businesses (e.g., their motorcycle taxi business).
        From Frank: Thank you once again and we wish you a happy new year 2021 as we continue to prosper and aim for the highest in terms of helping those in need to help themselves.

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        December 2020 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        Frank Mutesa (Tools for Hope mentor to the farmers) has been collaborating with the Twisungane cooperative farmers helping them to fight pests and diseases.   These problems arise during November as the temperatures favor the occurrence of many pests and diseases.

        During November Frank had an opportunity to discuss with the Twisungane farmers issues involved with obtaining new loans from Tools for Hope in addition to those they have now.  (TFH loans are interest free)

        The Twisungane community suffers from a lack of affordable, nearby, clean water.  Tools for Hope (TFH) is exploring solutions for this issue.  We have already bought ceramic water filters to evaluate the viability of ceramic filtration.  We need to find out if this technique will work in our farmer’s area.

        Food preservation is one of the most critical problems that the farmers need to solve to combat hunger.  Most of their crop yields are lost or sold at minimum market prices because farmers have no suitable techniques for food preservation.
        Crops Get Appropriate Care in the Fight Against Pests and Diseases
        Rwanda has four seasons.  Their short dry season is from December to February, March through May is a long rainy season, June to August is known as the long dry season, and September to November is the short rainy season.  In November, at the end of the short rainy season farmers need to be careful and always ready to work on their farms.

        During a rainy season, crops tend to be more affected with pests and diseases because of the favorable conditions for insects and other diseases on wet soil and cool temperatures.  Pests and diseases are difficult to fight when you do not have adequate skills and knowledge. 
        The farmers had to be trained and shown the techniques to help them know which pesticides and insecticides that can be used and, to know which kinds of pests and diseases that are affecting their crops.  Frank showed them the various symptoms and, how to know the fungal signs. He is helping them to get rid of these pests and diseases.

        Frank encouraged the farmers continually to visit their farms, especially during the rainy season to see what is happening to their farms.  If they detect any signs on the leaves and they do not know what it is, they call Frank at once and he gives them the prompt technical support they need.

        Frank helped the farmers on their individual farms and on their cooperative farm.  Farmers managed to apply the required pesticides often enough.  We always recommended that they follow all the protocols that agro-dealers offer.
        Loan Request Discussions with Twisungane Committee Members 
        TFH is not just helping the Twisungane cooperative with sustainable agriculture development, but we also help with other economic development paths.  TFH has supplied loans to Twisungane farmers for off-farm income producing activities.  Developing these activities is essential because off-farm employment is difficult to find and pays little.  TFH is considering giving them more loans because, farmers are repaying their TFH loans very well.  They have now repaid more than a half Million Rwandan francs (> 500,000 Frw) towards the TFH loan they received for the purchase of their motorcycle transportation service.  They are also on schedule to repay the TFH loans they received in March to buy twenty-two goats.

        Frank has been discussing with the committee members the possibility of requesting more loans from TFH to expand their businesses, to continue their journey of sustainable development.  They discussed the possibilities of paying them in the same way as they do to the earlier loans.  TFH is their foundation on the issue of getting loans and the loans are the roadmap for their success.

        Usually, poor families in Africa are not considered for loans from banks because most of them are not well trained on loan issues, do not have steady employment, and have no assets to provide as loan security.  TFH has tackled these problems and trained the farmers on various techniques and ways to manage loans.   

        Based on their discussions with Frank, the Twisungane group now would like to request loans for another motorcycle and for more livestock, especially goats.  This is a group request, however there are also individuals who may want TFH loans.  Frank is discussing with them the possibility of requesting helpful loans that they will be able to manage and to repay properly.  

        Working on Clean Water Issues
        Frank had also time to review the issues of water purification and how best to deal with their water problem.  The Twisungane community suffers from a lack of affordable, nearby, clean water (closest is ~ 3 miles away).  Tools for Hope (TFH) is exploring solutions for this issue.  We bought ceramic filters to evaluate the viability of ceramic filtration.  We need to find out if this technique will work in our farmer’s area.  To be acceptable the filters must supply clean water at a reasonable cost and be viewed by the farmers as safe, practical, and dependable.

        Frank has received three ceramic water filters from a supplier in Tanzania.  These will be used in combination with Madidrop+ tablets to start treating water for domestic (potable) use.  These three first units will be used in evaluating the water cleaning efficacy of the filters.

        Above are the ceramic filters that will be used for water treatment activity.

        Training Farmers on Food Preservation Techniques
        Food preservation is one of the most critical problems that the farmers need to solve because it is one of the best ways for them to combat hunger.  Most of their crop yields are lost, damaged, consumed at once, or sold at minimum market prices because farmers lack proper techniques of food / crop preservation. 

        Food preservation presents difficult and daunting activities for our farmers, especially for some vegetables which may need canning techniques.  However, some of the crops which they can easily preserve such as maize, beans, cassava, sorghum, sweet potato, and Irish potatoes, are not very well known to the poor families.  We have managed to show them and are helping them with technical support on how to preserve these for future use, especially during dry seasons.

        Farmers are starting to apply preservation techniques to their harvested beans and maize/corn.  They are using some old / traditional technologies as well as modern chemicals to fight pests and some insects that damage the harvested yields of beans, cassava, and maize.  We are now trying to develop canning methods.  We will start with some few members of the Twisungane.  Frank will seek advice from TFH staff in the USA.  These efforts will help us defeat hunger among the cooperative members.

        At left is the old method of preserving maize/corn which is still used in Rwanda by many farmers.  This method is used when corn/maize is stored for later use by turning this to maize flour for the preparation of a local meal known as “Ugali” the maize local cake.  On the far right, is the canning technology which we are eager to learn and to be able to preserve vegetables and legumes for future use.

        The way forward
        Based on their progress the farmers should be able to manage added loans from Tools for Hope, in the next few months.  We do not want to get them into too much debt nor, do we want to slow their economic progress.  Presently, a typical Twisungane family may spend up to 50% of their annual income on food.  With good off-farm income producing activities they should be able to drive that percentage much lower. 
        As mentioned, bank loans are unavailable to the farmers.  Because of their (previous) lack of money, savings, financial and organizational skills, they had no way to develop their own investment capital.  Your financial support for Tools for Hope helps us help the farmers help themselves.  Thank you for your faithful, continued support of their efforts.


        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        November 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter


        Tools for Hope



        Land preparation and planting / sowing dominated the Twisungane farmer cooperative’s October agricultural activities.  As usual Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) employee Frank Mutesa helped them during these times and gave them the necessary technical support for them to apply effective methodologies to bring about sufficient yields.

        The farmers were met with heavy rains which came right after sowing.  This tends to destroy some of the fields due to their topographical condition. Frank was busy showing them how to combat this issue of erosion and be able to save some crops from the heavy rainfalls.

        We continued to work on the Twisungane projects and worked on the future projects as well.  All the projects we have are doing great.  We want to give them more business management training so that they can be able to manage these projects themselves in the future.

        We still working on the clean water issues.  We which have met some difficulties, but we hope that soon we will begin trials on the best ways to purify our farmer’s dirty water.

        We are still working on the issues of food preservation.  We are looking at which types of food preservation we can promote and that can be adapted by farmers easily.

        Preparation and Planting Activities for 2020-2021 Season A

        Seasonal preparation was done by preparing the inputs (e.g., fertilizers) and working the land to make sure that at planting time farmers will have good land with which to start their season.  The PICSA (Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture) approach was used up until planting time.  This important strategy helps the farmers individually and on their collective field, to plan and to decide which crops to plant and which agriculture system to use.  We helped them with selecting good seed and showed them how to use the fertilizers in the best combinations i.e., combining organic and inorganic fertilizers.


        Helping Farmers with Soil Erosion Strategies and Water Catchment

        This October was dominated by heavy rainfalls and this tends to be a disaster for farmers if they are not well prepared.  We have been training them to use PICSA.  PICSA is all about combining weather and climate information from METEO-Rwanda.  That service gives us updated weather forecast information.  We and the farmers use this information to plan accordingly.

        The METEO-Rwanda information showed that during mid and late October there would be heavy rainfalls.  After hearing this we reasoned with the farmers to use all necessary means to use best practices to help to catch water in the soil and to fight against erosion and runoff.  Frank showed them how to use furrows and ridges as the better system to catch and store water in the field and to reduce the velocity of runoff from washing away their crops.

        Frank also showed them how they can divert the runoff using drainage channels dug in the field and by doing this, they can direct runoff water to an excavated pit and store it for irrigation purposes during drought time.

        This is an example of furrows and ridges in the maize field.  The crop is planted in the upper ridge while the furrow acts as the water collection and drain water and use them to infiltrate slowly to be used by the crop roots.

        Twisungane Group’s Non-Farm, Income Producing Projects

        Twisungane cooperative is not only involved in agriculture, but they are also undertaking other businesses.  Because of the small sizes of their farms they must find income producing activities to support themselves.  The usual way has been for them to try to find ‘day-labor’ jobs when they are not occupied on their farms.  TFH is helping them develop their own businesses.

        Their motorcycle is working as a transport facility (taxi).  They are repaying their TFH supplied loan on a weekly basis (Frank reviews and sends TFH a monthly bank statement showing that the cooperative is repaying the loan as agreed).  Soon their loan will be repaid, and they will have full and clear ownership of their motorcycle.

        They are also engaged in goat rearing and this is also going very well.  The farmers are asking for another TFH supplied loan so that they can expand their goat business.  As their supervisor / mentor, Frank believes they are ready to have another loan because they have understood the TFH concept i.e., helping them to help themselves.

        The photographs above show the current condition of their motorcycle.  It is in good condition.   The farmers are taking good care of it. It has been a year now and the motorcycle is well kept.  Twisungane farmers are now mature in-terms of monitoring their assets and they are well prepared to receive other loans.

        Clean Water

        During October we ordered materials to conduct three trials of a technique aimed at supplying clean drinking water, economically, to the Twisungane group.  We plan to use ceramic water filters produced at a Tanzanian ‘Water to Wine’ facility ( to filter and clean the water, initially.  We also plan to place a Madidrop+ water purification tablet ( in the container of filtered water as an added safety measure.   The MadiDrop+ is a micro porous, water permeable ceramic tablet infused with microscopic silver clusters.

        We plan to begin our tests in November.  Issues with shipping and communications delayed the project by several weeks.


        Our Way Forward

        The COVID-19 virus is still in the farmer’s vicinity.  While they have resumed schooling and all other activities, there are challenges in every aspect of life. Apart from helping our farmers to regain their full strength, kids in school also need our attention for whatever we can do to help them, starting from uniform, books, clean water, chalks and all necessary tools like clothes, shoes and etc.

        Recently Frank was touring the village to see how the children were doing.  He found that they are healthy, but they lack proper clothing, shoes and other school materials.




        October 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter


        Tools for Hope


        The Twisungane farmer cooperative has been doing great, all their projects have been successful.

        Their goat project has been going very well, all their goats have given birth.  This has been a wonderful experience.  It shows how well the farmers can manage their own projects with the help of Tools for Hope (TFH) guidance.  Their goats are kept in good conditions.

        The off-farm project of their motorcycle transportation business is doing very well.  Their revenue is good, and they continue to pay the loan as agreed upon.

        During September, Frank Mutesa (TFH employee / mentor / consultant) worked on clean water issues.  Sufficient, clean water has been one of the critical issues because during this season of heavy rains, they tend to get too much dirty water.  Frank has been discussing this with their local leaders.

        Frank and the farmers are still doing preparations for this planting season, 2020-2021 Season A. Frank teaches them how to calculate rainfall distribution data from METEO-RWANDA, and to plan what crops to cultivate and which agricultural system to use as regards the amount of rainfall predicted for this season.

        Frank also tackled the food preservation techniques issues.  Frank reviewed the farmers current preservation techniques, what they lack, and what TFH can do to help them.

        Motorcycle Taxi Business

        When they get money from their motorcycle transport business, they deposit it at once to secure their loan and have some to their own account.  When they get the money from their motorcycle transport business, they deposit it at once to their loan repayment account and some to their own account.  TFH monitors their progress monthly via their bank account statements.

        Continuing Goat Project Monitoring, Evaluations, and Training

        September has been dominated by monitoring and by evaluations of the farmers’ goat project.  Frank did this by going door to door and looking at each goat.  Frank assessed their status and, recommended actions needed accordingly.  Frank is happy to say that all goats have given birth, and this is a good sign.  The goat project has been doing well.  This has been a wonderful experience and shows how well the farmers can manage their own projects with the help of TFH guidance.

        TFH gave the lady in the picture above 2 goats and now she has 6 goats.  She is taking diligent care of them and she is getting all the benefits e.g., milk, and manure for her farming especially for her vegetable garden (known as a kitchen garden).  This is typical of the eleven families that each received two goats via one-year loans from TFH in March of this year.  Each family will repay their loans with the proceeds from the sale of two of their goats in March 2021.


        The picture above is of an older gentleman who was given 2 goats.  He has 5 goats now.  He very much appreciates the program.  He told us he wants to start a business of selling meat.  Now he is looking for other 2 goats and after 6 months he will have lots of goats and can start his business.  Frank and TFH are helping him in shaping this idea to see if he may be able to succeed in his planned business.

        All the goats from the Tools for Hope (TFH) loans have now multiplied.  Those families who got the fewest (baby goats or kids) now have 4 goats, while those having the most kids have 8 goats, from the 2 goats given to each farmer.  Their goats are kept in good conditions.  What they must improve is the goat houses, some of them are poor and uncomfortable barns.

        Frank had an opportunity to show them how to successfully prepare compost using the goat manure.  Frank taught them to prepare a good pit for the manure and to make sure they used something to cover the pile to keep the nitrogen from volatilization (see for example, and to do a regular mix-up to ensure a proper decomposition. Doing so will result in an excellent quality and a well decomposed manure ready to be used.  Frank encourages them to keep doing better on both agriculture and other development activities outside farming.

        Clean Water issues Involving the Farmers and their Local Leaders

        TFH is now working on getting better access to clean(er) water for our farmers.  We see a possibility of getting ceramic water filters from a manufacturing company in Tanzania.  A trial set (3) of Madidrop+ tablets is on order to be shipped from the USA to Frank.  We are now in talks with the ceramic filter company to buy three filters.  In days ahead we will evaluate these systems i.e., filtered water will get added treatment from the Madidrop tablets.

        Meanwhile we are talking with the farmers to understand what they are willing to try to have clean water.  All proposed TFH solutions must meet the approval of the farmers.  Problem solution must be a team effort for the solutions to be practical and sustainable for the long-term.

        During this rainy season, farmers tend to get too much dirty water.  We have been discussing this with their local leaders.  The leaders see the possibility of boiling drinking water to minimize the diseases that coming from the dirty water.  They are looking for ways of filtering water prior to getting the ceramic water filters.  We are in discussions with the local leaders in charge of social welfare about any source(s) of clean water nearer their area.

        We have checked available water sources.  Most of the farmers get their water from the river.  That river water is dirty water, but it is the only water that is near their village.  Tap (well) water is far from where the Twisungane farmers live.  They walk for ~3.7 miles to get that tap water.  They pay ~$0.35, for 5.3 gal. of water, which weighs 45 Lb. with container.

        Preparation for Agriculture 2020-2021 Season A

        The PICSA (Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture) approach is being used until in the middle of the season.  Farmers are encouraged to listen to the information broadcast on the radio about the predicted rainfall for this season.  When they have this predicted rain fall information, they can decide what to do if they use the PICSA approach.  PICSA helps the farmer to know the right crop to cultivate, the agriculture system to use, the right variety to be used, and the right input(s) to prepare.  Applying the knowledge from the PICSA approach will help them to make good investments in their time, labor, and finances.  Moreover, soon they will be able to calculate their cost-benefit ratio(s) (Frank is going to teach them this soon).

        Food Preservation

        We have been encouraging the farmers to be careful to secure their food needs.  Improved food preservation is one of our 2020 goals.  The food preservation methods that we have been discussing with our farmers involve ways of keeping their crop yields safe for longer-term storage and to be able to use them efficiently.

        Some of the local techniques used for crops include

        • maize – preserve in form of flour,
        • cassava – preserved in form of flour, or kept in the pits as cassava roots,
        • beans – are kept in a sack with pesticide to prevents insect attack which helps beans keep from being spoiled.

        The Way forward

        Farmers and their local leaders are really working hard to secure a better tomorrow and they are glad TFH is doing all it can to push our rural people and to equip them with the right knowledge and mentality to achieve their sustainable development. They have now understood that they can also make it to a good life.  And this was done by doing.  (from Frank “TFH is a “do program” if I may say”).  We focus on activities/works rather than words, and that’s why farmers can see it with their own eyes.

        Frank encourages them to keep doing better on both agriculture and other development activities outside farming.

        Thanks to the TFH USA for the support, the Twisungane farmers are very much humbled and they are sending their warm greetings to all TFH staff and supporters in the USA.  God bless you all.



        September 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter


        September 2020 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter


        August was a great time for farmers all over Rwanda to prepare for their next agricultural season, known as season A (starting in late September).  August was the proper time for Tools for Hope (TFH) employee Frank Mutesa to go from farm to farm to give encouragement to the farmers and to show them the best way to prepare for good agriculture production.  Frank collaborated with the farmers to show and to explain soil testing.

        Frank also had time to discuss management plans for the Twisungane group’s businesses and projects.  During this time of coronavirus pandemic, all Twisungane projects must be managed well, and all the members must be aware of each and everyone’s responsibilities.

        Frank also focused on livestock keeping.  This is another issue that our farmers were not doing well, and Frank is focusing on effective training to aid the farmers in resolving their identified problems.

        TFH is working on all aspects of life for these farmers.  TFH, and Frank, really want the farmers to have better lives and this, we believe, starts with changing their mindsets about certain issues.  They just need the right coaching and encouragement and, the right people in their lives.  TFH is giving farmers the inputs and right principles needed in agriculture, helping the farmers to start their own businesses, and giving the proper knowledge for everyday life (e.g. hygiene, financial planning, food security).

        Soil Fertility Management and Testing Improves Food Production
        As the Rwandan agricultural planting season approaches (Season A), farmers need to be ready with all the necessary first activities prepared and done.  Last month Frank began helping the farmers use the PICSA (Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture) approach. PICSA evaluates historical climate information and uses straight-forward tools to help farmers choose crop, livestock, and livelihood options best suited to individual farmers’ circumstances.  Making the right choice can be critical to the survival of subsistence farm families.

        Frank did a tour to determine how well our farmers are prepared with soil fertility issues. With help from some technicians from the Rwandan Agricultural Board, Frank and the technicians walked around the village where our farmers reside making the farmers aware of how to manage soils, improve soil fertility, encouraging them to test their soil, and to know the nutrients/ essential elements needed. Soil testing is not expensive, and the results can help improve the crop yield by using the necessary inputs at the right rates.

        Many farmers were not aware of the importance of soil fertility and the importance of knowing the status of it.  Some think this is entirely some job of the big and rich farmers.  However, this is a mind-set Frank looks to change.  He is explaining to them that this is a ‘must do’ job and it does not require a lot of money.  For example, the cost for testing and analysis for the essential elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) for one sample is 5000 Rwandan francs, equivalent to ~$5.00.

        On-going Projects and Plans for Others
        During this COVID-19 pandemic, many folks’ businesses have been shrinking and are in bleak condition.  For the small businesses to thrive during this time, they need proper monitoring and planning.

        It is in this regard that Frank has been watching and helping our farmers to perform the essential and important monitoring and evaluation of their business activities.  There are two types of businesses /projects our farmers are engaged in; one is the motorcycle transportation / taxi business, and second is the rearing of goats for multiple purposes.

        Now in Rwanda due to the social distancing issues, all means of transporting people and goods have been increased and their motorcycle business is booming with lots of customers. So Frank is now closely monitoring them and helping them to follow best business practices.  For example, making sure they have sanitizers, and effective metering for taxi charges to avoid fees for not following such required measures.

        Frank has also been observing the goat project, house by house, seeing how they are managing the goats.  Frank has been checking on the feeding, health, and shelter for the goats.  Many of the farmers were not maintaining proper shelter for their goats, therefore Frank has been teaching them how to make and manage proper barns.

        Frank has been emphasizing regular cleaning to help fight diseases and protect the goats’ health.  Frank has been checking the feeding materials and where they get the grass and which types.  Frank found their feeding sites and types of grass are all right, but they need more, and Frank will check whether he can get good grass types that help in goats’ welfare.  Frank knows of some good types of fodder grass that can be grown in their field strips.

        Frank found two goats that were not in good health.  After monitoring, proper discussions, and advice from Frank, they found proper medication and began looking for proper feeding materials.  Frank believes these goats will recover soon.  The other goats are all looking good and Frank is always there to help our farmers in whatever technical advice they need.

        Livestock Care and Feeding Plans
        After seeing that some of our farmers were not keeping their goats in a proper surroundings, Frank started a campaign of looking in all the livestock our Twisungane have and encouraging them to change and have good barns for their livestock and do regular cleaning for their livestock’s health. Some of them have cattle which are not kept in a good condition at all.  This campaign is raising their awareness and encouraging them to think positively.  There is a mindset that poor people cannot have clean things.  Frank is working at changing that mindset and replacing it with “cleanness is the choice.”  Frank emphasizes that they have a choice of making things right.

        The tropics, where Rwanda is, have climates which support a lot of bacteria and other microorganisms some of which can be harmful to human and animal health.   Therefore, regular cleanings and proper barns for livestock shelter help reduced health risks that might lead to the death of livestock and increase the risks to human health.

        Take as an example the conditions of the above cow.  This is what Frank is concerned about.  Farmers need to take health and hygiene issues seriously and to make sure they take good care of their livestock.  Frank can help them find some trees to make a simple barn, and to make sure they do proper cleaning and collection of the manure and to keep it in a compost bin for agricultural use. This is what Frank is encouraging our farmers to do.  These maintenance activities need proper planning.  Being poor is not an excuse for dirtiness.

        TFH is working on all aspects of life for these farmers, Frank really wants these farmers to have better lives, and this, Frank believe starts with changing their mindset.  Frank and we believe they can.  They just need the right instruction and encouragement and the right people in their lives.  TFH is a right organization for this purpose, giving farmers the ideas and right principles needed in agriculture, helping farmers to start their own businesses, and giving the right knowledge for everyday life.  Frank and we are seeing good changes, some of them are also helping us to help the larger community.
        The Way Forward
        Frank and the farmers are preparing the next agriculture season, which is the cornerstone of many of our group members.   Frank and the farmers are managing very well all the Twisungane businesses.  Frank ensures their TFH loan payments are made regularly.  Usually they deposit the agreed amount in two weeks’ time.

        And for the goat project, Frank is encouraging the farmers to take meticulous care of the goats so that they will be able to start paying their loan next year.

        Frank would like to pass the greetings from Twisungane members, they are more than grateful for all you have done to them.  And they are in this with courage, the goal is to have better future and healthier life.

        Tools For Hope, Inc.
        1540 Robinson Road
        Knoxville, TN 37923

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        Tools for Hope


        August 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter



        During June 2020, the farmers harvested their no-till farming trials and, in July Frank prepared the analysis of the trials.  The analysis showed the no-till farming method had a higher yield than the tilling method (~ 8%).  The no-till required much lower labor and much less time for plot preparation than the tilling.  Additionally, no-till farming is better overall for soil condition.

        Frank has been introducing the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach.  PICSA evaluates historical climate information and uses hands-on tools to develop and choose crop, livestock, and livelihood options best suited to individual farmers’ circumstances. (see

        During July, the farmers began preparations for the next growing season.

        So far for repayment of their motorbike loan, every two weeks they deposit 42,000 Rwanda Francs (~$43.85), making the total of 341,000 RWF (~$356.00).  For their goats, they will repay the loan after one year.

        The Twisungane farmers are grateful.  They showed this by inviting Frank to share food and drink with them.  They told Frank to thank Tools for Hope (TFH) for what you have been doing to help them especially during the lockdown when TFH supplied food.  Some of them they still eating some of those supplies even now.


        Our No-Till Experiment Results

        The picture below shows an example of the placement of the treatments and plots.

        We had two methods (No-till and tilling methods, which have been replicated three times as shown in the table below.  All methods received the same Inputs (seed variety and fertilizers).  No-till performed better than tilling.  Our experiment was for only one season and Frank could not determine the best method in a scientific way but, all in all this season shows that the no-till method has a slightly higher yield than the tilling method. And in terms of labor, the no-till has lower labor requirements for preparation than the tilling method which needs more labor and many days of preparation.

        Treatment ID Method Yields in kilograms for plot size 10 m X 10 m Yields in pounds for plot size 32’ 9.7’’ x 32’ 9.7”
        T-1 No-till 25 kg 55 lb., 1.8 oz               
        T-2 Till 22.5 kg 49 lb., 9.7 oz
        T-3 No-till 23.7 kg 52 lb., 4 oz
        T-4 Till 21.2 kg 46 lb., 11.8 oz
        T-5 No-till 22.7 kg 50 lb., 0.7 oz
        T-6 Till 22.3 kg 49 lb., 2.6 oz

        Totals: No-till farming = 157 lb., 6.5 oz.; till farming = 145 lb., 8.1 oz.

        As the data Table above shows, no-till plots had better results than the tilling method.  The highest yield was seen in T-1 (no-till plot) while the lowest was seen in T-4 (tilling).

        These results have shown that, no-till is a good method for this area.  Minimum tillage helps maintain soil fertility without weakening its original structure or the beneficial microorganisms which contributed to the crop growth and yield.

        Benefits of No-Till Farming

        • Prevention of soil erosion
        • Prevention of soil compaction
        • Preservation of soil structure, soil aggregates and macro-pores
        • Improvement of soil moisture and water use efficiency through mulching
        • Promotion of beneficial organisms such as earthworms
        • No-till mulching enhances soil microbial activity, transfers organic matter to the soil improving its nutrient status
        • Less inputs of fuel, energy, and labor


        Training Twisungane Farmers on PICSA

        The University of Reading (England) developed Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) as a part of a research program on climate change, agriculture, and food security.

        Historical climate data are combined with location-specific crop and livestock information so farmers can assess risks.  Farmers use planning tools to consider crop, livestock, and or livelihood options and make decisions that are right for them.  Farmers update their plans based on seasonal and short-term forecasts.  METRO RWANDA provides weather information ( for the farmers use.

        Well-timed farm operation is easily achieved through no-till because land preparation is much more quickly done.  Studies have shown that timely planting contributes up to 40% of the yield.

        This is one of the best ways of defeating crop losses.  Because Rwandan agriculture depends on rainfall doing the proper analysis of the weather and climate information will help farmers to know which crop to plant as far as the amount of rainfall is concerned.  Different crops need different amounts of water for growth.

        PICSA helps them to know which off farm activity to do in case the rainfall information shows that there are going to be minimal rains.  This helps them to change the crop or, use other ways of irrigation to support the crops, or not to engage in agriculture for the season.

        This has been a good approach for our farmers and has been helping them to minimize their risks and to manage their capital better.  PICSA also teaches them how to calculate their profits and benefits before engaging to any activity.

        It took Frank days of discussions with the farmers to get each farmer to understand the approach and then to get their commitment to the approach.

        As an example of PICSA:  Using the PICSA climate services approach, Selina Sellas, a farmer and mother from the village of Makoja, Tanzania, calculated that she could lose her maize harvest 7 out of 10 times because of insufficient rainfall. She now plants less maize and has introduced more drought resistant pearl millet.

        Frank was one of many researchers who took part in learning this approach and training many farmers in Rwanda.  PICSA gives them the opportunity to choose whether to plan for agriculture activities or for off-farm activities.

        Field Visits, Crop Preparation, Fruit Tree Management and Providing Technical Support

        July is the primary time when preparations for agriculture activities for the next season are done.  It is also a time to review other activities that are always in the field, e.g., banana and other fruit trees.  They are now using maize straws and bean residues on their banana field for mulching, to cover the soil from direct sunshine and keep the soil under the banana field moist.  Some of the residues are being used for livestock feed.

        Farmers are serious about their agriculture activities.  The crisis of the coronavirus pandemic crisis impressed on them the importance of preserving their crops.  Now farmers are eager to know more, they ask more about crop and fruit diseases and how to combat them.

        The above picture shows a barn which is not kept in good order.  Frank persuaded the farmer to always have a clean building for their livestock and to keep the manure in proper holes and to cover the compost to prevent loss of nutrients, such as nitrogen, from disappearing into the atmosphere.


        Motorcycle Taxi Business and the Goats Project

        The Twisungane group now has two ongoing projects i.e., the motorcycle taxi business and the goat project.  TFH funded both projects with loans to the group.

        The weekly loan repayment for the motorcycle is going well as they have resumed paying after the three months of COVID-19 required lockdown.  On their account now we have 341,000 RWF, equivalent to $356.00.  They have been repaying this loan without any problem and they know that Frank is always checking and encouraging them to make regular loan payments.  Doing so will help them to further their learning about how to manage larger projects.

        In case of the goats, the agreement is to repay the loan after one year when the goats have increased in number after they reproduced.

        Frank and the farmers have discussed and talked about challenges associated with the two projects.  All the challenges are minor ones and normal.  They are getting more manure for their crops and also using the goat milk for their children. As it was discovered that goat milk is the best for children’s health.

        Meeting and sharing together few of the harvested yield

        One evening when Frank and the farmers were done with their discussion on PICSA, the Twisungane committee members were organizing another meeting and they wanted Frank’s advice on a group member who wasn’t abiding by the group’s regulations.  At the same time, they wanted to thank Frank and the TFH for what they did during the lockdown by providing food to the group.

        Frank managed to calm the situation and solve the issue peacefully.

        They appreciate our efforts for making their life better and all the teachings and support from TFH and they are committed to do better and change their mindset and be able to excel in the future.

        Frank and they planned for their future together and had a wonderful moment, while discussing many aspects of life.  They talked more about values and how best to have good values which is the key to development.  We agreed that good values / character can help everybody accomplish much and open the doors of success.


        The way forward

        The farmers request TFH to add one more motorbike and more goats to the group.   The Tools for Hope Board of Directors is actively considering their request for more loans.

        They are still learning more about loans and how to get good quality ones. They are looking for different projects to engage in.

        The issue of water treatment is still a priority and Frank has been contacting people from Tanzania to obtain ceramic water filters and is still waiting for their response.





        July 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter




        During the COVID-19 pandemic in Rwanda, our farmers are legitimately concerned about their financial health.  Many businesses have closed, and people are focused on businesses essential to their community and which can help them survive.  Tools for Hope (TFH) is similarly focused on its farmers and their community.

        Frank Mutesa (TFH-Rwanda employee) taught and prepared the Twisungane committee members to work together and to develop a sense of helping one another with in the cooperative.  By doing so they can elevate one another even those who are weak can be able to be resilient.  For example, when they help to prepare one another’s field in one week they can finish all the agriculture activities in all their individual farms working as a group.

        The farmers just completed harvesting our trials and soon we will present the data after the analysis.

        We are addressing the issue(s) of clean water.  Too often they are using water from the river which is dirty, and this has affected their health for so long.

        Frank continues to look for and evaluate a new group to mentor.  There are many of them, so we are still considering which group is more in need.


        Training Committee Members to Work Together

        Meetings and training these days are done with few people, following the rules for combating the coronavirus.  Therefore, Frank usually only meets with committee members (coop group leaders).  Frank usually finds other cooperative group farmers in their field /farms as they are doing farm work.  There, they can have a little chat and discuss different issues.

        During June, Frank put more emphasize on issues of working together, he has been encouraging them to work together to help one another so that the group can stay well and healthy, together.  An example is the activities we conducted in our no-till research.  That effort has been a collective effort and Frank used this example to ask them to do likewise on their individual farms.  This can be done by working together on each family’s farm.  For example, all of them may meet at one individual farm and work and, then the next day at another members’ farm and so on.

        This concept has been well received and all farmers see the benefits.  The purpose here is for them to share and to care for one another.  Such sharing was not common in Rwanda before the Tutsi genocide in 1994.  People used to hate one another based on their tribes (Tutsi, Hutu, Twa).  TFH promotes the Rwandan government’s teachings on reconciliation and these strategies of working together is a proper path to sustainable development as well as sustainable peace and reconciliation.

        The picture above was taken during a meeting and discussions with Twisungane committee members.  As you can see some of the group members are wearing their masks to abide by the rules.  Because Frank does not live in their community he has to talk to them when a wearing mask to show them that he cannot infect them with coronavirus in case he might have been infected in the city where he lives.


        The extremely poor among the farmers live in mud houses, such as  shown in the pictures above.  However, we have a plan to use revenue from the motorcycle taxi business and goats’ projects to raise their lifestyle and be able to renovate their houses as well.  This is not the type of house in which they want to raise their children (dirt floors, walls that cannot withstand heavy seasonal rains, no water, sanitation, or power).  While some of them have been raised in such houses we do not want others to continue with such a life.  This is what TFH is fighting for.  We want to help raise the standard of living among the poor and, with a little help, get out extreme poverty.


        Harvesting No Till Research Trials, Data Collection and Recording 

        During June, we harvested our no till trials.  This was the most important activity related to the agricultural work our farmers are doing.  Their farming activities are not an occupation that is supplying them a good living.  Many factors have hindered and continue to hinder their farm’s productivity e.g., limited  land size, lack of proper techniques / methods of cultivation, soil fertility issues, lack of proper inputs (poor variety of seeds, lack of fertilizers and manure). That why we conducted no till research i.e., to see what kind of cultivation method can best help them to have good yields and to understand their soil fertility issues.  No till farming requires much less labor in the preparation of the farmland.

        TFH has given our farmers goats for many purposes but among is to increase manure for their agriculture purposes.

        The activity of harvesting our trial was well organized and every member was present, men and women working together.  Every plot was harvested separately using all the agronomic parameters.


        The above pictures show what the farmers do to harvest their crops.  Briefly these pictures show the harvesting process and all the activities.  As you can see all the work is done by hand.  You can see how they are working together in friendship, women, and men together.  Beans require a lot of work during harvesting.  Our farmers do not have modern equipment for harvesting beans.  Lack of machinery is another constraint on productivity.  The pictures show how tough agriculture can be especially for poor people.

        Apart from the agriculture activities you can see that they are willing to help one another.  This is what we are looking for, togetherness and get to where we want to be i.e., a good life with peace and harmony.

        We are now recording data and soon Frank will supply the results and the analysis and the recommendations on the issue of no-till and till methods.


        Water Issues

        Water scarcity is a big problem in sub-Saharan African and in Rwanda.    It is a huge problem that the government is working day and night to solve.  However, in rural and remote areas it is not just the scarcity but the cleanliness of available water that has put the poor families at risk from diseases.  People travel long distances to just get clean water.  Sometimes they use water from sources near them which are not clean.

        Frank took this picture when he was travelling by motorcycle around the community where our farmers live.  The person in the picture is one of our farmers and he was returning from fetching clean water in a distant area where the small container (5 gallons) of clean water cost 100 frw (~16 US cents).  So, the issue is not about the cost but the long distance.  Frank and the farmers are suggesting that TFH supply them Madidrop+ ceramic tablets to help purify water.  With those tablets they can try to clean (decontaminate) water they fetch from the nearby river.  Someday the government will be able to bring pipes to this neighborhood and supply clean tap water.

        Way Forward

        So far farmers are happy with all TFH is doing and they are more than ready to show that they have been learning a lot.   They know it is up to them to show progress in what they are doing.  By looking at the pictures in this report you can see they are looking healthy.  There is an issue with their kids, Frank is not always satisfied with how their kids look in terms of health and cleanness.  However, this is the fight and Frank is determined to continue to fight along with TFH.  We believe we will win and change these people’s lives for the better.  Therefore, on behalf of the farmers Frank would like to express their appreciation for everything TFH is doing “God bless you abundantly.”

        Tools for Hope


        June 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter






        As we started May, the lockdown in Rwanda ended but with some restrictions still in place.  Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) activities were still taking place.  With the end of the lockdown TFH employee, Frank Mutesa, was able to verify the farmer’s activities, to hold meetings, and to give technical support as usual.   The farmer’s motorbike taxi transportation business is coming back, now with a strong emphasize on showing people how to use the cashless ways in paying for services.  This is a challenge with our farmers, but we are obliged to show them its importance.

        We have started to emphasize the necessity of growing vegetables and fruit trees in their back yards (kitchen gardens) to ensure they get the proper foods and thus improve their immune systems as one of the measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

        We have been also monitoring our research trials, the no-till research trial, and the individual farms to see how they have been affected by the heavy rains that occurred in Rwanda during the April-May period.

        We have been doing surveys, observations, and talking with various people about securing clean water and how they see the various technologies working in their community.

        Also, we have been searching for other vulnerable farmer groups that we may be able to mentor as this is one of the goals for TFH.

        Emphasizing and Training Farmers to Focus on Growing Vegetables and Fruits in Their Backyards

        Vegetables and fruits high in vitamins C and E are particularly important in boosting the immune system, and they are rich in antioxidants.  TFH has been stressing to the farmers to cultivate these in their gardens.  Frank has been trying to make and grow his own fruits seeds for the farmers to use.  For example, Frank has tried to make orange tree seeds sprout from a ‘store bought’ orange.  Using his knowledge of agricultural science Frank produced good orange seed sprouts ready to be planted.  Frank planted them in a pot and soon he will be transporting them to the farmers backyards for transplanting after they have shown a good germination rate.

        This is Frank’s own trial and he is going to plant the seeds and help the farmers to try to grow their own oranges.  If all goes well, after four years the farmers will not need to buy oranges in the market.  They will be selling their oranges in the market and eating fruit more often 

        They also have personal vegetable farms.  Below are two photographs of one such kitchen garden.  It is of Samuel’s (Twisungane group leader / president) vegetable plot which we are using as the farmer field school for our group and for other farmers around the community.


        During the time that we have collaborated with them, the farmers have understood the logic of working together and of planting vegetables in their personal kitchen gardens.  In the picture above, Samuel is holding the beetroots that were planted in his backyard.  Our program emphasizes cultivating nutritious vegetables in their kitchen gardens.  This has been a strong message also from the government which is emphasizing people to eat a balanced diet as one of the ways to fight the negative impact of corona virus. (see for information about the benefits of beets)

        Monitoring our No-till Research Trials and Other Individual Farms Affected by Heavy Rainfalls.

        Usually in Rwanda, during April-May, we have rains, and sometimes heavy ones.  During this recent period, we had heavy rainfalls which resulted in flooding farming activities and even deaths in parts of the country.  In our no-till research farms we experienced slight flooding especially the plots that are near the river, but this hasn’t destroyed our data because we had replicated our treatments and therefore in the analysis we will use the remaining plots.

        The picture above shows the small part of our no-till research that was destroyed by flooding of the river due to heavy rainfalls and the fullness of the aquifer in our lands.  Therefore, we have emphasized to our farmers to always accept the environmental awareness advice of not practicing any cultivation within 10-20 meters of the river, depending on their soil type.

        Frank has been teaching them how to practice soil and water management measures.  For example, the ‘ridge and furrow’ method is a highly effective soil and water conservation method that can help in catching water, helps slow down runoff, and helps in infiltration rate (water into soil).  This is one of the best soil and water management practices.  Frank has encouraged the farmers to always think about this whenever they are going to prepare their lands.  Because most of the time the agricultural season starts few weeks before the start of the rainy season.

        There are also other government infrastructures that were badly destroyed by the heavy rainfalls.  More than 10,000 acres of rice were destroyed.

        Clean Water Issues

        The lack of clean water is a major hazard in our farmer communities and, has been for years now.  They are full in accordance with any decision and strategy that will bring clean water to them.  We have been discussing this with farmers and now Frank is planning to discuss this with the local leaders to see how we can best help them.   We hope soon we will get the proper strategy for this issue and be able to deliver clean water to our poor families.

        Possibility to Adopt Another Group of Poor Farmers for Mentor-ship Program

        TFH has also surveyed different areas to look for other poor families who are vulnerable, need significant help and to mentor and to help them to help themselves.  Frank has been talking to them and assessing their lifestyles and he has performed analysis of the potential groups.

        The groups Frank has seen are extremely poor and vulnerable.  We are still assessing our next steps.  Our decision will be based in large part by what they think it is best for themselves.

        Our Way Forward

        We are happy that we can now continue our work and that life has started to be normal as before.  Frank is planning to teach farmers about the use of the ‘cashless’ business model which is often now the only option for doing business, and thus will require the mobile money training (providing / using financial services on mobile devices) and how they can connect their banking accounts and their phones.


        Tools For Hope, Inc.
        1540 Robinson Road
        Knoxville, TN 37923

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.



        May 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter




        Weeding the Non-Till Farming Plot

        Transporting Emergency Twisungane Cooperative Food Supplies 


        During April 2020 Rwanda implemented a nation-wide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tools for Hope (TFH) activities were still ongoing despite the COVID-19 pandemic. We continued our research trials on no-till experimental farming.

        During the lockdown we provided food security for the Twisungane farmers. TFH provided rice, corn flour, and cooking oil enough to sustain them for 2 months. Normally, TFH does not give such free aid. However, the COVID-19 problem is unique. TFH provided the (Rwandan) funds to the farmers to purchase their food supplies from Rwandan markets. Providing free food to the farmers would have the effect of undermining local businesses i.e., no businessman can compete with free.

        Frank made regular phone calls to the representatives of the Twisungane cooperative to give them current advice on how they should care for themselves and to encourage them to follow all the procedures given by the government as they are law abiding citizens.

        Because their farms cannot produce enough food and income our smallholder farmers depend on informal day-work. The government of Rwanda put in place measures to minimize travel. This meant that our farmers could not travel to find work. Without income from day-labor and while waiting for their primary crops to mature they were down to one meal or less per day.

        Germination Rate and Weeding on No-till Fields

        The no-till experimental research at our farmer’s fields is doing great. Our farmers are managing all the activities and following all the research protocols as Frank has trained them to do. This is especially important to our farmers to learn for themselves and to experience diverse ways of farming without disturbing the soil structure and be able to get good yields

        The initial research activity was to record the germination rate after planting. This is particularly important because it shows how good and healthy the seeds are, and how the seeds may perform in the field, and how the seeds are responding to that soil. The germination rate also shows how the abiotic factors are working to help seed germination in an area. We had more than 90% germination rate. This show good sign.

        Frank in the No-Till Plot Prior to Planting

        The No-Till Plot After Germination of the Seeds 

        The pictures above show times before planting and after the germination (just one plot) and as you can see the germination rate is above 90%.  This is exceptionally good in agriculture and we hope to have a good yield, if other agronomics parameters are done properly and on time.

        When the rain started after 3 weeks of germination, we conducted another activity which is also very important, and that is the uprooting of all weeds that can compete for nutrient absorption with crops (Beans).

        Weeding the No-Till Plot 

        Weeding activity was done properly.  Frank had trained our farmers to do it as it should be done.  Frank also discussed with them the issue of social distancing while they were weeding.

        The picture above shows farmers working on the field uprooting the unwanted plants (weeding).  This activity helps to alter the microclimate below plant leaves, it helps also to reduce humidity as the sun and wind can penetrate deeper and easier in a weeded crop-plot and hence have a positive impact on pest and disease control.

        Helping Twisungane Farmers during the COVID-19 Food Shortage

        Tools for Hope (TFH) gave the twenty Twisungane families food (25 kgs Rice, 10 maize flour and 3 liters cooking oil per family) to help them during these demanding times where most of them have lost their jobs during this lockdown.

        The farmers were incredibly happy to get the food supplies from TFH.  Frank could not gather all of them together for a photograph because of the rules about not gathering more than 10 people.

        Below is the Twisungane farmers committee with the post which says “ON BEHALF OF OTHERS WE THANK YOU TFH.  GOD BLESS YOU ALL”

        Although it was not easy to move from one area to another because of the official lockdown, Frank managed to convince the local leaders to allow our farmers to travel between a distant market and their community.  The local leaders and government officials know TFH and the activities we do to help the farmers, therefore they granted farmers the permission to move from their village to the shopping centers located far from their village.  The quantity and quality of food supplies we wanted were more than the local shops could provide.  So, our farmers had to travel to the large shopping center.  We thank the local leaders for their understanding.

        Below are some pictures taken during the process of buying and delivering the food, which was done on Friday 24th April 2020.  These Twisungane representatives distributed the food to each farmer that remained at home.  The process went well.  They thank you a lot and ask God to bless TFH.

        They used bicycle and motorbikes to carry the food stuffs.  Our own motorbike (TFH motorbike) was also used to carry the food stuff.  Because it was not working for transporting people, but it can be allowed to carry food commodities.

        Sacks of Food and Containers of Cooking Oil at the Market


        Getting Food Ready to Take to their Community 

        This was the happiness moments, when you get food to eat during these times of lockdown, it is like a miracle.  And this will sustain them for 2 months, because they have vegetables in their farms, therefore, because each family was given, 25 kgs of Rice, 10 kgs of Maize flour and 3 liters of cooking oil.  Now, they will have a balanced diet for not less than 2 months.

        Frank and the farmers discussed nutrition and now they know how to modify their diet to maintain their health.  This is very important during these days as to boost their immune systems so that they can be able to resist so many diseases. Therefore, it was also a good opportunity for TFH to introduce this lesson of combating malnutrition among our farmers.

        Smallholder farmers’ happiness is the most important thing that TFH is working on, because when farmers are happy, they can be able to secure their tomorrow with plenty of innovation and hardworking mood.  They just need a little help and encouragement like this.

         Way forward

        The No-till experimental trial is giving hope that we will have good and reliable data that will help us to come with good recommendation.  Again, we believe this pandemic will soon be over and we continue our lives and even have better hope than ever.  Farmers are calm even if they do not understand what is going on in this world, but we still believe in God and we will see this through.



        April 2020 Tools for Hope Newsletter


        The Twisungane smallholder farmers group did great work together with Frank Mutesa and Tools For Hope (TFH) in March.  Among the activities that we engaged in was the preparation and launch of our no-till farming research trial.  The launch process was a successful and we welcomed the fact that the farmers did exactly what Frank had been training them to do.

        We also completed the process of buying and distributing goats to eleven farmer families, as planned.  This was the most important activity that the farmers had been waiting for.

        No-Till Farming Research Trials Launched
        In February, the farmers and Frank began preparing the land and doing all the important preliminary work.  On the 21st of March we launched the research trial.  The results of this trial will help answer questions regarding soil fertility and the proper techniques that should be used to produce good crop yields on small pieces of land without disturbing the soil.  It may also provide information regarding protecting the environment as well.

        After showing farmers the differences between the no-till plots and tilling plots, they started doing the land preparations for themselves and they continued with the preparations.

        Frank showed them how to apply inputs (fertilizers and seeds) properly in all the plots while respecting crop spacing.  After finishing the preparation for the two treatments (no-till and tilling treatments), the next activity was to apply the inputs i.e., fertilizers, both organic farmyard manure (FYM) and inorganic diammonium phosphate (DAP).  The first thing they did was to apply the FYM, this took two days, because the farm is located at a distance from the homestead where we obtained our FYM.

        Then followed the DAP.  The application of inorganic DAP was applied in parallel with the seeds.  Because they planted during a sunny day the seeds and the DAP were mixed with a little bit of soil to make sure the seeds were not burnt when they encountered the DAP.  The application of inputs was done successfully following all the best science of soil management and crop production practices. The planting day was followed with rainfall in the evening, so we hope everything will be OK and our crop will germinate and grow well.

        The Twisungane farmers are the caretakers of this research, however Frank will be monitoring their progress daily to make sure we get good data for the analysis at the end of the trials.  This is the first such research trial that we have conducted with our farmers.

        The farmers were cooperative and showed interest in learning innovative technologies.  They will provide us with valuable feedback and lessons learned about no-till farming in Rwanda.  The farmers are eager to learn; therefore, we believe that from here, our research work will be straightforward and easy.  We can direct all the farming technologies and be sure that the farmers will do their best to help make their projects work.

        TFH Helps Eleven Twisungane Group Families Obtain Goats
        It wasn’t easy to complete this task because the receiving families and Frank required a lot of discussion about loan repayment agreements for the goats.  They discussed the loan issues and came to a mutual understanding on how to repay the loan.  They also discussed how to take care of their goats before buying them.  Once everything was agreed to, we proceeded with buying the goats.

        Frank and the farmers also had to do a survey to look for a marketplace where they could get good goats which can cope with the climate (micro climate) conditions in their area, to avoid difficulties in rearing the goats. They also had to look for female goats which can mate successfully with the male goats that are already in the area.

        After discovering a good market in Nyamata Town*, they proceeded with purchasing the goats, another challenging task.  Selecting 22 goats of good health takes time.  They evaluated the goats one by one.  The process of selecting and purchasing the goats took seven hours. The distance from the market to where our farmers village is located is several miles so they had to hire a vehicle that could carry the goats, and a vehicle which could manage the rough roads leading to their village.

        Goat purchase and transport was followed by distributing the goats to the 11 families.  The distribution process needed to be fair to all.  The distribution process agreed upon had each family pick their goats by chance.  Frank prepared 22 small pieces of paper, each with a number from 1 to 22.  He folded them so that no one could see the number written on each paper.  He also wrote similar numbered slips of paper and put one on each goat.  Then each family picked 2 folded pieces of paper.  They opened their pieces and found the number corresponding to the number tagged on a goat.  This was a quick and fair process, and everybody was happy.  Each family got 2 goats and the process was done peacefully.

        The goat project has brought happiness to our farmers.  They are now waiting for the goats to multiply.  We believe this will happen soon and farmers will be able to repay their loans.

        Their gratitude goes to Tools For Hope for making this possible.  This will help farmers in many ways and help them to continue their journey of achieving better lives.  The next steps of taking good care of these goats are theirs.  And we are also with them day by day and continue mentoring them in numerous ways.
        *The town is also the location of Nyamata Genocide Memorial.  Located at the site where Nyamata Parish Catholic Church once stood, the memorial contains the remains of over 45,000 genocide victims, almost all of whom were Tutsi, including over 10,000 who were massacred inside the church itself.

        The Way Forward
        Farmers are grateful for the projects that were in pipeline and are now operating.  They are eager to continue working with TFH and they are committed.  They will succeed in conquering their abysmal former life and to prosper.

        We hope that after this problem of COVID-19 ends, we will have many more projects (e.g., improved crop / food preservation techniques).  While the farming activities are on-going, the farmers are using precautions to fight the spreading of this virus, like washing their hands regularly and making social distancing of 1.5 meters.

        We thank you once again for your support.  God bless you and your entire family, and we pray that God will protect you in these dangerous times our world is passing through.

        Tools For Hope, Inc.
        1540 Robinson Road
        Knoxville, TN 37923

        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.
        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.

        March 2020 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter



        In February, Rwanda had heavy rainfall that destroyed people’s houses with some loss of life.  We thank God that our farmers are all OK. They had minor losses to their harvests.

        During February, Frank and the farmers began a research activity to determine the efficacy of no-till farming and to compare it to the usual way of preparing soil for planting.

        Additionally, Frank and the farmers held discussions on their up-coming goat purchases through loans from Tools For Hope (TFH). The goats were delivered the first of March 2020. We will be able to report more about the project next month.

        Their discussions also included the issue of clean water. The farmers were very much concerned because obtaining clean water is among the difficult issues that they have experienced all their lives. They addressed deposit time-periods and, methods for depositing their loan payments to TFH for their motorbike.

        They continued their discussions about food preservation techniques and about how to improve their food supply security through better food / crop preservation. They also discussed the potential of solar energy providing electrical power to their households.

        Frank and the farmers also discussed the significant issue of the government closure of the community school. We have asked Frank to gather the details about this issue for us.

        Preparation for No-Till Farming Research Trials

        Land preparation came after Frank had trained the farmers on the meaning of no-till farming and, the objective of this research. This was their first time to hear about this system.

        This is an innovation to our farmers, and we needed to train them on how to do it and on the purpose of this research. They are used to tilling their land in every season, and they haven’t tried any other ways of farming.

        Frank explained the technique to them and told them no-till is a farming system that is beneficial to crops and soils. It increases soil fertility and thus increases crop production, it also reduces fuel, labor, and equipment costs and it improves soil structure.

        This method can also reduce erosion, as it leaves more residues on the soil surface and thus reduces the velocity of rainwater run off which causes erosion. In Rwanda, the country of a thousand hills, farmers know the damage that erosion can do to their lands.

        Looking at the picture above, you can see the differences between plots prepared by tilling the soil and those prepared for no-till farming. In the tilled plots you can see that soil was disturbed, was lifted, and how soil was taken away from its natural state. Looking at the no-till plots you can see the soil is in its natural state. What the farmers did on the no-till plot was just to remove the harvested maize and cut some shrubs without disturbing the soil.

        Planting began the weekend of February 29, 2020. Frank put some signposts indicating plots with the different techniques for others to look at and to observe the differences in crop growth for these two different techniques. We have 6 plots for no-till farming and 6 plots for tillage farming. The till and the no-till plots will be used to grow the same crops using the same inputs (e.g., fertilizers, etc.) for comparison purposes.

        Meetings with farmers on projects and on their livelihood problems

        Farmers have income producing projects that are on-going. These projects increase their earning capacity and their knowledge in adapting to business thinking. An off-farm income producing project for our farmers is crucial because their farms are too small to produce the food and incomes that they need to survive. Off-farm income is often the only barrier between them and malnutrition or starvation.

        Eleven Twisungane Group Families Receive Loans for Goats

        The (11) families thanked TFH USA for accepting their requests and granting them loans with which to purchase two goats per family. TFH invested ~ $1,870.00 to purchase and deliver the 22 goats. These eleven families needed the goats and they each agreed to the TFH loan repayment terms (i.e., they will each repay TFH for their two goats after 12 months to allow them time to generate income from the goats).

        We (Frank, Deo, and TFH USA) have discussed the issue of a pending goat project since the time of our original employee Deo, in 2016. Because of the time lag, the farmers were concerned that TFH might not carry through on its promise to loan them funds for the goats. The project was delayed because everyone involved needed to agree on loan repayment terms and, because the farmers needed their transportation issue addressed as their priority.

        Clean Water

        Obtaining clean water is one of the most distressing issues the farmers face. The water they use mostly comes from a river near their farms. That river water is dirty. When it rains, many of the farmers get water from small ponds that are in the neighborhood however, the ponds are very dirty.

        Above is a photograph of the pond located in the farmer’s neighborhood. Some people are using that dirty water for home consumption. Frank spoke with them about buying some water tanks to be able to catch the rainwater during rainy seasons and use rainwater instead.

        They had waited for the government to provide them with clean water taps (hand-pumped water wells) but up until now there has been no action. The government did provide their community with a tank and guttering to collect rainwater runoff from the roof of the local one room school building.

        Frank and TFH USA are investigating low-cost, viable, simple, and socially acceptable methods for cleaning the water from their local water sources. Currently, two technologies look promising. One technology involves ceramic water filters impregnated with colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is a mineral. Colloidal silver can kill certain germs by binding to and destroying proteins. A second technology uses silver ions on the internal surfaces of a porous ceramic tablet. The two technologies may be used together or separately.

        From the CDC website :

        “Locally manufactured ceramic filters have traditionally been used throughout the world to treat household water. Currently, the most widely implemented ceramic filter is the Potters for Peace design. The filter is flowerpot shaped, holds about 8-10 liters of water, and sits inside a plastic or ceramic receptacle. To use the ceramic filters, families fill the top receptacle or the ceramic filter itself with water, which flows through the ceramic filter or filters into a storage receptacle. The treated water is then accessed via a spigot embedded within the water storage receptacle. The filters are produced locally at ceramics facilities, and then impregnated with colloidal silver to ensure complete removal of bacteria in treated water and to prevent growth of bacteria within the filter itself. Numerous other locally-made and commercial ceramic filters are widely available in developed and developing countries.”

        The other technology is the Madidrop+.   See

        “Silver ions delivered by nanoparticles to bacteria promote lysis, the process by which cells break down and ultimately die, which makes silver nanoparticles a superior and widely used antibacterial agent. New research by Rice University found that silver ions, not the particles themselves, are toxic to bacteria. They also found that ligands in the vicinity of a bacteria can bind silver ions and prevent them from reaching their target.” (Credit: Zongming Xiu/Rice University)

        The Motorbike Taxi Project

        Frank and the farmers discussed the best ways of paying the TFH loan for the motorbike. They agreed on modified terms and conditions that will help them with depositing their payments into our bank account. The motorbike project is doing well, and they are depositing money to the TFH account every two weeks to repay their loan. At the same time, they are also depositing money into their own account as well.

        Food / Crop Preservation

        The farmers and Frank continued their discussions about food preservation. Frank learned that they only utilize a technique of preserving beans where they store beans in a sack and put some product (pills) they buy at the Agropharm (local agricultural supply store) which prevents their beans from spoiling. Other crops such as cassava they just leave in the field and take what they can consume and leave the rest in the field.

        There are other techniques for food / crop preservation that they may be able to take advantage of. The photograph above shows a traditional way of drying maize grains. The dried grains are ready to transform to maize flour. This technique is usually used when the farmers need to quickly have their grain turned into flour.

        Government Closes the Community’s School

        The classrooms are not in service anymore. The government closed the community’s only school. The children are now walking a long distance to attend school in another village. The distance is extremely far for the little children to walk every day. We are afraid the number of children attending school will drop. Frank still encourages parents to keep allowing their children to go school. We are also connecting with local government officials to see if they can influence the central government to reopen their school and to provide salaries to local teachers to come and teach at the school.

        Solar Energy for Electrical Power

        Last but not the least among what the farmers and Frank discussed, is the issue of electricity. They have shown their interest in having solar energy, and they wanted to start with electricity for lamp lighting. Many of the ladies in the group told Frank that they suffer during the night especially in food preparation and in helping their kids with their homework from school. Solar energy may become one of the next projects that TFH helps with. Frank is investigating the issue(s).

        The Way Forward

        The farmers were encouraged to make their activities more business-smart and to think of projects that can improve their standards of living. They can grow these ideas into something big in the future.

        Next month we hope to have photographs and videos of the farmers with their new goats. The farmers are on the right track for development and what we need to do is to give a little push and help them achieve their goals.


        February 2020 Tools For Hope Newsletter



        January 2020 Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) activities focused on searching for places to establish our research on no-till farming practices and, on planning for a proposed goat project. TFH also began assessing water purification technologies, and potential solar power systems for the farmers.


        No-till Research Preparation

        The no-till farming practice we will initially research is one of the solutions that has been evaluated in many parts of Africa and has shown its potential in improving soil fertility and boosting crop productivity.

        Frank Mutesa and the farmers started looking for land with which to start our research. Frank talked with the farmers and they agreed on the terms of the research.   A little later in January Frank was able to identify suitable land and farmers who were willing to collaborate with us and have our trials on their plots. They have also decided to abide by the conditions of the research work.

        Eight farmers will participate in the research. Four will use the no-till system and four will use their normal way of farming by ploughing the land. We will use the same inputs (same seeds, fertilizers), the same land size and all the agronomic parameters will be performed on both plots equally. Frank will assess the yields and other relevant parameters.

        The farmers will be custodians of these activities and will monitor the plots as usual. TFH will provide the inputs (e.g., to ensure necessary consistency in seed quality) and take data where necessary.

        As part of our agreement with the participating farmers, TFH agreed for those who are testing the no-till farming techniques, because this will be their first time to do so, that if their yields are less than those who practice the normal way of farming TFH will compensate their loses.


        Goat Project and Selection of Participating Farmers

        Frank also discussed with the farmers the issue of the proposed goat project. He discussed with them issues such as how to repay the Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) loans for the goats. He identified the farmers willing to sign the loan agreements. Frank emphasized that the farmers need to be conscientious and to participate in their own development (i.e., care for the goats and repay the loans).

        We decided that each farmer will get two goats and after one year, they will pay back those two goats to TFH to loan to future farmers. Eleven farmers expressed willingness to participate and accepted the conditions of the agreement. After surveillance of the local markets Frank found good goats that can reproduce twice a year. These goats cost 65,000 frw ($69) each. Therefore, for the 22 goats the price will be $1,518.00.

        Frank explained that TFH’s job is to provide the tools and they do the work. The farmers fully understand the terms of our contract with them and they are willing to do all they can to continue having projects that correspond to their need for off-farm income producing enterprises.

        Goats produce manure which helps in reducing fertilizer or compost costs for the farmers. In addition, goat manure is 2 times richer in nitrogen and phosphorous as compared to cow manure. This was the primary reason that Frank recommended rearing goats to the farmers.

        Both small scale and commercial goat farming businesses play key roles in meeting the increasing food demands in Rwanda. Goats are raised for various products such as milk, meat, skin, and fiber, while goat meat and milk are tasty, nutritious, and considered good for human health. The demand for goat meat is growing in Rwanda, as it is popular in making brochettes in many restaurants and hotels all over the country.







        Clean Water – Rwandan Standards Bureau

        Our subsistence farmers need clean water. Accessing clean water is a challenge to most Rwandan rural populations. It is an issue that the government is working hard to resolve.

        TFH has been investigating utilizing a technology represented by MadiDrop ( The MadiDrop+ tablets work alone or in conjunction with colloidal silver impregnated ceramic filters to clean and purify unsafe water. See for example the US Center for Disease Control web page (

        We are working through the Rwandan Standards Bureau (RSB) to ensure the safety and efficacy of the technology before presenting it to the farmers for their use. Frank consulted with the Quality Assurance office of the RSB to determine our obligations.

        Renewable Energy

        Frank also started talks with a solar energy company known as BBOXX ( to see if they can provide our farmers with renewable energy for their domestic use. These talks are ongoing. Below is some information about BBOXX.

        BBOXX customers in Kenya and Rwanda usually earn around (USA) $100 per month and spend $6-$12 on energy expenditures such as purchasing candles, kerosene, or batteries for flashlights, and charging their cell phones. BBOXX prices its solar home systems to match these existing energy costs, spreading payments over time to widen its customer base, enabling various segments of the population to purchase clean renewable solar energy.

        Their flagship smart solar home system, the bPower50, is designed for rural off-grid customers. Once connected, the bPower50 can power lights, radios, TVs, and charge phones for household and micro-business customers. The bPower50 comes with a 50W roof mounted solar panel and can be purchased on a three-year payment plan. Each unit connects remotely to the BBOXX remote management system to give customer support, predict repairs, and assist upgrades.


        Our Way Forward

        Preparations for the no-till farming research activities are in progress. We believe we will be able to start farming at the end of February.

        We also plan to double-check the food preservation techniques that our farmers are using. Frank will document and take pictures of all preservation techniques they have as we approach harvest time. We want to ensure that as much of the harvested crops are preserved as practical.

        Frank has verified that the farmers are still repaying their Motorbike project loan as agreed. We believe they will continue to do so without any difficulties. This is a key factor in deciding to loan the funds for their goat project.

        They are now waiting for the goat project loans and are discussing other projects that may be able to produce off-farm incomes for them.Tools for Hope


        January 2020 Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter








        After Frank’s return to Rwanda from consultations with the Tools For Hope, Inc. (TFH) Board of Directors, there were goals to be achieved. Frank started working on them immediately upon his return. He was pleased that the farmers are also willing to do their part. Frank discussed with the farmers the issues and related to TFH goals for food preservation, no-till agricultural farming techniques, off-farm income from small business activities e.g., their motorbike transportation business.

        Frank managed to visit additional farms and provide them with some technical advice. He also solved issues related to the motorbike with the transportation authority in the country and now the farmers are back in the motorbike transportation business.


        Food Preservation Techniques Used by Our Farmers

        Preserving food is not new to Rwandan farmers but many of them do not practice food preservation for several reasons. They only consume the food they grow for a few weeks after the harvest. After that they are left with no preserved crops.

        All our farmers are smallholder farmers, so they do not harvest much food that needs to be preserved. Of the food that they cultivate, they either sell all or, they sell half and preserve a little for home consumption. They cannot buy an adequate amount of food because their food will rot as they do not have enough skills regarding food preservation. They live by buying their food almost every day.

        The crops they usually preserve are maize/corn, beans, cassava, Irish potato, sweet potato, and onion. The most common method used is drying, after soaking in water sometimes they dry the crops on the ground. We are now looking at the possible food preservation methods that farmers can start using.

        Our farmers encounter economic and nutritional difficulties when food prices go up in the market. For example, the price of beans is extremely high in December, because beans are very scarce and difficult to get, especially in the rural areas. Resolving this issue of food/crop preservation will be another step in helping our farmers.

        By having proper food preservation, they can store enough and use them during those periods when the price is high, especially during drought season. They can also preserve their harvested crop and sell the product when the price is good at the market.





        Above are some of the old crop preservation methods. At top left is the local and normal way of preserving cassava by making cassava flour and keeping it for a long time. The photo at top right shows how to preserve sweet potato in a pit for use during drought periods when they are scarce. Bottom left – they store beans in sacks and usually dry them during the day and keep them in sack. Bottom right – they store maize/corn normally in their homes on the floor but during the day they dry them by hanging them outside their house roofs or in a hangar. The above methods are used by some of our farmers.


        No-Till Farming

        The no till agriculture practice is a process of planting crops without disturbing the soil or with minimum soil disturbance, maintenance of soil cover and diversification of plant species. This is one of the best ways of recovering soil fertility. Because our farmers have small pieces of land, their land is being overworked and this has resulted in the decrease of soil fertility and hence poor production which produces hunger.

        From a soil perspective, the benefits of no-till farming far outnumber those of tillage-based systems. No-till practices allow the soil structure to stay intact and protect the soil by leaving crop residue on the soil surface. Improved soil structure and soil cover increase the soil’s ability to absorb and infiltrate water, which in turn reduces soil erosion and runoff and prevents pollution from entering nearby water sources.

        No-till practices also slow evaporation, which not only means better absorption of rainwater, but it also increases irrigation efficiency, leading to higher yields, especially during hot and dry weather.

        Soil microorganisms, fungi, and bacteria, critical to soil health, also benefit from no-till practices. When soil is undisturbed, beneficial soil organisms can establish their communities and feed off the soil’s organic matter. A healthy soil biome (naturally occurring community of flora and fauna) is important for nutrient cycling and suppressing plant diseases. As soil organic matter improves, so does the soil’s internal structure—increasing the soil’s capacity to grow more nutrient-dense crops.

        After productive discussions with professors from the University of Tennessee, TFH has decided to start a no-till farming campaign with our farmers. At first, we will do research trials, where we will have plots of land with no-till treatment and regular tilling by hand and we will monitor the growth and yield parameters. Based on the results we will help the farmers make determinations about future sustainable agriculture production techniques.

        Frank talked with different farmers and they have agreed to that plan, and we will start with the 2020, February season.


        These are fields that we have found so far that have been abandoned for one season, so we will use these and other lands that farmers can provide for our no-till program.

        Issues with Motorbike Transportation Authority

        For a long time, the motorbike transportation / taxi business has been a flourishing business for many people in Rwanda. This was due in part to Rwandan topography and its lack of proper roadway infrastructure. Many people to use motorbikes as their way of transporting people and goods. With high use comes increased legal and insurance issues. Consequently, there are many regulations and laws to follow.

        While Frank was in the USA, officials in charge of transportation wanted to verify the owner of the motorbike and to register the motorbike with the names of those responsible for the motorbike i.e., TFH. The farmers had to wait for Frank’s return, because the Twisungane farmers are not the owner. Frank, as the Rwandan representative of TFH, was required to provide the government officials his identity to be kept on file in case they might need to contact him for more information regarding the motorbike.

        The government is extremely strict about such regulations and did not allow the farmers to use the motorbike, until Frank’s return. After getting back in the country Frank resolved this issue and they are now back in business as usual.


        Other Potential Projects

        Previously proposed projects i.e., 2 goats per family, sewing machines for the women and men who are willing to use them, and buying more motorcycles will be funded as TFH is able.

        Recently TFH asked about the issue of clean water. Frank showed us the picture he took of Rwandans using dirty water to wash themselves and wash their clothes (see picture below).

        This is one of the many challenges that the country suffers.

        Clean water is a critical issue and, 70% of the rural population have no access to clean water. TFH is investigating clean water technology utilizing locally (African) made ceramic filters in conjunction with ceramic tablets embedded with anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and germicidal materials. The combination appears viable, economical, and suitable to the Rwandan farmers way of life. TFH will update you on our progress in implementing the processes.

        Frank took this picture while working in the field. He was very much concerned because these people were coming from work, found something like a pond because it was raining, and started cleaning themselves with that water. Frank asked them ‘why are you doing this, don’t you know that this water is dirty’? They responded that, they do not have any choice. They know it is not good for their health but that’s the life they live, and they can’t go home with mud all over their bodies, so they prefer using that water to reduce the mud.

        Water scarcity can lead to a variety of water-borne tropical diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and diarrheal illnesses. Other conditions, such as plague, typhus, and trachoma (eye infection that can result in blindness), are also common. throughout the continent, water scarcity and pollution continue to get worse.

        A lack of clean water also affects the Rwandan people in other ways. Many families must travel significant distances to gain access to clean drinking water. The women and girls in the family often take on this responsibility of having to carry heavy containers of water back to their homes. Younger girls often must drop out of school and miss getting an education to help their families. These journeys to collect water are also dangerous and sometimes result in physical or sexual abuse of girls and women.






        December 2019 Tools For Hope Newsletter


        Tools for Hope

        Clare Roop, Frank Mutesa, Richard Trevillian as Frank arrives in Knoxville, TN 11/4/19


        As a result of extensive meetings between the Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) Board of Directors and our Rwandan employee, Frank Mutesa, we developed three primary goals for 2020. The Rwandan subsistence farmers will benefit from improved food preservation techniques, implementing no-till farming techniques to improve agricultural efficacy, and generating more off-farm incomes.

        Frank worked with TFH from the 4th through the 14th of November 2019. In the months leading up to his arrival, TFH Directors and Frank planned extensively for his visit. Both Frank and the Board needed first-hand information and, face-to-face communications about how best to guide the Rwandan subsistence farmers. Together, we had almost two weeks of intensive work, meetings, presentations, and dinners, as well as training on food preservation techniques, and farming techniques by University of Tennessee Agricultural school faculty.


        Meetings with TFH Directors

        Frank met with the TFH Board of Directors (Clare Roop, Rick Shipley, Father Laird Bryson, Father Doug Floyd, and Richard Trevillian) almost daily for several hours each day during his time in Knoxville. He concentrated on explaining the farmers progress, discussing where we are, where we are going, and our and their challenges. From there we started working on practical solutions. The Board of Directors helped Frank with solving some of the issues with farmers such as their organizational structures to help them recognize and improve on their strengths.

        TFH Directors and Frank determined that the farmers are facing three primary problems i.e., food security, agricultural efficiency, and off-farm incomes. While their incomes, health, and overall welfare have radically improved over the past few years with help from TFH they still have intractable problems in climbing out of poverty.

        Subsistence farmers in Rwanda discard more food than they consume because they lack proper methods of food preservation. Because of a nation-wide, general lack of food preservation in Rwanda, food is expensive once harvested crops have been consumed. This situation must be resolved because subsistence farmers often spend up 80% of their incomes buying food once the harvested crops are gone.

        Land available to them for farming is limited because of governmental policies. They are not able, and will never be able, to generate a living wage only from farming. No-till farming technology will help them reduce the manual labor and costs that they now spend on farming activities and significantly improve yields. Consequently, Frank and the Board determined that the farmers will need TFH help in developing off-farm incomes e.g., raising livestock, running small businesses, etc. as well as developing food preservation and no-till farming methods.

        University of Tennessee Faculty

        We had several hours of productive discussions at the University of Tennessee (UT) on issues related to agriculture, natural resources, project management, no-till farming innovations, irrigation, and forage management. While at UT we had time to present our work in Rwanda.

        Food Preservation

        On Saturday, November 9th we visited with Peggy Adam on her farm. There we learned more about food preservation and food canning. We had an enjoyable and wonderful session with Peggy. We learned a great deal about food canning. We were fortunate to train with someone who has done this for years. Frank will try canning with his family in Rwanda and eventually will teach farmers about food preservation methods that can be easily adapted by them.

        Presentations at Fund-Raising Dinners

        We prepared fund-raiser presentation materials for a dinner held at Apostles Anglican church on November 7th.  After the dinner we had a fundraising presentation, and Frank was happy to meet with the attendees and to describe to them the work of TFH in Rwanda. They were very pleasantly surprised by the work of TFH.

        At the presentation, Richard described the TFH plans. He presented the goals and objectives of TFH for 2020, how we are giving farmers hope and helping them with some tools that can help them to do for themselves and prosper in the future without our help. He reiterated that the purpose of TFH is to help poor farmers learn how to prosper and to be successful in their lives without the need for outside help.

        On Sunday 11/10/19, after church at Apostles Anglican in Knoxville we had a ‘Meet and Greet’ session. This was another opportunity to introduce the activities of TFH and for Frank to explain some the issues that people in attendance wanted to know about and to explain the agenda for the upcoming projects.

        During the Meet and Greet Richard supplied explanations of our upcoming efforts to address those three primary issues. Those in attendance were enthusiastic and committed to support the activities of Tools for Hope.

        We had a wonderful time at the Meet and Greet as people were very much interested in TFH activities.

        We also an enjoyable time in Farther Doug Floyd’s home for a fund-raiser dinner on November 12th. There we met with another group of people who were very much interested in TFH work in Rwanda. They were particularly interested to know about the life of farmers and all that the farmers are doing. We were able to explain in depth about the farmers and to show them how our farmers are making progress in their journey towards prosperity. We connected with many people who would like to support the work of TFH. Richard also explained to them the goals and aims of TFH.

        Our Way Forward

        Before he left to return home to Rwanda, the Board of Directors gave Frank some important assignments i.e., get needed data for the food preservation initiative, work on starting the research on no-till farming practices for soil fertility enhancement and to decrease labor and other costs, to continue working with the farmers to honor their motorbike payments, to continue teaching farmers in agricultural activities, and to help develop strategies for off-farm income producing activities.

        Tools for Hope, Inc.

        1540 Robinson Road

        Knoxville, TN 37923


        Thank you for your continued support for Rwandan subsistence farmers.

        Please send this newsletter along to anyone you feel may benefit from it.


        Tools for Hope November 2019 Newsletter


        Tools for Hope


        During October 2019 Frank Mutesa (Tools for Hope’s Rwandan employee) was busy finishing a formal interviewing process to gather information needed for his USA visit with the TFH Board of Directors and many of our supporters, checking the farmer’s fields, and training the farmers on some of the agricultural techniques needed during the upcoming agriculture season (2019-2020 Season A).

        Most farmers near the river (for irrigation) planted corn/maize, beans, and other vegetables. Frank trained them on the techniques needed to get their fields in shape to have good yields at harvest time. During this part of the cultivation season, farmers do most of their work on the field and, this is the time when some of them, if not advised well, can make mistakes in certain activities that later can destroy and or hinder their yields and drive their production down.

        Utilizing the questionnaire interview to gather data

        Frank interviewed the farmers using a formal questionnaire because we needed information on the issues that we are trying to solve. We needed to assess our Tools for Hope, Inc. (TFH) activities to ensure we are linking our efforts to the most important needs of the farmers. Frank conducts these interviews by approaching farmers in their homes and talking to them in a way that encourages the farmers to freely talk about their problems. Frank assured the farmers that this information was going to help TFH improve its efforts. We want to get to the core of their issues and to find concrete and effective solutions which will help all Twisungane farmers to be stronger economically and socially, implement sustainable development, and reach food security.

        Frank conducted half of the interviews indoors. His purpose was to talk about social issues and to help them to change their mindset about such issues as household cleanliness and hygiene.

        These farmers are extremely poor and, in the past, have had no hope for a better future. We have found that for many of them everything they do centers on their struggle to eat, and this hampers other activities that would enable them to live in more dignified conditions. TFH is trying to eradicate this mindset of hopelessness by helping them to imagine a brighter future for themselves and for their children. When Frank is talking to them in their homes, he teaches them basic aspects of cleanness, and discusses making plans and goals for their future. This helps them to dream and work to make their dreams come true.

        Frank interviewed 17 of the 20 families making up the Twisungane group. The 3 remaining families were not present this month and, we will interview them later. However, we now have enough data to start our analysis. The data will help us to develop statistical and qualitative analyses to reach sound conclusions about how best to continue to provide the farmers with the necessary mentoring to help them in their fight against poverty.

        Monitoring the farmers field and conducting agriculture system    

        October is the start of the agriculture season 2019-2020 Season A, and they need to start well so that they can increase their productivity. They have planted maize/corn, beans, cabbage, cassava, sweet potato, banana (already planted), and sorghum. The inputs must be prepared and the seed varieties to be planted need to be in good condition. Frank guides the farmers to plant good seeds and apply good, well prepared manure. In some cases Frank has advised them to use good inorganic fertilizers and to use the recommended quantities.

        In addition, Frank mentors them on necessary activities such as weeding on time. Frank tells them that modern agriculture is not just using modern mechanization but also making sure they do their farming activities on time. The picture above shows a maize/corn plot with weeds. The weeds compete with the corn for the nutrients in the soil. Frank explains to the farmers why and how this is problematic. He encourages them to make sure they uproot the weeds which will make it easier for the corn/maize to yield a good crop with less nutrient competition. The picture above is of a typical farm. Too many farmers do not perform weeding on time, and this can reduce their yields up to 40%.

        Other issues were a barn for livestock especially cattle/cows, and manure and compost making. Frank discussed those issues with them. He showed them how to re-build their barn using in-expensive materials and techniques. Frank explained that the most important thing is to make sure the livestock are well kept, in clean conditions in a proper barn and, that this will eventually increase milk production.

        The above is the pile of manure and compost that Frank is checking. Although the farmer is trying to collect manure to compost, this pile is not well kept, which decreases the quality of the manure.

        When manure is exposed to the air as in the photo above, it loses its nutrient content. Its nitrogen escapes to the atmosphere because of heating of the manure by the sun rays. Because nitrogen is volatile can escape, and the farmer is left with manure that is not of decent quality for the crops. Frank trained the farmers on how to make a good compost pile and encouraged them to find something with which to cover their compost to help improve the quality of their manure. In the past they did not cover their manure piles because they did not know the importance of doing so and now, they understand.

        Conducting meetings, working together on issues related to the motorbike taxi business, and hearing the farmer’s ideas

        Frank and the farmers conducted meetings to talk about issues related with their motorbike project such as the importance of making their payments on time and saving the gross profits to apply to future expenses e.g., insurance, maintenance, etc. Frank and the farmers also set up rules for expanding the business and for governing the group.

        We have other families that need to join our group, or we may need to start another group; therefore, we need systems and strategies to allow more people to receive TFH mentoring. Frank and the farmers also discussed how to start to think of more (non-farm) projects and every member has the assignment of producing some ideas and especially ideas that generate money. Such non-farm projects which produce cash-flows from off-farm work are vital to the well-being of the farmers. Because of land restrictions our group of farmers cannot rely solely on farming for their livelihoods they need ‘off-farm’ employment. Viable, local small-businesses owned and operated by the farmers can help solve that problem.

        Frank and the Tools for Hope (TFH) Board of Directors will discuss these ideas while Frank is in the USA in November 2019.

        The above photo is of the farmers’ committee. We meet with them to share and to talk about ideas. This helps us create a bond of trust with the farmers. Frank told them about his upcoming visit to the USA for discussions with the TFH board and our supporters, and they all prayed for Frank to arrive safely in the United States and told him to pass their warmest thoughts to Tools for Hope.

        The way forward

        The group is now doing great they are learning a great deal from their motorbike (taxi) business. Significantly their attitudes are now changing, and they can see a better future and they are able to train their minds to think in a positive way. This is what TFH is doing, changing their mindset. Their agriculture activities also are conducted better than the way they used to be. Therefore, we believe this will be a successful way to eradicate poverty. Because when they feel better and think positively then it is easier for them to focus their efforts and have hope for a better future.

        Tools for Hope

         copyright Tools for Hope, Inc. 2021

        "Tools for Hope, Inc." is a 501(c) 3 non-profit Tennessee corporation.

        1540 Robinson Road, Knoxville TN 37923

        October 2024, Tools for Hope, Inc. Newsletter

        TWISUNGANE Group

                          Photo of Twisungane members


        During Diane’s monthly visit with the Twisungane group, she visited the family of Venuste, who has recently experienced a series of health-related and financial tragic events They have four children The family has been going through significant hardship when thieves attempt to cut his left arm Although he survived the attack, his left arm was severely injured.  The doctors have advised that he needs an artificial replacement arm (Prosthetic Arm).  After getting an artificial replacement, he will be able to do his daily activities as naturally as possible after that surgery.  He is confident he can still support and serve his family with the prosthetic.

        Venuste is the vice president of the Twisungane group and a father of four.  He works as a farmer to support his family.  In July, he experienced a violent attack in his village during the night.  Hearing a noise outside his house, he went to investigate and was brutally beaten by criminals on his left arm, causing him to lose consciousness.  Fortunately, neighbors came to his rescue and took him to the hospital, where he received treatment for a severe arm injury.

        Initially, the doctors bandaged his arm, but after some time, they had to decide whether amputation would be necessary.  In September, after the wounds healed, the doctor recommended Venuste use a prosthetic arm to help him continue his work, as the injury affected his left arm, not his right.  There is no specific deadline for getting the prosthesis—the doctor said it could be done whenever he has the funds available.  He needs $300$ for the prosthesis.

          In addition, here in Rwanda, the medical insurance that most people use does not cover the cost of prosthetics, which are quite expensive.  The hospital was able to assist Venuste in treating and healing his wounds, but it cannot provide the prosthetic arm under the current insurance.  

        Apart from Venuste’s situation, his wife underwent successful surgery for an enlarged thyroid (goiter).  Given these medical and financial challenges, Venuste has asked TFH for support.  He is hopeful that, with a prosthetic arm, he will be able to continue providing for his family.



         In addition to this, his wife has been struggling with a severe health condition.  She was diagnosed with a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland), which required a successful surgery that has significantly improved her health.  Thankfully, the operation was successful, but the cost of medical care has further strained the family’s finances, leaving them in a difficult situation.


         Photos taken during her time in the hospital

        With both the husband's injury and the wife's health condition, the family’s financial situation has worsened.  The medical expenses have depleted their savings, and they struggle to meet basic needs.  The husband is unable to work due to his arm injury, and the wife is still in recovery from her goiter surgery.  As a result, the family faces different difficulties, such as medical expenses, and the situation is becoming increasingly urgent.  Your immediate support is crucial.

        Family's Request for Support

        The family, deeply grateful for the support they have received in the past, is now seeking financial assistance to cover the husband’s surgery costs.  They humbly ask for TFH's continued support in this difficult time.   

        Despite the challenges they face, the family remains hopeful for the future.  They are preparing their kitchen gardens and eagerly await the rain to continue planting, believing the climate will change in the coming month, allowing for better-growing conditions.

        They have begun preparing their kitchen gardens but are waiting for the rain to continue planting.

        Please continue praying for them; the Ministry of Health confirmed a Marburg virus disease (MVD) outbreak.  So far, the updated news shows that there are 26 confirmed

        There is currently no available treatment or vaccine for MVD.  This is why it is essential for people showing Marburg-like symptoms to seek care early for supportive therapy, which can improve patient survival.  WHO assesses this outbreak's risk as very high at the national level, high at the regional level, and low at the global level.


                                             DUFATANYE GROUP

                                                   Photo of Dufatanye members



        The Dufatanye group is also doing great.  This month, I started evaluating their goals for this year, which include improving their farming through raising other small livestock.  I visited some of them, and they made good progress in their community in both pig farming and small livestock rearing (e.g., chickens, rabbits, and goats).

        Her name is Athanasie.  She made remarkable progress in both pig farming and small livestock rearing.  After losing her spouse, she faced financial hardship while trying to support her family.  With the TFH's introduction of the pig farming project, she saw an opportunity to transform his farming practices and improve her family's livelihood.

        The pig manure significantly boosted the fertility of her banana plantation.  This resulted in a larger and healthier banana yield, which improved her family's diet and provided additional income through banana sales.

        Her two pigs multiplied, and she now has one mature pig, including eight piglets. This growth has given her the potential to sell some pigs at the local market, generating a steady income.

        In this second phase of her pig farming project, she decided to diversify her livestock.  She purchased 35 chickens for egg production. She sold one chicken for $2$, and now she expected to get more money.  With eggs now available daily, his family's diet has improved, particularly benefiting his children, who are now consuming more protein-rich meals.

        His small-scale poultry farming has yielded several benefits.


        We are grateful for the ongoing support from our donors and look forward to building on this success in the coming months.

        Thank you for your continued support of Rwandan subsistence farmers. 

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